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top shot episode 7

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Something about this show that I love seeing and have wondered if it is lost on many viewers is that I ABSOLUTELY love seeing a show like this, with these types of people getting MAD with guns in their hand.

I am not only a competitive shooter but also a defensively minded person. I carry a gun (legally) and view my guns as not just props or equipment in a sport but something that may be forced into the position of having impact on my life. Something non-gun people always mistakenly assume is that someone carrying a gun is basically a liability if they get mad. Those of us who do integrate guns into our lives(like those on the show) veiw our guns as tools. This mindset often seperates guns and anger in our reactions.

I loved seeing both Brad and Kelly have bad runs at the clays and you could see the frustration in their faces and motions but they were clenching their fists and shaking their heads almost completely oblivious to the fact they had a 12g in their hands. The gun was however kept pointed in a safe direction and under control.

I think this type of thing is nothing but positive for the non-gun person to see.

I hope I was able to properly transfer my thoughts to writing. I am generally very poor at doing so.

Great observation.

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Check out the CTD interview with Denny: http://cheaperthandirt.com/blog/?p=3416

He said prior to Top Shot, he hadn't fired live ammo in 10 years!

I saw this linked from the History Channel forum. I find it a bit amazing that the producers didn't check out the competitors enough to find out that this guy hasn't shot a real gun for 10 years. Keeping Denny over Kelly is probably a better strategy in a show like this. Unfortunately for Brad it didn't work. :ph34r: But, it was probably worth a try.

Can't wait to see the final episode where the four people left get to select their own shot and then they all have to do the other guys tough shot. It sounds kinda like a game of Horse but with guns instead of a basketball.


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Brad, I don't know if you're checking the thread, but I appreciated your presence on the show. The cameras had their eye on you, and when I watched carefully I picked up some little USPSA maneuvers that even I do in C class, like going through the motions before the stage, and an intense focus during practice on the particular skills you'll need to compete. I don't think an average viewer would notice, but I liked seeing USPSA's principles of visualization and economy of motion on display. Thanks.

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In my time on the show, I didn't feel like I got the opportunity to demonstrate what I could do. This is especially true for guys like Mike, Blake and JJ, who are simply ridiculous in terms of talent and are in a different league. The latter two didn't even get the chance to shoot half the time while I was there, and certainly not in events where their true abilities could shine. The challenges were accuracy based, required no movement, and were completed with guns that we got pretty much no practice with. Additionally, most of that practice time was spent figuring out where the gun was shooting. The one chance I did have to shoot fast was on the Peacemaker, which unfortunately involved both teams' guns breaking prior to the event, and us having to use a new gun for the challenge. I missed my first couple of shots because the gun required a 6 o'clock hold while I used a center hold. I had to figure that out on the clock. Hell, JJ even ADed on that stage because we were only allowed to load 5 into the gun and he thought he was on an empty cylinder. Of course the keyboard commandos are going to laugh that one up because someone who has a problem with something they've never done before automatically is horrible at everything in spite of any previous achievements.

I agree. Both JJ and Blake have sat out quite a bit. And like you said Brad, I am sure they just want to shoot also. I think when it comes down to it they might be shooting off for the top spot.

Brad, you like Mike took the time to post on the forum your experince on the show. Like you said many people have posted good and bad things, but they themselves have not tryout for the show or if they did were not good enough. Thanks for your comments.

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**This is just a suggestion**

How about limiting the people who keep making the problematic comments rather than the discussion topic? I obviously don't know what the most recently edited comment was or who made it. But, if folks who made comments against the rules were told that they can't post in the Top Shot threads or be booted then that might solve the problem. Maybe.

**Again, this is not a criticism but only a suggestion**


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Folks, let's please keep it clean. Don't deprive the rest of us of the opportunity to discuss the show. Thanks.

... and learned that people will remember your character far more than your performance.

Bravo, Brad! :bow: That is a great lesson to walk away with. Hope your fellow "showmates" learn that as well.

Can't wait for next week "all against all". I hope Adam gets his butt kicked by Tara. I have lost faith in Denny, don't see much future for him. However, someone's quitting... Although I hope it would be Adam or Denny, it think it will be Tara... (hope I'm wrong).

... then one of the contestants will find out who his real father is. He grew up as a poor farmhand, while his real family are the wealthy owners of the farm where he and his adoptive family were employed. Another woman (the daughter of the rich landowners coming back from Paris from taking private lessons with Eric Grauffel) will come into the show and threaten Tara's alpha female queendom...

Stay tuned for the next episode of The Shooters Soap Opera.


Edited by Nemo
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... then one of the contestants will find out who his real father is. He grew up as a poor farmhand, while his real family are the wealthy owners of the farm where he and his adoptive family were employed. Another woman (the daughter of the rich landowners coming back from Paris from taking private lessons with Eric Grauffel) will come into the show and threaten Tara's alpha female queendom...

Stay tuned for the next episode of The Shooters Soap Opera.


Where was the spoiler warning? Sheesh!

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I really appreciated and enjoyed Brads post. After reading it I realized that each and every one of us has shown a little of our dark sides by some of the posts we, including I, have made. Brads right. It's onething to sit behind a PC screen and make posts and quite another to man up and be seen by millions on the HC. My hats off to all that had the stones to be a part of this show. I hope that this thread can continue as it's been informative, educational and fun..

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**This is just a suggestion**

How about limiting the people who keep making the problematic comments rather than the discussion topic? I obviously don't know what the most recently edited comment was or who made it. But, if folks who made comments against the rules were told that they can't post in the Top Shot threads or be booted then that might solve the problem. Maybe.

**Again, this is not a criticism but only a suggestion**



that might have worked a couple of threads ago --- except that thread got too ugly, too fast. In our experience, when some topic generates emotions that threaten Brian's primary vision (Please be polite...) then its often time for that topic to go away.....

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Im still watching and enjoying the show. I think the next few episodes will be the best.

One thing that would be awesome for next season is a shooter point of view camera. Either hat cams, or the video camera glasses like Ive seen in some of Kgunz shop/shooting videos. That would give a whole new perspective, and imo, be much better than seeing 50 exploding targets whatever that may be per episode.

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It was great seeing you represent the IPSC sport Brad.

Hope to meet you someday at a match. My wife wanted Kelly

to win but I voted for you to win relying on our IPSC skills.

It didnt happen that way and that's O.K. You win some You loose some.

Anyone that promotes our sport is a friend of mine.



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Finally got around to seeing this episode on Hulu after being away from a TV for 5 days. better than the last one for sure. Ive done a lot of clays shooting and can handle a shotgun fairly well...guess what im doing next time I go out to have some range fun :)

I too am really starting to like Kelly more and more. Sooner or later, they need to realize that he can adapt quite well to about anything he puts his hands on.

As I had hoped, the team format is going away soon and the challenges look more fast and furious-maybe even surprise elimination challenges it looks like? should be a good finish to the series in the coming weeks!

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It was great seeing you represent the IPSC sport Brad.

Hope to meet you someday at a match. My wife wanted Kelly

to win but I voted for you to win relying on our IPSC skills.

It didnt happen that way and that's O.K. You win some You loose some.

Anyone that promotes our sport is a friend of mine.



Right on Ed, I appreciate it. I just hope more people join the sport once they look it up and realize how absolutely awesome it is. I'm planning on setting up a Top Shot theme at the next match at my home range when I'm Match Director. We'll have all the props!

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You really should chill out. Nobody here actually thinks the personalities edited-in are who you are in real life. I had Caleb on my stage last weekend, and my "rat fink" joke turned out to be hilarious for his whole squad.

I'm pretty sure the whole shooting community realizes that it's just TV and the winner really has little to do with shooting.

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as for next season, i say ditch the current host and hire R Lee Ermey. Can you just imagine...?

"Oh my GOD you pathetic sack of horse *#$%! My invalid grandmother could outshoot you from her @@$$(&*!! wheelchair! You're an embarrasment to shooters everywhere! How dare you come on to MY range and disgrace John Moses Browning bless his eternal soul with a total suckass shooting expostion like that!! OH MY GOD!! Now drop and give me twenty!!"


I just spit outmeal on the keyboard :roflol:


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Drama aside, I think that the show is doing a really good job of getting people interested in shooting. People at my work know that I shoot competitively and I have had many come up to me asking if I had seen the Top Shot show because they seen it and were interested in shooting because of it. That to me is really cool. This show is making a tangible connection with people which to me is awesome. Regardless of how the drama pans out or whatever peoples opinions are of the competitors I really don’t see how this show can be anything other than good for the shooting community as a whole.

If this show brings more people into the shooting sports or simply shows people that shooting is fun we all win. My hat is off to all of the competitors that gave their time to participate in the show. I wish that main stream media was more receptive to things like this which puts guns and shooting in a good light.

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as for next season, i say ditch the current host and hire R Lee Ermey. Can you just imagine...?

"Oh my GOD you pathetic sack of horse *#$%! My invalid grandmother could outshoot you from her @@$$(&*!! wheelchair! You're an embarrasment to shooters everywhere! How dare you come on to MY range and disgrace John Moses Browning bless his eternal soul with a total suckass shooting expostion like that!! OH MY GOD!! Now drop and give me twenty!!"


That would be awesome!

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Regardless of how the drama pans out or whatever peoples opinions are of the competitors I really don’t see how this show can be anything other than good for the shooting community as a whole.

AMEN brother. I feel the same way. I have said that from the very beginning. The show is showing guns in a good light. Some people just make to much of the drama on the show. It is what it is.

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