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Friday Flame War

Mike Dame

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I hate women who say they want a nice guy but are so used to being treated like crap they can't handle when a guy is nice to them.

Hate people who want you to honest to them but won't be honest to you

Edited by Mike Dame
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I hate women who say they want a nice guy but are so used to being treated like crap they can't handle when a guy is nice to them.

Hate people who want you to honest to them but won't be honest to you

HUGE +1 on the chick part!!!

How can you tell me that you really dig my sense of humor then tell me that you want me to be more serious? Chicks behavior should have guidelines!!!


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Since I'm at the airport waiting to fly home from a week long business trip, I figured I'd add a few to the list:

Hate people that stand on the movable sidewalk and block the entire way so you can't get by.

Hate people that pack their entire closest and then bring the suitcase on the plane as a "carry on"

REALLY HATE the people that bring those large "carry ons" on the plane, and when they're too heavy too lift....ask me to help them with it since I'm sitting close. IF YOU CAN'T LIFT IT BY YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO CHECK IT. NO MATTER WHAT!!!! ( sorry for the all caps, but that one really chaps my ass )

Hate people that don't understand the concept of a metal detector. Were you honestly surprised that your cell phone and keys set off the metal dectector? When you got to the airport, did you not know you were going to have to go through a "metal" detector?!

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Continuing with the airline theme...

I hate people who are sitting at the back of the plane but put their carry-on bag in the first available bin at the front of the plane so that by the time you get on, there's no room left for your bag.

I hate people who, as soon as the plane is in the air, drop their seat full force into the full recline position and wipe out your knees - again.

I hate the airline "rules" that consider two small pieces of ice and half a glass of warm water is all you should get when you ask for ice water. Hey, I'm not asking for a quart bottle of Coke - it's water. At least give me enough to last more than two gulps - better yet, give me a bottle of cold water - it'll save time.

I hate having to explain to a TSA employee that my retired military ID as an Expiration Date of INDEF because it's valid till I die so they can't check the expiration date on it and that I don't care if their rules say that they can only accept "unexpired" ID's and that just because it doesn't have a proper expiration date that you can check doesn't mean you can't accept it. It's a f'ing federal government ID for gawd sake!!!!

Edited by Graham Smith
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I really hate that gas stations and convenience stores sell lottery tickets! It seems every time I go in some welfare person is buying $100 of tickets and ALL of them are specific numbers that must be keyed in. This lady actually bought some milk etc with a "Link" card and then pulls out a wad of bills and peels off a hundred for the lottery tickets. Oh ya, after that she goes out and jumps in an Escalade! :angry:



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I hate it when a client is 30 mins late for their dog's appointment & when you call to see wth is going on, they answer:

"Uhhh, I'll have to check with my wife".

Man up & drive your arse over.

Btw, they never showed, which is also what I hate....

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When did spitting in public become OK? It seems like every day I'm at lunch and some jerk-off walks by the window and hawks a big loogie on the sidwalk right in front of me. I really don't want to see that while I'm trying to eat.

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While we're on the corp train..

1. I hate that my cost center just paid $400 for a moving company and our OWN IT department to move my desk 30ft away. I didnt pay that much for a moving company to move my entire apartment 7 miles! I am perfectly capable of moving a PC and 2 boxes. So now when I see my crappy bonus come January, I'll have the expense of the moving company to thank.

2. I hate when managers give you a project with free reign and when its done, they micro manage small little bull crap changes that they could do themselves, or should have stated from the begining that they wanted and it would have saved everyone time.

Sigh. As I was told by a higher up.. "We're not after efficiency here.." Obviously.

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I hate when I go to a parts store for work and wait ten minutes before being waited on. Then get told that no parts can be looked up or inventory checked because the computers are down. I tell them all I need is a nut like this and they say, "Oh, I know we don't have those.:wacko:

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I hate people who want something for nothing.

The same person has been calling my office for the past 2 months trying to get free legal advice. We told him that before we can represent him, he needs to sign a fee agreement and give us a deposit. Today, he called again, staring to ask questions. I told him the deal. His response, "Ok, I just have a couple of questions for you".

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