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The masters


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I kind of agree. While he was a great golfer, I think his attitude was poor. He had some moments that turned me off from being a Tiger fan. All of this before the news of his infidelity. I could care less about his personal life, although I do feel bad for his wife and children.

Time to find a new golf hero.

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while he may be "struggling" for him....hes still only like 4 shots back. He playing like crap for him and yet hes still very much in contention.

I'd personally like to see him win it, just to shut up everyone in the media (hopefully) about his personal life and everything that has gone on

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while he may be "struggling" for him....hes still only like 4 shots back. He playing like crap for him and yet hes still very much in contention.

I'd personally like to see him win it, just to shut up everyone in the media (hopefully) about his personal life and everything that has gone on

I doubt they well ever "shut up" as you put it. If they ever do it will be because they found somebody else to talk about :mellow:

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while he may be "struggling" for him....hes still only like 4 shots back. He playing like crap for him and yet hes still very much in contention.

I'd personally like to see him win it, just to shut up everyone in the media (hopefully) about his personal life and everything that has gone on

I doubt they well ever "shut up" as you put it. If they ever do it will be because they found somebody else to talk about :mellow:

touche. at least get it off the front page of everything I see, hows that lol

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Karma's a beyotch!

I wasn't ever really a Tiger fan and all the hoopla sealed the deal. But it will be interesting to see how he handles the game now that he doesn't get the extra special treatment all the time.

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I don't care about his personal life...and I doubt most people would come out squeaky clean if their lives were put on display. I like him as a golfer and a competitor.

Birdie on 18 could very well be coming attractions. Sunday will be fun.

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Being in the 3rd place slot is hardly a "wheels coming off" event.

And fwiw, Tiger owes one person an apology. Anyone else seeking remorse or retribution is a self-entitled elitist.

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Time to find a new golf hero.

How about Phil the Thrill. He almost made three eagles in one round.

Tiger is holding on after being off for a while. Tomorrow will tell who will slip on the GREEN jacket.

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Being in the 3rd place slot is hardly a "wheels coming off" event.

And fwiw, Tiger owes one person an apology. Anyone else seeking remorse or retribution is a self-entitled elitist.

Well FWIW I could care less about an apology.... but to call those who recognize him for what he is, self entitled elitists is a little ironic don't you think??? After all he is the one solely responsible for putting out a false product, for hell sakes he has a whole staff of people developing and marketing his "brand". You shouldn't be too surprised that folks won't be nearly as impressed with him as he is with himself when they find out he is a liar.

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Wow. I can't believe how many people are talking about apologies, lies, sex, and the media. HE IS A GOLFER. Why aren't more of you talking about which driver he uses on a particular hole ..... His skills, his techniques, and equipment. 6 months ago nobody gave a crap about his personal life. Why now? Drama. That's why.

I don't care what he did, what he didn't do. or what he might do tomorrow. He's still currently the best golfer in the world, bar none. Phil's coming on strong, but when you look back at what Tiger has done over his very short career you can't help but be impressed. This guy is the equivalent of Michael Jordon ... Rob Leatham ... Bret Favre .... Bruce Lee. You don't have to like these guys, but you do have to respect their drive; their determination; their love for the game; their extraordinary talent; their desire to win, and to do whatever it takes during practice to make that happen.

It's sad how one's personal life, when put on display, changes the way people view them as a professional athlete. A person I can understand. But that doesn't change their skill level. And on such a shooting forum that deals with strengthening our skills, and developing our mental attitude towards winning perhaps we should focus on the athlete more than the personal media hype that has ensued.

I'm just saying ........... I'd like to be as good at shooting USPSA as Tiger is at Golf. :)

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I could care less about what he did to his wife. I don't even like golf. But he's an egotistic punk. Watching him shank that 8 iron, then go into "tiger you suck", and then a few choice words was priceless. This guy doesn't say or do anything without his publicist oking it or some Nike hack giving approval. No respect for the game still. There are so many great golfers that are actually polite, class acts that are worthy of people's admiration.

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I actually laughed out loud when he said that.

And guess what, when I blow a stage at a match, I get pretty pissed off too. If that makes me an "egotistic punk" in people's minds as well...well I'm perfectly ok with that.

What really astounds me is how so many people that hate him, still watch him and talk about him. :rolleyes:

To get the thread back to shooting...After those 3 bogeys to finish with a birdie is a great example for shooters. Very short memory for bad shots and focus on the task at hand.

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I could care less about what he did to his wife. I don't even like golf. But he's an egotistic punk. Watching him shank that 8 iron, then go into "tiger you suck", and then a few choice words was priceless. This guy doesn't say or do anything without his publicist oking it or some Nike hack giving approval. No respect for the game still. There are so many great golfers that are actually polite, class acts that are worthy of people's admiration.

I will agree with you on that aspect. I think for someone in the media spotlight, he could watch his words a little better. His wonderfully positive attitude has diminished of late.

I try to be a very positive shooter, in that any mistakes or bad stages are quickly left behind me, and I try to have a very positive mental picture in my head of what I'm about to do. I think Tiger could use a little more of that.

He seems to be a little down on himself lately. The Masters is neither the time nor the place for that crap. His attitude needs a little work, but everyone is allowed to have a slump now and then. It just surprises me to see it from Tiger.

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Golf courses use an average of 300,000 gallon of water per DAY. And in those special, must have areas, like the desert (Vegas etc) - 1,000,000+ per DAY.

That is what we should be talking about regarding golf.


I personally hope he's done apologizing...

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Y'all really should listen to Chris. If there's anyone qualified to speak about overcoming the burden of deviant sexual behavior and going on to perform well in a competitive event, it's him.

Never really bought into the idea of having a man crush til now Mark. I think I have one :roflol:

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while he may be "struggling" for him....hes still only like 4 shots back. He playing like crap for him and yet hes still very much in contention.

I'd personally like to see him win it, just to shut up everyone in the media (hopefully) about his personal life and everything that has gone on

Actually, I wish the media would shut up about him all together. You'd think he was the ONLY golfer in the tournament. Even when he loses, the bone heads talk about him instead of the winner. I hate the damn idol worship is our society.

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Golf courses use an average of 300,000 gallon of water per DAY. And in those special, must have areas, like the desert (Vegas etc) - 1,000,000+ per DAY.

That is what we should be talking about regarding golf.


I personally hope he's done apologizing...

That's ok for every day I watch golf on TV I buy a product that's labeled green in order to maintain my sense of moral superiority ..... it's good for the environment <_< Good thing I hardly ever watch golf.

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Golf courses use an average of 300,000 gallon of water per DAY. And in those special, must have areas, like the desert (Vegas etc) - 1,000,000+ per DAY.

That is what we should be talking about regarding golf.


I personally hope he's done apologizing...

I agree.

I'm with Jeff Cooper when it comes to golf courses.

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