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Tired of arguing about cover calls?


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Digging around in my man cave full of what my wife calls junk I put together an idea Ive had for a while. It is an IR switch hooked to a rear windshield washer for a 1985 RX-7. You break the beam and everyone can tell even from the side. Even the shooter will have no doubt. I put a few inches of steel break line so it had a little pressure and it squirts about 15 ft. In sunlight that is about max range for the sensors anyway.



I figure it will work for everyone but be the best for cover breakers wearing kaki shorts.

Edited by jmorris
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The future is now. :)

I assume you're going to use this to enforce the "none of your lower body exposed" rule. How are you going to work that for shooters of varying heights? Or are you just going to put it a ground level to deal with possible foot exposure issues?

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I assume you're going to use this to enforce the "none of your lower body exposed" rule. How are you going to work that for shooters of varying heights? Or are you just going to put it a ground level to deal with possible foot exposure issues?

No matter how high you are you still have to shoot from cover. I figure it would be more for those that are way out of cover. More of a joke than anything, it would take a boat load of them for an entire match and tapers would need swimming trunks.

...but it has to change for every target.

I bet you could set it for the last target around the barricade and still get a few folks.

CoF 20. No foot-fault lines may be used on any scenario stage.

Definitely not a foot-fault line.

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Morris...you have WAY to much time on your hands.[did Cody put you uop to this?].....i would also add different colors of dye at each stage to show everyone after the match how many times a shooter broke cover.. 1 color= PE ..2 colors=PE..3=PE..multicolored urban digital colored pants=DQ.. :sight:

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That is MUCH better than a fault line.

How about busted cover gets you water.

Really busted cover gets you red dye.

Fully exposed gets you red dye and cat urine.

Now, that is nasty but funny.... I would think maybe a bright yellow dye?

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Morris I would be glad to put that in the La State match next year.I like new stuff,and I'm pretty sure you can make it work.

Maybe we could come up with a side match for a gun and make real hard cover.Have to learn way around a barrel to even see the target.Red dye sounds great.One squit one DQ. Sign up and try again.Great money maker for a side match.

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I like it. Of course there are going to be "engineers" during the match who would want to measure the placement of it.

I welcome it. It would be sort of funny to be squirted instead of someone yelling COVERRRRRRRR! Just make sure it doesn't interfer with the sight picture of the shooter.

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At the Linden Club in Michigan earlier this year they had a catapult down range....behind the targets.

There was a rug at the end of a wall if you broke cover by stepping on the rug the catapult would launch a water balloon which would break on the wall splattering the shooter.

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For the drift the cobra is the wifes the "meats" are on my 6-71 blown, injected 23 T, both cost more to feed than pistols.

Back on topic the rule book states no "foot fault lines" this one is way higher than feet. I figure the "engineers" can measure placement with the MK I eyeball just fine, it's not like someone is going to move either the squirter or reflector (at least not without getting wet).

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