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What does you wife know

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I had three 9 mm pistols that i picked up from the ffl once, that I accidentally won on gun broker, in my truck.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who accidentally "wins" guns on Gunbroker. Sometimes I forget that I've bid on them until I get the congratulatory email. I probably need to keep the bottle of scotch a little further away from the computer.....

Ahem. Mr. Jack Daniels has been the "lighter fluid" for a number of my GB bids and a Stratocaster from eBay. :roflol:

As far has my lovely wife goes, she has done nothing but encourage me and I do my best to do the same for her!

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One time my gssf calendar year was almost up and I could get a g17 gen 4 for low $400's. I wanted one bad (biggest mistake of this year) I started metioning how much I thought shed enjoy it... She said "I'd better not get a gun for x-mas."

so I got a Glock for thanksgiving.

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How does the phrase go? "Lord, if I die, please don't let my wife sell all my guns for the amount I told her they were worth!" :sight:

My fiance knows what I have, and has a general idea of worth (at least my new shotgun she knows as my buddy asked me what i got it for right in front of her, haha). She wants to get into shooting so maybe I have to divulge some more information to her... :unsure:

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Since we both shoot competitively and are Hunter Safety Instructors (team teach). She knows EXACTLY what is in the safe and what the current market and replacement cost are. We have had that discussion during some tight times. What is funny is that I am really not looking for much of anything any more, since we are well set, except that she has about worn out her competition rifle (it's over 30 years old and had a LOT of CAS rounds through it).

Of course we now have to think about outfitting the boy for our sports :devil:

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My girlfriend lives with me, she has a vague idea of what guns cost, but like someone else said earlier, every time a box shows up at the front door, i get the obligatory "let me guess, more gun stuff?" She was shocked though when I told her the Razorcat was $5000 after she watched Top Shot and asked what kind of gun that was.

She will go to the indoor range and shoot with me (she took the Concealed carry class with me), but she won't go to a USPSA match. I shoot two matches a month, not counting the trips to the range for chrono and practice, and she is OK with that, as long as I'm home at a reasonable hour so we can go out Saturday night. My local range is talking about starting up Steel Challenge. So of course the first thing I suggested was she should come out for that. No moving around, not as high adrenaline as USPSA (shhh..don't tell her it is) and best of all, you can shoot .22's, so I'll buy one for "Us" that she can shoot, she'll have a good time! I think it's going to work.....which means three matches a month! And if it works, since she'll be at one, it will be like it doesn't count!!

I'll let you know how successful I am at floating that lead balloon........

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"bang bang...bling bling" that's a phrase that seems to work around my household! My wife is great about my hobby, and I try to keep her ahead of me with the bling so as not to draw too much attention. :ph34r:

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I sold three guns (well two, the third will be for sale soon) in order to buy a new one. The three covered the cost of the new one. And she still has a problem with the cost of the new one.

Just had the same discussion with mine earlier this week...

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Mine does not like me shooting every weekend, but I can go 2 times a month without too much nag. But forwarned it will be picking up closer to A8.

AS far as guns, she knows them all latest purchase another black gun "it looks exactly the same as the other" No, your Highness, its an inch longer.

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My fiance knows what I have, and has a general idea of worth (at least my new shotgun she knows as my buddy asked me what i got it for right in front of her, haha).

Man, what a bitch!!

(Your buddy, I mean.) :roflol:

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I only buy all black handguns, she never notices a new one :roflol:

I'm also addicted to another hobby; flying high performance R/C gliders. It is common knowledge in this sport that if you paint all your planes the same color your home life will be alot happier.

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Maybe I am the oddball. My wife knows how many guns I have, what guns I plan on buying, how much I shoot, and how much I spend on shooting. On the other side of the coin she also knows how much it costs to go on the multiple vacations or trips she wants us to do each year. Hobbies and entertainment cost time and money, there is no way of getting around that.

I think that the main thing to focus on is keeping the “Fun” budget balanced for both sides of the street. If you want to buy a $3000 gun but then balk at her wanting to take a $3000 vacation with or without you then you may need to reprioritize your stance on the situation.

As we all know, if mama isn’t happy then nobody’s happy. I do my best every day to keep mama happy :bow:

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My wife has her passions, I have mine, and we have others we share. She has things she does w/o me, I w/o her, and there are things we do together.

So long as the last comes first, the other stuff is fine.

Works for us.

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I mark my shooting calendar with local club and area matches that I plan on shooting. She then plans weekends for us to go to the lake house. When she gets a call with an invite for something she checks the calendar. She knows that my safe is full and hard to close. That's why I got a part-time job years ago so l could buy my guns/reloading stuff. She has never had a problem with that.

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My wife's specialty sewing machine for quilting costs more than a new Brazos Pro SX and that's off the shelf before she starts buying all the accessories.

(She got it when we were flush not broke like we are now :rolleyes: ) I don't say nuthin' 'bout what she spends on quilting, she don't say nuthin' about how much time and money I spend at the range. However, being that neither of us or the kid who's still at home want to be homeless there have been severe cutbacks in both our expenditures of cash for our hobbies if not time.

She knows, and I have a coupla times already, sell whatever is "sellable" in the safe to make ends meet. She recently threw in a lot of her "bling" to help out. I wouldn't ask her to give up the quilting stuff though...some things need to be untouchable.

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My better half knows how many guns I have and what they cost. What she doesn't know about is all of the money I have spent on other shooting related items. Here is a tip....If you buy something you KNOW she is going to be upset about hide it until you come back from your next major match. "Hey honey, look at what I got off the prize table." :cheers::devil:

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I just took the time to get my GF into shooting... Now whenever I ramble on about gear, it's always for "us"...

Like how my SBR with supressor will be perfect for her to shoot in 22 at Steel Challenge...

Or about how I "need" a 2011 so I can keep up with her and her soon-to-be-lime-green beretta neos

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My better half knows that I enjoy an expensive sport and though she doesn't shoot with me, she never gets cranky when I buy something new or spend a day at the range. She also maintains her own interests, sport shopping I call it, and I'll say that she's better at shopping than I am at shooting - she must be at least Master class if not a GM :roflol: .

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When I was getting into class II stuff, my wife told me she didnt want any part of it. I was going to do a trust, but found out my CLEO would sign off so I went that way. I told my wife she isn't allowed to have access to my safe because of the SBR an silencer. It was funny, one day I was talking to the wife and she asked me "dont you have like 3 or 4 AR15's?" I had to bite my tongue because the black rifles in my safe have been breeding and I had just built my 9th AR, I just said yeah something like that....

Last summer I went to CMP to pick up a M1 Garand and she went shopping, it was a win win. Then for Christmas we got her a laptop and I bought a glock 19, that worked good too. She was OK when I told her I wanted to spend $1200 on reloading equipment.

The one thing is funny, if I sell a gun or something - then in her eyes the money is now "our money" but if I trade, then all is well. I do alot of trading.

I keep trying to get her to approve the machine gun, so far no luck......

Edited by ScottyPotty
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If I know about it Niccole does too. I spend quite a lot on my armory/office but right next door is her labratory/office. She outspends me on gadgetry so I get away with stuff that goes boom as long as I don't complain about her things that go beep. She has some kind of super computer she built herself. All I recall is that it took 2 weeks, there were non stop deliveries from TigerDirect and new egg and when she turned the thing on the lights in the house dimmed. Apparently geeks and gunfighters are kindred spirits. Glock is to I-pad as AR is to PC.

For those of you who are computer literate forgive my attempt to explain the computer if I get this wrong...

16 gigs of RAM (4x 4GB sticks of DDR3 I think)

3 terabytes Storage

6 core processor which is liquid cooled( I gather thats signifigant)

the video card is a (I'm reading from the box here) Radeon HD 6850 PCI 2.1 1GB GDDR5 1080p Full HD HDMI 1.4

MSI motherboard

all manner of optical drives I forget their names.

It dwells in a giant monolith of a case all black with blue lights and god knows how many fans whizzing away

Some kind of ridiculously big power source that I had to go to the post office and collect. I believe it's 750watts but I will have to ask her.

Yes mutual respect for our interests has spared me many a fight over the spoils of my latest gun show adventure.

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Apparently geeks and gunfighters are kindred spirits. Glock is to I-pad as AR is to PC.

Plus, your guns will maintain their value indefinitely and potentialy gain value over time, while her computer crap is going to be obsolescent and nearly worthless within a few short years. :devil:

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yeah, shes got a pretty good idea. especially after i sold a few things from the vault to put $20K down on the new house. when she speaks of "my toy box" she often refers to the contents as an investment.

used to shoot uspsa with me, now just occasionally comes to the range with me to watch while i practice. she does her thing, i do mine. we have an understanding about time, goes like this: you have your time, i have my time, and we have our time, and they dont happen at the same time.

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If I know about it Niccole does too. I spend quite a lot on my armory/office but right next door is her labratory/office. She outspends me on gadgetry so I get away with stuff that goes boom as long as I don't complain about her things that go beep. She has some kind of super computer she built herself. All I recall is that it took 2 weeks, there were non stop deliveries from TigerDirect and new egg and when she turned the thing on the lights in the house dimmed. Apparently geeks and gunfighters are kindred spirits. Glock is to I-pad as AR is to PC.

For those of you who are computer literate forgive my attempt to explain the computer if I get this wrong...

16 gigs of RAM (4x 4GB sticks of DDR3 I think)

3 terabytes Storage

6 core processor which is liquid cooled( I gather thats signifigant)

the video card is a (I'm reading from the box here) Radeon HD 6850 PCI 2.1 1GB GDDR5 1080p Full HD HDMI 1.4

MSI motherboard

all manner of optical drives I forget their names.

It dwells in a giant monolith of a case all black with blue lights and god knows how many fans whizzing away

Some kind of ridiculously big power source that I had to go to the post office and collect. I believe it's 750watts but I will have to ask her.

Yes mutual respect for our interests has spared me many a fight over the spoils of my latest gun show adventure.

A girl who builds her own computers...there is a geek god after all.

Smokin' specs by the way...does she do graphic design or game on it?

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My wife think I just stand there and shoot a target, but she really does not care, but on the other hand she tries to keep a mental note as to what I spend on shooting so I started buying / building black guns, pistol,rifle,or shotgun so whenever she think I have a new gun she will say where did you get that gun and all I say is that is that black one I have always had :roflol::roflol::roflol:

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