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SMM3G Match Results & Comments

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What was your trick on Stage 1? I mean it didn't seem to help if you closed one, or both eyes prior to entry, or used a flashlight, or sonar, or whatever??? What did you do to make your hits?

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Hey Chocolate Chick!!::

There is nothing to be sorry for!! After all the changes, what can you expect? Even the best program will be over come by change!! Chocolate??? Hell how about Brandy!! Thanks again!! KurtM

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Just got home today from the match and was pleased the stats were already up. Great match dispite a few problems. The stages were challenging yet very shootable. Had one of the best squads I've ever been on, great bunch of guys. While the rest of you were finishing up on Sunday afternoon we went for Mexican food and beer. All my guns ran and my brain was even engaged most of the time. Really liked stage 6 long range rifle with some shotgun and pistol thrown in. Stage 9 also stands out with the flippers. Stage 1 the dark house caused me the most concern when I first looked at it but turned out to be one of my better stages thanks to squad mates and two surefires taped to the handguard. The pool of talented 3 gunners keeps growing and a lot of them were at this match. I had as much fun watching as shooting, well almost. Already lookin foward to next year.

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Although I am deeply wounded by Matt not remembering the 1-5 finishes for iron man and tacticle, I find it hard to remember also!

Iron man: Blane West, Kelly Neal, Ed Rhodes... and?? I am sorry I don't remember!!

Tacticle: Taran Butler (optic, TA-11 Chevron), Kurt Miller (iron, extended sight radius), Bennie Cooley (optic, holosight) I remember the first 3 after that I'm not sure!! I know Daniel Horner was 4th or 5th, and Taran was wondering what we should do about "this kid".

Taran ran away with optic division with a TA-11 with a chevron! I would have used a BAC doughnut but thought an extended sight radius Iron rifle was the heat! Bennie tried a Eotec sight, and I think if he had'nt had some shotgun problems, it would have been a bit closer betwen Bennie and I. I remember warning people that by moving the front sight out to the end of the barrel, I could finaly see it ( like My beloved M-14s), but the crowd thought there was no way I would finish like I did. Mr. underwood did very well, and I had a great conversation with him. He is a prince of a guy ( iron sight shooter) and may have been 4th or 5th; once again I don't remember! Matt have we been using the same drugs?? When the dust had settled, I ended up 2nd to Taran by 44 points. I had two bad stages but the out come would have been the same. I wouldn't have made enough points back to be first, nor would I have dropped to third. General imprerssions were, waiting sucks, Gu and Power Shot can get you up for a stage, and consistency is still king.... My brother finished 7th ( usually better ) by just doing nothing better than being smooth. Nothing perfect, but nothing bad (sorry bro!! I know you couldn't practice!!!) Thank you to all that put on the match!!! KURTM

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Wait, I'm not done whining...

I just got home tonight. Placing my shotgun in my safe, I noticed it lacks a clamp. It's out on stage 3 somewhere. :(

I let someone borrow my coveted Thermold 30/45 collapsible magazine (Caliban grandfathered, high CDI factor) for stage 1 and never got it back.

I hate it when I drop the pistol magazine to "bench" the handgun, then instinctively grab the spare mag from its pouch and try to reload it when I should be getting busy with the scattergun.

I hate swinging clays as much as I hate swinging IPSC targets.

OK, enough whining...

The chicken on stage 9 was awesome. It made the coolest-lamest sound when you... uh... choked it. Some people started kneeling on it and we couldn't help busting out laughing after the start beep when the chicken let out its throes of death cry just as the shooter began engaging targets.

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Definately had fun.. didn`t shoot as well as I would have liked, but I got all my hits.

I shot the competition master instead of my Benelli, since I`m still on the list to have Bevin work on it, ( he told me very soon when I talked to him out there.. :) ) I would have rather had the Benelli.. it reloads smoother than the Remmy in my opinion. This was the most shotgun reloading intensive match I have ever shot. It definately gave me something to work on. My pistol and rifle ran well ( SVI .40 and JP CTR-02) which pleased me since it was the first match for either of them. All in all.. it was a very good match. When you get an event that big, your bound to run into glitches. The match staff did what they had to do to make it work. I got to hang and shoot with my buddys from LAPD, and made a few new friends to boot. All in all... had a great time.

Was it worth driving 30 hours each way? Oh yeah Will I fly next year.. OH YEAH!

Erik, I know who "had" your shotgun clamp. The RO from stage 2 handed it to us and asked if it was off one of our guns and walked away. My friend thought it was off of his, when we checked it wasn`t. I`ll contact him to see what he did with it and try to get it back for you.

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Erik, I saw a clamp turned in when squad 5 shot stage 2 or 3. I don't think anyone from our group took it. The match personel are very good at returning lost items, dumb me I left my camera at stage 3 and didn't even miss it till Dan held it up at the awards. Shooters are some of the most honest people on this earth!

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My SMM3G report posted here:


Picture index:


Here's what I did for sighting in Tactical on Stage 1:

With a TA11/TA31 in this kind of light environment (dark with strobes, eyes not acclimated), the reticle needs to be lighted by an external light source through the fiber-optic pipe.

This occured to me Thursday night in the hotel, and my solution worked pretty well. I had my Surefire E2E in my shooting bag and some 100mph tape. I taped the light to the top of the TA11, so it was about 1" from the front end of the scope -- 1" of the fiber optic pipe was in the beam's path.

This solution not only provided target illumination (helped to discriminate shoot/noshoot boundaries), but the TA11's donut was as bright as an Aimpoint.. WAY brighter than what the tritium could have provided.

If I had to do the same stage again, I'd use a small LED light tucked into my "ACOG Prophylactic Device" (innertube over scope to dial back reticle brightness during the day) to light the lightpipe, use a rail-mounted weaponlight, and cover the objective lens of the TA11 if there are no targets beyond 25 yards (like an OEG).

I was rockin' on that stage until I placed my ejection port too near a barrel on the RH 3-target array. Doh. Major jammage as the fired case bounced off and came back in the port.


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I let someone borrow my coveted Thermold 30/45 collapsible magazine (Caliban grandfathered, high CDI factor) for stage 1 and never got it back.


I hope you get the 30/45 Thermold back! That's pretty stinky for someone to borrow shooting gear and not returning it. Hey, if you are out there, do the right thing man :angry:

BTW, the Leupold CQT (with its "short life" battery powered) circle/dot reticle rocks!!! Coupled with a Surefire and true 1x magnification, target acquisition was phenominally quick in the dark house of Stage 1.

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When I asked the question, "Who's here?" and got the answer "Everybody" I knew it was gonna be a great time.

Around here we don't get to see the top guys very often so what made the match for me was the priveledge to watch some of the top shooters (Bennie, Kurt, Jeff, etc. you all know who you are) go thru some stages. It's almost unbelievable how a person can explode at the buzzer with movement and shooting like these guys do. Gives me something to aspire to.

BTW, if anybody found my 3-gun gear shotshell arm band please let me know.

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The Thermold 30/45 is in the possession of a fellow Team RWM member and will be back in my hands this weekend. Unless the Caliban DOJ SWAT team swoops down on us. (CA to AZ, loaned in AZ, changed hands again, returning to me in CA... you figure out the Caliban legality.)

I wish I got to see and meet more people. Finally met kellyn.... stumbled upon benos between stages... never met kurtm or Zak or anybody else.

Hey I still need that shotgun clamp. It has a sling swivel bolt, apparently with no Loctite on the threads.

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Interesting to note that Taran won Stage 1 (the dark house) with an ACOG TA11 but Bennie won Stage 6 (long range rifle) with a Holosight. Kind of the opposite that you would expect. Goes to show that equipment is only part of the equation.

I was able to shoot the dark house several times after the match with all sorts of sights: ACOG, Holosight, Irons and a laser. The winner for me was: Holosight.

I think we could shorten the long range rifle stages by making them one gun only. I would even like to see (GASP!!) a standards style stage on the rifle like SOF of old.

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I heard back from my buddy. The clamp was off one of our other squad mates guns. Looks like there was more than one not loctited huh?


They were holding up a shotshell arm carrier that was in the lost and found box during the awards presentations. Might wanna contact Mr. Furbee and see if he has it or it was left at the range.


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It sure was a great match!  I got my match fee's worth with the bonus stage (5th one) :D  Thanks to the match staff and everyone who helped/sponsored.

The two things that I didn't like - 1) Allowing shooters to torch a pistol round off into the berm (before benching it) without even the slightest attempt to make aim or be sure that it will land in the vicinity of the targets.  It was the most un-safe thing that I've ever seen! 2) Not having a time limit for the rifle stages, including set up time with your weapon.


We have been doing this practice in our 3-Gun matches ever since I've been working them. Although it may look unsafe to some, remember the shooter is resonsible for all shots fired. On my stage (#9) I made the point in the walk through that all pistol shots must impact the berm. We did not have any DQ and all went well. You gotta love that chicken and flying clays! :wacko:

Bob in AZ

5th HM :D

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This year’s SMM3G was my first major 3-Gun match. To this point, it was mostly local stuff and the hoarding of 3-Gun gear. I’ve been putting this match off for years and finally said, finances be damned, I’m going.

I had three goals:

1 – Don’t get DQ’ed. I run a Ghost Holster and was a little uncertain as to how the operator (I) would do in the knocking the gun out of the holster department.

2 – Shoot Clean. I didn’t want to spend the whole weekend blade-running. So, rather than putting myself in a bad position, I took it down a couple of notches and decided to shoot clean shots and a clean match with no procedurals and penalties.

3 – Finish in the Top 25. Not knowing how many folks there were in Open, I figured Top 25, sounded like a nice round number.

In all cases, the goals were met and things just kind of clicked along. Could I have done better, yep. Could I have done worse, always. All things tabulated, this match was one of the best matches I’ve ever participated in, period (including pistol Nationals, many Area matches and state/sectionals). The staff was top notch. The stages were clean and able to be shot without too much difficulty. And, I think everyone had fun too (novel concept).

I really wanted to shoot Stage 5, but know decisions have to be made. I was part of the group that shot 6 on Sunday and one of the big time helpers was having your pistol cleared by another RO and a member of your squad. This would have done wonders on 3 as there we weren’t aloud down range until the RO cleared all three guns. I understand safety, but there is a point where the RO working the pre-load table can clear an AR. Another time saver, might be to include a time limit. I’m never for cutting off a shooter, who wants to not take a miss, however, there is a point where it starts becoming rude and inconvenient to the other 100+ shooters behind you.

Stage 1 was great. Our squad basically agreed that the on deck shooter would spend their time in the shade keeping their eyes right while everyone else worked. Thanks to Chuck and Tim for the loan of the M-3. Only needed it for the first four shots and after that the eyes adjusted. Aimpoint on the handguard kicks butt!!! Stage 2 in the rain on Saturday AM was awesome. Sizzle of rain on your shotgun barrel. Stage 7, bit by the re-shoot gremlins. Stage 8, lots of fun. Stage 9…what can you say? Two guns a chicken…giddie-yup.

I was talking with Furbee about stage ideas for next year. The first was placing a target halfway up the mountain between stages 5 and 6. The other was a tower shot...or 20. Kind of makes things fun with the long guns.

I’m definitely going to be back next year and hope to see more folks in there too.

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Allowing shooters to torch a pistol round off into the berm (before benching it) without even the slightest attempt to make aim or be sure that it will land in the vicinity of the targets.

It's freaky seeing someone crank a round into the ground or berm (they hope) immediately after dropping a magazine, not even looking at where the gun is pointed. The way some people do it, it looks exactly like a DQable discharge during a reload. I'd love to see some form of encouragement or threat so that all shots must be fired engaging a target, including any "unloading" shots.

I was part of the group that shot 6 on Sunday and one of the big time helpers was having your pistol cleared by another RO and a member of your squad.

What? I was in the first squad to shoot 6 Friday morning and there was none of that. We cleared the rifle then walked back uprange to the SG and handgun. If they were clearing the pistol early, they were doing it while the shooter and RO were downrange.

Edited by Erik Warren
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Hi Erik,

That's correct. While the shooter/RO were up in the tank (i.e. the rifle position) we were clearing pistols, taping the pistol targets and setting the first couple of birds back up. When we were cookin' along, it was between 6-8 minutes per shooter.

Keep in mind, the match staff were attempting (successfully so) to get 4 scheduled squads and at least that many makeup shooters through the stage in just over half a day.


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It's freaky seeing someone crank a round into the ground or berm (they hope) immediately after dropping a magazine, not even looking at where the gun is pointed. The way some people do it, it looks exactly like a DQable discharge during a reload. I'd love to see some form of encouragement or threat so that all shots must be fired engaging a target, including any "unloading" shots.

When I burn the last round before benching a firearm it is not a unplanned act. During walkthrough I note where the firearm will be benched and where I can burn the round so that it impact the berm wihtout hitting props or penaty targets. If I decide the area down range from where I will bench the firearm is not suitable I will then down load the mag and put the last one or two shots into the last target.

To put it simply, it is a planned shot with a different sort of index. It's something to practice until you are comfortable with it. No rule changes are needed since I am resposible for every shot I break no matter what I use for an index or sight alignment.

If the round blows into a prop, over the berm or into the ground within 3 meters I expect the RO to take appropriate action.

The less rules the better. :) "Live Free Or Die"


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