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Ammo for match


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Does anyone use different ammo for various stages of a multigun match? Example being for a close up hoser stage using cheaper stuff or reloads vs. a long range stage using some good match grade ammo.

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I think it depends on the match. A lot of people who shoot RM3G, Iron Man, and BRM3G do just that. However, there are some top tier competitors that shoot 55 for everything.

Until the Arkansas multi-gun, I had taken 3 kinds of ammo to every match (69 SMKs for long range, 55 fmjs 0 to 100 yards, and 50 Nosler BTs for precision). But I am planning on taking only one flavor to most of the matches. I "think" I have learned that simplicity is worth more than trying to decide which of three types of ammo to shoot on each stage. Walking and programing the stage without the added "ammo choice" is a good thing. I'll probably still take 2 kinds to RM3G and BRM3G, but I am going to try to keep it simpler in 2011.

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I have been the victim of "ammo confusion" at a big match. I guess that's what you'd call it, because I was obviously confused about how much to bring of each.

My last stage ended with 300-480 yard shots, I ended up with a partial mag of 55gr and 69gr, after "programming" my magazines, I can't exactly remember what happened, I think I had a few make up shots, and anyway I ended up on one of the long range targets when my ammo suddenly had a large shift in point of impact.

I had walked the shots up to the target(Was running 1x optic, and had RO calling shots), then different weight bullets started hitting way off. I had to start over walking the shots in, and ended up costing me probably 40-50 seconds. :angry2:

Now, all I run is 55s. Know my holds, and viola! Problem eliminated.

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Likewise, I have been down this road. Recently I tested some 55 FMJ vs. 69 SMK at 200 and 300 yds, plus compared them in gusty winds. I got a very slight difference between the two. The biggest variable was the monkey pulling the trigger :rolleyes:

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I for one shoot both 55s and 77s. After watching a top shooter at the Nationals one year hit a flasher several times at 300 yards with his 45 grain bullets but the RO didn't call them a hit. Well after alot of bitching and crying the shooter got a reshoot but this time he shot 69 grain bullets:-)

I shoot 55s for all at or under 100 yards and 77s for every thing else. If I believe I will get confused then I will shoot 77s at everything!

I want credit for everything I either hit or miss!

Hope this helps,



SGM ® Scott

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Add me to the list of two ammo types of shooters. 55 FMJ's for 0-100yds and 69gr HPBT for 100+yds. For me an additional benefit, other than lower cost, is that my 55's are POA=POI to +1.75in from 5-100yds so I don't have to do hold overs. Just take dead aim or use a 6 o'clock hold (IMO especially usefull for head shots) and I'm good to roll. :cheers:

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+1 Busyhawk....There is no doubt if you hit a flasher or Larue with a 77 grn SMK in the 300 yrd plus range. For the past few months I have been using the 55grn for everything philosophy....the heavier bullets just have too many advantages at 200yrds plus so I am back where I started. If everything you shoot is inside of 200 yrds then 55grn bullets are fine...

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Same load for everything.....55 gr MG's with 22.8 gr of 10X.....no issues out to 400 yds...I like to keep is simple!! Tying to keep track of different bullets and differen amts. of powder is one less thing I can do without. If you know your POI at various distances and conditons you are well ahead of the ballgame........

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For those shooting 2 different loads, which one do you send to chrono?

I asked the same question but I realized these days that USPSA multigun is pretty much the Nationals and Area matches.

I'm glad the chrony doesn't have a place in outlaw except for HM.

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For the guys who are using the 69 and 77 grain SMK or similar for the long range stuff, are you handloading them or buying match ammo from BH, AA, etc?

I have been using Black Hills 68s for several years. Main reason is I use cheap 55 for under 100 and the BH for longer due to better groups. As much as I spend to go to a big match, a few hundred rounds of good stuff doesn't make that much difference. I zero my gun with the BH and then check to see how the 55s do from 100 in. On long range stages I normally just use all 68s.


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Does anyone use different ammo for various stages of a multigun match? Example being for a close up hoser stage using cheaper stuff or reloads vs. a long range stage using some good match grade ammo.

I used to just use my good stuff. (77 grain Sierra match reloads) But that got expensive and those rounds did not always feed in my 48 round Nordic P Mag extension (The noses vary in length slightly and it caused a malf for me at a match when a longer round bouned up where the extension joins the P mag) so I now use 55 grain ball reloads for close range stages (100 yards or less) and the 77 grain stuff for the longer stuff. I have my rifle zeroed in at 200 with the 77 grian stuff but I know where my 55 grain loads hit as well.


Edited by Alaskapopo
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Budget minded newcomer that I am, I use pretty cheap stuff period - the ammo is not the limiting factor :) But - I do go for slightly less cheap on the longer range stuff (Hornady Training 55gr); short range its Brown Bear 55gr. Both of these are very similar POI, just one is considerably more accurate than the other.

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I realize that every gun will be different, but I am just looking for a starting point since I have never loaded 69gr SMK's before. I have 2230 and Varget available. Someone throw me a bone here. :blink:

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I run 55gr for under 150 yards, 69 gr Nosler hpbt on everything past 150. If it is a major match (like Fort Benning last week) I only run the 69gr... I handload the 69gr over 23gr of H335. I plan on working up a load for 55gr over H335 too... Currently, I have a stockpile of 55gr from Atlanta Arms and Georgia Arms that I have to burn through... Federal bulk from Walmart is my other "backup" 55gr ammo...

If I was going to chrono, I would use whatever ammo I was using the majority of the match... I will chrono it first to make sure I make minor, but I have been safely over at the last 2 Area 6 Multiguns on the chrono stage with factory 55gr loads.

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