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Which division has the least # of shooters?


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OK, since this is a game, why would one want to shoot in production with so many more shooters than say SS, where you would have fewer competetors?

If you have to ask ...

Maybe think about it as a competition and not a game.

Even as a competition wouldnt you want to compete against the least ammount of people to have the best chance at wining?

I have seen some Gm,M class shooters who usually shoot lim or etc switch to lim10 at a match if there is a low ammount of shooters and maybe less other Gm's so they increase thier chances of winning a prize.

I dont roll that way. Im not in contention for any prizes.lol but that is one of looking at it

To answer the original question. Lim 10 has the least, then revo

+1 I thinks it's funny when shooters switch divisions at the start of a match or in the middle of a match :surprise: because they think they have better chance to win or they do not want to go up against other GM\M. I say man up and shoot the division you've been shooting all along. :cheers:

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I'm with you cali, just a question that popped into my mind. I plan on shooting Production in the spring. And yes I do like having alot of competetors as I can learn from them. Will I win prizes, most likely not. The prize is being with like minded shooters that are having a good time!

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I'm with you cali, just a question that popped into my mind. I plan on shooting Production in the spring. And yes I do like having alot of competetors as I can learn from them. Will I win prizes, most likely not. The prize is being with like minded shooters that are having a good time!

Bring that attitude with you to the range and you'll go far and make lots of friends. :cheers:

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Prizes would be great but I'm just glad we have local matches often enough to stay in practice. In my area Limited is covered up and I am happy to finish in the middle of the pack. A good day with like minded people and running 150 or so rds through a gun is prize enough for me.

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ever since I started back inthe day, the clubs here have given out awards(plaques) after a while, if you stay in this sport long enuff you run out of wall space, so most of our local clubs have adopted a award policy of some use to the shooters, they give out PRIMERS for awards....match winner gets 1000, back in the lean primer times we got lots of people showin up just for that

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OK, since this is a game, why would one want to shoot in production with so many more shooters than say SS, where you would have fewer competetors?

I agree with the others, it is much more fun when my division (production) has a lot of competitors. If there are only a few competitors in the division how do I see how I stack up and where I need to improve? It is also nice to watch other Production shooters work a stage, very different from watching only a bunch of Open shooters. So I prefer to shoot in a division with many competitors, not few. At my local club we may only have one revolver shooter which must get frustrating.


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OK, since this is a game, why would one want to shoot in production with so many more shooters than say SS, where you would have fewer competetors?

If you have to ask ...

Maybe think about it as a competition and not a game.

OK, since this is a game, why would one want to shoot in production with so many more shooters than say SS, where you would have fewer competetors?

If you have to ask ...

Maybe think about it as a competition and not a game.

Even as a competition wouldnt you want to compete against the least ammount of people to have the best chance at wining?

I have seen some Gm,M class shooters who usually shoot lim or etc switch to lim10 at a match if there is a low ammount of shooters and maybe less other Gm's so they increase thier chances of winning a prize.

I dont roll that way. Im not in contention for any prizes.lol but that is one of looking at it

To answer the original question. Lim 10 has the least, then revo

... so they increase thier chances of winning a prize.

Good point. Sometimes those enticements do...entice.

(edit to add... that might be a good discussion outside the BEginner area)


I totally understand the want to push this topic into a "non-beginner" forum - so I'll be as brief as I can -

Picking a division with less competition in order to increase your odds of winning?

I guess the only relevant question with regards to this is "why win?" If the goal of the win is to get a piece of paper that shows you "won" or a plaque that shows you "won" then certainly switching up divisions is an opportunity to do that.

If the goal is to win because you performed really well, against the best competition at the match, and that winning the match better prepares you to win other matches and get better as a shooter then I wouldn't advise switching divisions.

Honestly, to be completely counter to the argument, I know of several people on these forums that shoot a lesser division at a match (say production or single stack) with the intent of trying to "win" the overall match. No plaques there, no prizes there - because those are only recognized within division. But several folks will do the math to see if they were able to really challenge themselves as shooters and try to beat that really good shooter shooting open or limited with a production gun.


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It boils down to personality and ego, if you need to say you won a match, you might try shooting the small division (soft division? It may have more shooters but less top shooters?)

Or you may want to challenge yourself and shoot the hard divisions. One of the reasons I like Open is it's tough! There are so many great shooters you gotta be on your game. Though I have really enjoyed shooting SS this year as it's just a fun gun to shoot, and up here I will occasionally shoot it in Standard even though it's a disadvantage, BECAUSE it's hard!

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Jack, sometimes...[the chance of] winning a prize means a person can afford to go to the match (in the first place) or buy bullets to shoot next year. That's all.

I don't have a plaque on any wall.

The funniest plaque I have is a 1st place GM plaque... It was just me and Bob Vogel(GM's), and Bob won the match, so I got the GM plaque. LOL

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Rev is the lowest. After that it is an even mix. I shoot mostly Limited and Lim-10 but also compete in Production. I just acquired a S-A Single Stack so I am now shooting that occasionally.

The two divisions with the most shooters are usually Production and SS. The deciding factor for me being who is shooting in each division. Limited, Lim-10, and SS all have good shooters, High C, B, and A. I like competing against those that can beat me.

Production is mostly D's and some C's. I usually shoot Production and SS as a way to keep my stock shooting skills from getting to rusty. One gets spoiled with large mags feeding into large magwells, coming off a competition belt. Prod and SS do not allow speed holsters and require the mags to be behind the hip. Production does not allow magwells and my new SS does not have one (Yet) :D

Our best shooter competes in L-10 using his SS .45 with 10 round mags. I told him I would be competing a lot more in L-10 with my Glock 35 downloaded to 10 just to try and kick his ass. I will not be able to drag him down to B, but he will drag me into A.

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