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Helmet Nazis


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you ever hit your head hard, or got concussed from not wearing a helmet?

Of course, and I'm still ok (3 times unconscious, and one time wearing a friggin' helmet.)

I agree, it my mellon. I appreciate the value of helmets, but telling me I'm too stupid to know when one is "required" is something I'm not up for.

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Anytime I think about not wearing a helmet, I think about the people my wife has treat who have had a tramatic brain injury. :huh:

I can see that wearing a helmet is a pain in the ass, and while it is your life and you have the right to live it as you wish, it is also all of our tax money that then goes to support you when you are a veg.

To be honest though, I have never heard of a "Ski Helmet Law", and have never thought about wearing one while on the slopes. Motor cycle always, bicylce 99.9% of the time, sking not yet.

As you can tell i am a little conflicted on the issue. :wacko:

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Achtung der helmet Gestappo!

I have helmets. I will wear them when *I* deem it necessary and prudent - not when YOU or some nitwit bureaucrat deems it necessary. I wear a helmet when tearing around on my ATV at top speed - by choice. I do NOT wear one when toodling down to the neighbors. Wearing a helmet for recreational skiing is absolutely silly. Anybody that tries to write me a ticket for skiing unhelmeted can just expect to get their ass kicked. What I do on my time on private property is my own damned business.

Big gubmint claims that 12,000 cases of head trauma a year are occurring due to unhelmeted skiiers. You don't need to be a math whiz to know that's bullshit. There can't be more than 200 legitimate ski resorts in America - in fact, I'll bet the number is about 100. That's 5 to 10 "head trauma" cases per resort per week for the typical 3 month season. And that ain't happening. Knee injuries are the most common in skiing. Where's the regulatory outcry for mandatory knee braces? Do it for The Childen!

I find it amazing that no one is requiring helmets during sexual relations. Think of all the tragic headboard accidents it could prevent. And there are more than you know about. I had a buddy in High School who split is head wide open. He came to school with 20 stitches in head from "unprotected sex." Oh, The Horror! The Horror! It's been over 15 years, and yet you have not intervened. Don't you care about safe sex?

The most likely place you're going to get a head injury is while in a car. Why aren't you wearing your helmet in your car? Because it's illegal, that's why. (At least in Washington state it is.) Make sense of that one! It all comes down to a bunch of liberal pantywaists who have no lives of their own and can't stand to watch anyone else have one. This lifestyle inequity clearly requires putting a gun to my head by force of law until I acquiesce and resign myself to being as lame and pathetic as everyone else.

Take your helmet laws and the rest of the Orwellian Nanny State laws you cherish so much and shove 'em.

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A helmet saved my life in a mountain biking accident and my seatbelt saved me in two head on collisions so I always wear them. However I am torn too about anything mandatory. On one hand it's my life and I'll do what I want and on the other hand people who don't use common sense are one of the reasons medical insurance is so high.

No matter what you think remember:

The government always knows what's best for you and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can conform to the extremsists and go back to happy life. :wacko::blink::(:angry:<_<:unsure:

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"I find it amazing that no one is requiring helmets during sexual relations. Think of all the tragic headboard accidents it could prevent. And there are more than you know about. I had a buddy in High School who split is head wide open. He came to school with 20 stitches in head from "unprotected sex." Oh, The Horror!..."
ROFLMAO...!!!! :lol:

Still and all, a helmet saved my life TWICE on a motorcycle......

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Naw, we don't need any more laws to protect us from ourselves. Everybody came into this world the same way. Bawlin' and crying and droolin' with other folks changing our diapers.

Think about it! Do you really wanna go out the same way???

If you take enough crazy chances, you just may get to go out with your boots on. ;)

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Yeah, but what's wrong with a little sign in an appropriate place that says "If you go here, you could die with or without a helmet. We suggest you wear a helmet, but since it's your head and not ours, you can go without. You must bear the responsibility for your actions"

Unless there's a real chance of injuring some other person through your lack-o-helmet-wear, I see no reason to mandate it. Smart people can wear one, thrill seekers can skip it.

Never happen in a governement run by trial lawyers though.

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on the other hand people who don't use common sense are one of the reasons medical insurance is so high.

There's no need for medical insurance for them, Darwin's evolutionism theory will always take good care of'em! ;)

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EricW, and others,

I am a great believer that life, like IPSC, should be freestyle, and thought you might like my helmet story.

Back in the 20th century, about 1976, I was riding my infant son around my neighborhood on a motorcycle. He was sitting in front of me without a helmet. This on a back street in Sarasota, Florida when Sarasota was a much smaller town than it is today. Because "I always upholds the law" I was wearing my helmet. Cop spots me and writes me a ticket. I do the research about helmets in the states which do and do not have helmet laws, at that time the states were just about evenly split. I go to court ready to plead my case that the law is unjust, unconstitutional nannyism and I should be set free with no fine. The judge asks the officer for his side of the story. Judge asks me if story related by officer is correct and I allow as to how the officer accurately described the scene of the crime. Judge looks at the officer and says, "Looks to me like you gave the ticket to the wrong person." Incredulous, the officer says, "But it would be silly to cite an infant." The judge concurs, but says, " I can not find anything in the statutes which make the operator of a motorcycle responsible for the behaviour of a passenger. Dismissed." Oh, yeah, son grew up, spent 6 years in the military and is now majoring in electrical engineering.

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Wow! Nobody gets it. I'm surprised.

I didn't say I was opposed to all helmet wear. I will wear a helmet when it makes sense to do so. If I was a hard-core tree skiier, or was practicing for the super-G, I'd have a helmet on. For casual rec skiing, a helmet is totally useless. In fact, it's actually worse than useless since it reduces your situational awareness. But thanks to a couple decades of the Nanny State, we're all just pre-programmed to accept stupid legislation, since it's "for the common good."

I can't wait to be King. I'm going to extend the helmet law mentality to every field of human endeavor. I will regulate America for maximal safety. Knives, forks, staplers, tacks, nails, nailguns, screwdrivers, chopsticks smaller than 1/4" in diameter, knitting needles... All BANNED! No discussions. Violators to be executed by public stoning with Nerf footballs. (Safety First)

There will be only one speed limit in the Land of Eric: 20 mph. All of America will be one, gigantic school zone. It's for The Children you see. No fine is imposed, since you'll never have a chance to break it. Private automobiles, being responsible for 50,000 deaths per year will be banned. You'll just have to take public transportation.

You'll be allowed to own a gun, but not ammuntion, since that's where all the trouble starts. Be sure to put on your helmet before you touch your gun or it's a $5000 fine.

All swimmers will be required to wear water wings regardless of ability.

Running is a prime cause of sprained ankles: banned. All sports that involve running: banned. Skipping and hopscotch tempt The Children into running, therefore: banned.

Sex, being a prime cause of the spread of disease and aberrant human behavior will be banned. Procreation will take place only in certified, government laboratories, via test-tube fertilization. (Safety first) Taxes will be drastically increased to fund the new Sex Police which will maintain constant surveilance of every bedroom, backseat, and corporate boardroom closet for illicit sex. Violators will be locked into a rubber room and made to listen to bad Sex Pistols albums for weeks on end.

Skydiving, rock-climbing, scuba diving, hang gliding, motocross-riding, and all forms of vehicle racing will all be banned. If the French continue to hold the stunningly dangerous Tour de Frogland, I will first issue a stern warning to ze Franch through Kofi Annan, then steamroll the SOB's if they continue. America's Armed Forces will find it challenging to defeat Safety's enemies with Nerf Bullets ® and rubber, non-explosive cruise missles, but they shall persevere. (Safety First)

The stunning public policy success known as Prohibition will return in force - it's for public good. Organized crime will be banned, so don't worry, it will be safe for everybody this time.

This is just off the top of my head. Since private thinking by citizens will also be banned (just too dangerous), I will form The Committee for RightThink, which will do everyone's thinking for them. Every situation will have an ignorant, inefficient, simplistic, one-size-fits all solution.

Safety and public harmony will plainly be the result.

(Suicide due to stupefying boredom will also be banned, so don't even think about making a quick exit from SafetyLand.)

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I was riding my infant son around my neighborhood on a motorcycle. He was sitting in front of me without a helmet.

You'll please just have to trust me on this, it was safe. Even his mother thought it was cute and was not concerned. And thanks for your concern.

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Sex, being a prime cause of the spread of disease and aberrant human behavior will be banned. Procreation will take place only in certified, government laboratories, via test-tube fertilization. (Safety first) Taxes will be drastically increased to fund the new Sex Police which will maintain constant surveilance of every bedroom, backseat, and corporate boardroom closet for illicit sex. Violators will be locked into a rubber room and made to listen to bad Sex Pistols albums for weeks on end.

You forgot they will have to keep an eye on the Oval Office as well.

Mandatory helmet wearing is a daft idea, BUT, considering the average drivers ability, if you are stupid enough not to wear a helmet, fine, just don't expect any help from those around you when the brown stuff hits the fan and you hit the road. It's all on you pal, the hospital is not for you, until they have sorted out all the people who did take precautions.

I personally would not use a motorcycle without one (especially the way I drive).

Skiing the same, it is your call, and your head.

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I get it. You aren't talking about helmets at all.


Oh...and I would like to officailly apply for the Directorship of the Sex Police. Of course, I will need a cabinet comprised of well...informed...individuals (I'm thinking NFL Cheerleaders and Playmates.) Of course, I will staff the cabinet personally. And, I will dedicated myself to empirical study (can't call it research...no thinking allowed).

[still drifting...]

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Dr. Freud would have liked you Flex! :lol:

I think I get it, Eric. I've had almost enough experience to know when I need to wear a helmet. And I expect my government to let me decide.

The problem is, that in a socialist society, the rest of the village doesn't want one more brain damaged idiot to take care of. So in their view, they should get to tell us what to wear, how to eat, and how to live. That way, we can lend maximum support the to state. Who is John Galt, anyway? ;)

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Oh I get it, you want freedom of choice and freedom from worthless legislation that serves no useful purpose. I agree that mandating helmets for recreational sking is stupid.

I suppose I should start my own hate rant but I'll toss it right in here. As a person who has done voluntary emergency services work for 25 years, I am really bummed out by the extent of traumatic injuries that I see that could have been avoided by protective gear. As an incident commander, I wish I could make decisions based on how I feel. I would love to tell the helicopter to turn around and not risk the high wind and rain when they need to come scoop some chowder head (no pun intended) off the pavement because they weren't wearing a helmet.

Or better yet, the next time my pager goes off at 3:00 AM with, "All Shoshoni firefighters respond to a 10-50 PI (accident with injuries) at milemarker 18 on Hwy 287, extrication required." I would like to follow up with my own page, "All Shoshoni firefighters you can 10-22 (disregard and go home), the idiot wasn't wearing a seatbelt. No reason to waste our resources on someone who won't try to take care of themselves."

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