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Justin Timberlake.......


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Does the Hollywood Bunch really believe that another celebrity making an ass of themselves in public is going stun anyone?

What do we get next Super Bowl? Lesbian love on the fifty yard line? Micheal and some naked little boys running around? Come on, take your best shot! I'm the American public and there ain't nothin' I can't get used to.

Sorry Sam, but the Super(Toilet)Bowl has a world wide audience. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we've gone down the toilet!

Gee thanks MTV (Moron Transgender Vidiots) the nice folks that brought us JACKASS the movie and the series.

What really ticks me off is that nobody has the guts to take responsiblity for it. The whole flamin' mob from CBS, & MTV is lying through their orthodentia about 'wardrobe malfunctions' 'accidents', etc... I guess that's what you'd expect from that bunch of Clinton supporters, lies, damn lies, and more lies! And they probably expect us to believe them.

Maybe next year we can get TidyBowl to sponsor the game.

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Well, the rest of the world doesn't get their panties in a bind just because a breast is bared for a microsecond.

Very true Erik. Besides, I find a lot of stuff on TV more "offensive" than nudity. I don't understand what could be so offensive about a breast?

If you have a problem with female partial nudity, don't visit any European beaches in the summer :D

BTW, great game ;)

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I personally don't think it is just a breast sighting that has me concerned. It's not the first one I've seen. I think it is the fact that there is a "line" if you will, that that has been slowly pushed back over the years. go back to what was considered "wholesome" TV of twenty years ago: "Andy Griffin", I Love Lucy", "Gunsmoke". These were from todays standards pretty innocent programming. People watched them and were entertained. But we weren't a media generation then. As time has passed that "line" has been pushed further and further back. The world was shocked when Brett says "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." It wasn't that people didn't curse, it was that you didn't do it in front of your mother, or mixed company. I still get embarrassed today by what some would consider an "inappropriate" joke in mixed company. I really enjoy posting a good joke, but sometimes I won't because I consider that our forum isn't just read by the male of the species. But I digress.

As the years have gone by, entertainers, The very "Hollywood" that we lambast because they are pushing anti-gun or anti-war sentiments, have pushed the envelope, each trying to be a little more risque than the other. They are each pushing thier agenda to put it in front of people. (such as the "queer eye or whatever.. mess)Pushing the censors, (if there is indeed a group of watchdogs around) to see if they can get away with something. Radio and TV have instituted the "7second delay" system to try to prevent the very thing that happened Sunday night.

Someone famous once said, (an I paraphrase here) "the frequent occuraonce of wrong over time will give it an appearance of right"

Yes, the rest of the world doesn't get offended by the sight of a bared breast, or legalized drugs sold to the public, or repression of women, or _____________. You add your own. But the majority of the citizenry of the US does. The mothers (and fathers) who are trying to get their daughters and sons not to emulate the "Jackson/Timberlake " show they saw on the Super Bowl the other night would, and should in IMHO be up in arms over the incident.

I didn't mean this to be a public service announcement for the " I'm morally right, inc" group because these are my opinions. I believe that each one is entitled to his/her own poison. It's just that some would prefer not to have to join them in partaking in it.

This is just my humble opinion. Not to represent anyone other than myself. But this is why I think the American people got their "panties in a bind"


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The real obscenity is not Janet Jackson's right breast, but the fact that 65% of pro players are permanently disabled by the end of their career, and 50% of them file bankruptcy within 2 years after retiring. In Europe, or most other countries, partially baring a right breast wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. OTOH, using 300 pound men as battering rams is another story. I fear this country has its priorities a little mixed up about what is and isn't obscene.

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[super nice remember where I am don't tell him where to go mode on]


This is a free country. No one is forced to choose Football as a career. In America, we have a choice of what we view and the reason people were upset about the halftime show is that choice was taken away from them.

[/super nice remember where I am don't tell him where to go mode off]

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While Singlestack chose to be very subtle, I can't. I don't know where to start. Are you implying that the football in general should be banned? or just the NFL? You claim 65% are permanently disabled. Are they disabled according to a medical review or are do they just have some nagging injuries that are uncomfortable at times, but don't prohibit any use or movement? What about other sports? What % of pitchers in baseball can no longer pick up a glass of water because their shoulder/elbow/tendons/or rotator cuff is nothing more than mush? What about boxers? I haven't seen a retired boxer yet that doesn't have his nose completely smashed flat against his face. How many boxers have died in the ring? Certainly a lot more than football players on the field. You claim 50% file for bankruptcy two years after leaving the sport. While I disagree on that % I won't dispute it, it doesn't matter. Who's fault is that? It's the players. Why is it that if they are fortunate and talented enough to play in the NFL and make the kind of money it takes most of us mere mortals a lifetime to earn in just a few short years, they are absolved of all personal and financial responsibility? I don't care if 100% are bankrupt after two years, T.S. At the end of the day the are responsible for their actions in all aspects of their life just like you or I. Maybe they should have taken $500 dollars out of that 2 Million signing bonus and hired a financial planner.

If you don't like football because it's neaderthalic or barbaric or whatever then stand up and make the statement. As Singlestack stated, it's a free country, but don't hide behind some BS concern about how they are unwitting victims whose bodies are ravaged and destroyed only to be thrown to the trash heap after their entertainment value is spent. They are adults who made a decision to pursue a game they love. Years of hard work and training are required along with some natural talent granted by the grace of God before they ever see a dime. Like any professional athlete, they play the game because they love it. If they get paid its a nice bonus. Many would play if they didn't get paid because it's about the love of the game, not the money. If you have trouble understanding this, then just ask Todd Jarrett, Robbie or Jerry Barnhart. I'm sure they can explain it.


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This superbowl had to be one of the best in recent years! The battle of bulls played out with such intensity on the field that it was hard to declare a single defensive player MVDP. And drama....sheesh! Wait til the final seconds of the game and kick a field goal, that had been previously missed at the same distance, to win the game...very cool.

OMG....did you see the commercials? I fell to the floor in laughter from my easy chair and almost spilled my drink with the sleigh ride and the one with young guys with soap plugs in their mouths. And the OCC crew strapping AOL hott boxes on their machines and letting Mikey test run them.....lmfao

Couple this with a little risky halftime entertainment and you have the ingredients for great conversations and debates, for example: the news media is wrapped around the axle on this. CNN cannot go thru an a 30 minute segment without mentioning the titilating exposure. Dem. hopeful Dean said it best ""In general, I think the FCC does have a role in promoting some reasonable standard of decency," Dean told reporters aboard his campaign plane. "However, considering what's on television these days, I think the FCC is being pretty silly about investigating this.""

Silly is right but laughter is generated by silly antics and laughter is something we need more of....even if it was horse-n-around!


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Guest Larry Cazes

Interesting thread.......I find it quite curious that people in this country get their panties all in a bunch over 1 second of nudity but don't get outraged over the glorification of violence that is the basis for most of the Rap/hip hop music that routinely gets played regularly on MTV and now the SB show. Interesting set of standards indeed!

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3quartertime, time to shut this down before we have an ugly outbreak of the "morals" vs. the "sinners", the "sex is dirty" vs. the "violence is dirty" (both majorities, of course), or whatever does not concern us here at BE.com... Take it somewhere else, guys.


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