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2004 Georgia State Championship

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I shot it this morning, got squeezed in after they had a cancelation. (Thanks again Carlos & Roger!). It was an interesting array of stages. Had a great time shooting with my squad (#25) and all the R.O.'s did a fantastic job. Looking forward to next year's match where ever it may be at! (?)

Everyone give this crew another round of applause!!!

Thanks again,


Michael L. Daniels - A19989

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Just got back in from the range. Carlos is probably getting in about now and will be posting scores to Cherokee IPSC first. Congratulations to:

Max Michel Jr. (Open)

Kert Gaskill (Limited)

Larry Houck (Limited 10)

Dave Sevigny (Production)

Cliff Walsh (Revolver)

Thanks to all the competitors for making this the largest state match in Georgia history :D

A huge Thanks to all the RO's and match staff. Running 20 squads between the hours of 7:30 am and 6:50 pm in 90 degree heat is an unbelievable accomplishment.

As I feel a bit delirious :wacko: I will post more after some rest.

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Another great GA State Championship. Whose idea was that *@)ING Classifier??? I guess two misses and two no-shoots on a speed shoot doesn't really cut it! Ironic that this same stage was the one Shooters Paradise sponsored. Congrats to the winners, especially my good friend Kert Gaskill. It's cool to see his name at the top again.

Down, disgruntled, but determined

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Roger, THANK YOU!!! and it was great to meet such a nice person! Also, thanks to Carlos and everyone else that helped run the match. It was awesome and I had an incredible time! Many, many thanks!!!

Julie Goloski is an awesome coach and all around super cool person. I'll be forever indebted to her, as well as Dave Sevigny, for all their guidance and assistance. Absolutely amazing people!!!

Now... hurry up and post the scores so I can print out the stage results and place a copy of the one I beat Travis Tomasie (and 4 other GM's) on in my shooting journal!!! What a highlight for my first big match! :D Just so happened to be the handcuff stage... hmmmm... :blink:

I can't possibly list all of the awesome people I met and that assisted me at the match, so...



edited to add: OH!!! And Phil,... I guess I didn't learn from your advice because I'm still thanking you too!!! :lol:

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I've been trying to come up with something appropriate to say about the match. The only thing that comes to mind is simply incredible. Admittedly, Carlos and Roger are good friends and CGC is like a home club to me, but that match was in fact like old john said...the one all matches should be scored against. Friday and Saturday were the hottest two days so far in the area this year. Over 90 degrees both days with high humidity and a beating sun. There was plenty of cold water and shade on every stage, with industrial fans on nearly every stage to keep some air moving. The shooters didn't even have to paste targets. There were enough ROs to take care of that. The ROs were in the sun and heat all day and rarely got to take advantage of the cool shade offered the shooters. My hat is off to them for their efforts. Stage design was excellent and the squads ran through like clockwork. Instead of standing on their laurels for just a few days, Roger and Carlos are already talking about how they can improve next years match. Unbelieveable.

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Phenomenal match!!!

I've shot a lot of matches and as a match this was probably the best. The stages were spectacular and FUN!

Got to shoot with the Super Squad on Saturday morning. It was fun shooting with Max, Chris and my West Coast bro' Travis. I wish I could have shot better, but was thinking way too much on the front four and despite doing alright on the last five, still wasn't enough to get back into where I should be. Oh well.

Was it worth the trip? Absolutely. Delta Airlines and TSA were no problems and Roger and Carlos thankfully put up with the pain coming from CA with ammo shipment and match registration issues.

Hats off to everyone that helped out with this match. The RO's were spectacular. Not having to tape and set steel was HUGE. Not only from a shooter standpoint of prepping for each stage, but it was HUUUUUUMID and shooters would have been dropping like flys if we had to tape too.

Outstanding facilities, great restaurants (Texas Roadhouse rules!), gorgeous women and those sexy Georgia accents. Ahhh....wish I'd shot this match years ago.

Thanks again and hopefully I can make it next year.


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Great match. Thanks to Carlos and Roger.

The half day format was great and kept the shooters shooting. I hope other matches pick up this format.

Now if I can just take back those two failures-to-engage and the boat-full of Mikes . . . :rolleyes:

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I heard a lot of nice complements from shooters during and after the match and I just finished reading all the congratulatory posts here. The Georgia Section has long been known for outstanding participation and my home club (Cherokee) was a glowing example of it this past weekend. It took a large number of volunteers to RO and do all the other things necessary to put on an event this large, so it's nice to hear good things back from the shooters who came.

Now tell all your shooting buddies that didn't come to make plans for 2005. Who knows, the insanity may last long enough for us to do it again next year.

Thanks to all who came to play with us.

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To all The competitors and staff,

I have sat down at the computer for the first time in weeks.

I would like to thank all the people who came out to play in the sun .

We had a great time meeting new friends and seeing some old faces.

The match ran on time and was very smooth. I heard only good things from the competitors . I didnt hear much of any thing from the match staff as they wear to tired to speak. From an R.O.s perspective Carlos And Roger Did a great job of moving people around to where the action was. The staff was very fluid and responsive to the needs of the shooters and R.O.s There was plenty of drinks and a great lunch on sat.

(I remember lunch because I am A GM at eating This is always my best stage.)

I will say that much fun was had by all . The prep work for this match started months ago and now that it is all over I am glad we do this but am thankful that it is an anual endevor.

In closing I am left with a yearning for next Year. As we cleaned up the range on sun it was way to quiet. Its hard to believe that only days before hundreds of happy shooters shot 60,000 + rounds.

John Nagel

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Roger and Carlos:

Thanks for a super match an a great time. The stages were the best I have seen at a state match. They were deceptive to say the least. The half day format was great, the LA contingent will all be back next year.

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WOW! I am so pleased that everyone enjoyed this match. Carlos and I were listed as match directors but the crew we have in the GA section certainly doesn't need much direction. I am so proud to be affiliated with such a great bunch of people. The word quit is not in the vocabulary of these folks. We had juniors, seniors, super seniors, ladies and U's thru GM represented...and those were staff members working this match!

We also had competitors galore. They represented 19 states and 2 countries (Canada and Jamaica.) We tried to keep every one hydrated and as cool as could be expected with a heat index of about 103. The fans(the electric kind, not the entourage following the supersquad :P )helped to keep the air moving.

I really want to thank everyone that made the trek (in some cases a very long one) to make this match a special one. The 'thank you's' here and in the many emails we have received over the last couple of days make me want to try it again next year (did I say that or just think it :blink: )

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Hello All. I would also like to add my thanks and appreciation for all the kind words we have received over the last couple of days. Although most of the notes have been addressed to Roger and I, we certainly could not have done it without a great deal of effort and support from many wonderful shooters in the Georgia section. (OK, we adopted Stan Johnson for the weekend :lol: ).

I am both proud and honored to have been a part of this team and look forward to working with them in the future.

Thank you,

Carlos Rubio


PS: I have updated the match results to reflect points series information.

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If you missed the cutoff for shirts (i.e. didn't send your entry until very late June) your shirt is just now being ordered. We waited as long as we could to place the order and still had about 40 folks enter afterward. All I can tell you is that you will most definitely receive your shirt. If you have questions just email me.

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