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Goals Completed in 2010


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G-ManBart's post on 2011 Goals got me thinking back on 2010 and what goals I had set for myself that I actually accomplished. :rolleyes:

First, I managed to find a class and get certified as an RO, something I'd been wanting to do for over a year. Aside from getting a better grasp on the rules, I think it has also helped me with stage design. The instructor was Troy McManus and he made the class interesting and educational with some good cajun humor thrown in. If you've considered becoming an RO, I'd highly recommend it.

Another goal was to get out to some matches at other clubs. This had multiple benefits for me: more practice, meeting new people, exposure to steel challenge-type matches, and seeing how other people design torture - I mean "stages" (come on, a polish plate rack partially obscured by barrels?! :surprise: I'd never even seen one before!). I found the steel matches are a good compliment to regular USPSA matches, as the hit-or-miss nature of them really makes you focus on accuracy.

What did everyone else get to check off their "To Do" list in 2010?

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I crossed off several, and they are / were similar to yours: I attended an RO class and got certified as an RO. I RO'd several large matches including 2 Area Matches and a State Match. I went to several large 3 Gun events outside of my home state. Made it into Fort Benning again. Got Classified in every Division for which I can compete in...

My only real goal I missed out on was I had hoped to reach "B" in production, but I spent too much time playing in other divisions instead of concentrating on just 1. (To be fair to myself, I worked a lot at the end of the year on my Limited rig for 3 Gun, as well as attending more 3 Gun events than USPSA matches, so the Production gun was put up after October... )

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-I competed in my first USPSA match :) (i had been to one the year before to watch, but never got to shoot until the 2010 calendar year.)

-finished first full season

-achieved B class within 6 months of shooting USPSA

-was named IN state Single Stack champion (still odd to say b/c i finished 6th overall)

thats about all i can think of right now.

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2010 was a great year for me!

the most important goal completed was that i started Shooting USPSA!!

and like most folks here, I'm now completely addicted, and working on reaching my potential...

1)first classification out the gate was C

2) in 4 months i moved to B class

3)lost 45lbs

4)i shot 3 level 3 matches

5)won my class at the golden bullet, came in second at Area 2

6)Shot nationals (first time shooting limited)

7)made expert on my first try at the IDPA classifier (10 seconds away from master)

8)started reloading

9)took a two month break from work, to shoot full-time 500 rounds a day Monday through Friday..

10)Started calling my shots

11)made A class in L10

12)got my limited gun started

13)Shot a ridiculous amount of local matches (shot almost every Saturday and every other Sunday)

this has been, a great year! but i feel that the progression curve will start to slow down, and this second year will not yield results as noticeable as the once i have experienced.

but i guess that's to be discussed in the other thread :)



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-I competed in my first USPSA match :) (i had been to one the year before to watch, but never got to shoot until the 2010 calendar year.)

-finished first full season

-achieved B class within 6 months of shooting USPSA

-was named IN state Single Stack champion (still odd to say b/c i finished 6th overall)

thats about all i can think of right now.

Looks like you became one of the "chosen" as well. A moderator that is.

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I had a few goals I wanted to acheive in 2010, most I made.

- Made MA in 3 divisions in IDPA

- Won Division Champ at a few regional IDPA matches

- Shot the IDPA Nationals

- Shot more USPSA (time to get more serious there)

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In 2008 I made B Class just before I deployed to Iraq. Taking a year off from USPSA really put a hurting on my skill level. I made it my goal to Make A by the end of 2010. I managed just that by shooting the last match of the year at Sir Walter Gun Club in Creedmoor, NC the first weekend of December. Now that I made A, I got the itch bad for Master!! Good Luck to all in 2011!

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My Goal was to win every local match I shot open in.

Out of 11, I had 7 wins; 3 2nd places; 1 last place.

I had terrible big match performances. My goal for 2011 is to work on the mental game to stay competitive at majors. Unfortunately I'll be missing half of the season this year. so I feel like I going to be starting from scratch

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I was not fortunate enough to be introduced to firearms until the ripe age of 43. Other than shooting what probably amounted to a box of 22's and few 410 shells around '85 i had never shot a gun prior or since. Then it happened....I saw a 3gun youtube video that changed my life! Doesn't matter what vid it was...what matters is it happened. I purchased a pistol without knowing anyone who had one or anyone who had even heard of IDPA or USPSA with the vague goals of shooting USPSA to the best of my ability, with steady progression of skill sets and to meet new people, form new friendships, and just have a damn good time. So far, i feel like i am right on track--especially the DAMN GOOD TIME part.

-purchased first handgun in late april

-shot my first idpa and uspsa match in july

-purchased the 550b and started reloading

-broke the 1.0sec mark for A zone hits from draw @ 30'

I received my B Prod card in November & after 12 classifiers, I'm bracketed with 7 B's, 1 C and 4 D's. currently at 66%

Entered my first big match - GATOR CLASSIC in October and finished 2nd C, Production

2 day class w/ Max Michel and Blake Miguez (fantastic by itself)

WOW - I'm really looking forward to 2011

Here's to everyone who met their goals in 2010 and will push even further in 2011




take care and take aim



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