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Everything posted by sauza45

  1. I was stuck in B class for some time. My points were very good but my time was slow. Talking with other top shooter they said my splits are good but my movment was slow. I started working on my stage breakdown, my movment through the stage to get faster. I did not shoot any faster just move faster and cut out wasted movemnet. I am now an A class shooter and knocking on M class. I believe there is sooo much time to be made up in your moving then there is in shooting. Shoot for A's but move as fast as you can between shots.
  2. The load I use in my 21 is OAL 1.230 and a crimp of .470 Dont know what your crimp is. This is with a Hornady HAP 230. I have not loaded 45 acp with and blazer brass or small primers. Try some different brass and see if that helps.
  3. I have a STI 170 mag in 40 and was wondering if it can be changed to run 38sc, or would I be better of to just get one set up for 38sc.
  4. We need more info to help. What kind of brass, bullets, what is your oal you say it is well below max but what is it? How are you cycling the rounds.
  5. I have a Brazos SC Limited gun and have had NO trouble with it and I have 22,000 rounds on it. I bought the gun knowing that it can shoot better than me, and all I had to do was work on shooting better. I have not changed anything on the gun other than playing with diffrent grips. I am back to the factory grip. I dont think you can go wrong with a custom gun. If you have the funds and want to spend them then get what you want and be happy. If you settle for something else, you will always be wondering if you can do better with a different gun. As someone else said pick one and practice. That has soooo much truth to it.
  6. Talked to Rick and orderd through him. There is a little wait so I am waiting now.
  7. Why not prime on the press? If that is what you want just dont put any primers in the press. No need to remove anything
  8. I worked on it some more it is square now and the fit is good.
  9. It is hard to see but the edge of the radius is not square. I might try to square it up before I get another one. Will the angle of the radius damage anything if not square?
  10. Thanks I will post a picture in the morning.
  11. Cleaning my gun and found the firing pin stop is cracked. I have fitted the new stop and I matched the radius to the old one, but the angle left to right on the bottom edge is not square? It is not out by much but it is out of square. How importent is this to be square. I can file the bottom up to square it up but then it will be shorter than the slide. Do I need to fit a new one?
  12. I have my order in for a MR Bulletfeeder for my Super 1050 just waiting for it now. I did buy the Hornady bullet dies for 22.00 to try. I will say that if you dont have a bullet feeder it is much easier to just drop the bullets in the die buy hand. But still waiting on the MR Bulletfeeder
  13. I have loaded on a XL650 for about 5 years and stepped up and bought SUPER 1050. I will say that at first getting it set up right was a little of a pain but once I got it set the 1050 loads better than the 650. The biggest difference it how much easier the handle pull and how smooth it is on the 1050. I load 38sc 40 and 45 acp switching calibers is a little more work but for me the 1050 is worth it. Its not like you switch calibers all the time. If I now I am going to switch calibers I make sure I have 3,000 to 4,000 of the current set up loaded before I switch. Like said before by the time you set up a 650 with all the extras you can step up to a 1050 for just a little bit more.
  14. sauza45

    G17 and Bomars

    To move the bullet inpact to the right turn the screw clockwise while looking at the screw
  15. I have an adjustible rear f.o. sight I wanted to black out instead of buying a new one. I used black silicone and filled the f.o. hole Has stayed in place and if you want to go back just remove the silicone.
  16. I am not second guessing him I will be going with his advise, I was just wondering how many use the Aftec and if you were having any troubles. He has built other guns for me and I can say they have run 100%. That is why I trust him.
  17. I am having an Open gun built and the gunsmith said he does not use Aftec extractors anymore. I have one in my limited gun and have not had any trouble. I was told the new ones were not as good as the old ones and he has had issues with them.
  18. I started with a G21 and got my gear at B&B enterprise check with them they had large frame glock stuff, CR speed mag holders, dont know it they still do. http://www.bb-enterprise.biz/
  19. Looking at buying a Mr Bulletfeeder for my new Super 1050. Where is the best place to buy? The Mr Bulletfeeder web sight does not have anywhere to buy on the sight.
  20. Yes main springs affect trigger pull some. I use a 17# main spring and 12# wolff varible recoil spring with winchester small rifle primers and after 20,000 rounds I have never had a light strike
  21. How much better was the groups compaired to the factory setup (factory barrel and springs)
  22. Thanks for the info I have done chrono work on both loads and they both are at 171-172 PF. Brazos guns have been great, so much so I ordered an Open gun. I was just testing a new batch of powder and was playing with the oal. I have shoot several thousand rounds of each oal and both run 100%. I was just wondering about the pressure difference in the 2. I will stay with the 1.220 that Brazos list for his gun. Thanks for you help
  23. That is what the Brazos recommends in his guns. He also says to use 1.220 oal. After about 18,000 round and no trouble I cant complain. I was just wondering about the pressure diffrence between the 2 rounds, but I guess nobody has the quickload program to compair
  24. I also shoot a Brazos Limited SC. My load is MG 180jhp with N320 after about 18,000 rounds of this load I see no need to change. Shoots soft and clean. Besides that is the load Brazos recommends with his gun.
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