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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. Agreed, and furthermore, not following the host's wishes makes for a bad guest. Bad guests get sent packing, or in the case of these forums, their thread gets locked. The rule is simple: don't be a bad guest. Well, I hope folks don't think I'm a bad guest. I'm simply posing a question. I really love our sport and feel that this forum and others is a good place for info on gun related topics (United front sort of thing).
  2. So, I contend that discussing such topics as the 2nd amendment decision by the supreme court and any other gun related topics are not political. You have to have an opposing opinion in order for a subject to be "political". I'm very certain there are no anti-gun folks that shoot our sport. So how can we call such discussions political. If this was a golf forum and we were discussing gun topics I think then it would be political. What do you think?
  3. What? ..................I don't get it.
  4. In the beginning God created the 1911 and he saw that it was good and he was pleased. So, God gave it unto man and commanded that he should go forth and do good works. And man obeyed god and went forth unto all the nations and fought evil wherever god directed. God’s divine creation in the hands of righteous men never failed. But man being born in sin gave into his evil nature and brought forth from the earth iron which he formed into vile creations of his own, mocking God. These creations were mainly of the double action type and particularly the safe-action type. This plague spread throughout the earth leaving in its path devastation to fast and accurate trigger control like the world has never seen. God, while being disappointed with man brought forth an example to show the world the way back to his good graces. He sent forth scores and scores of M and GM’s to witness to the world by example the superiority of the 1911. But Satan in his evil way sent one man to do his bidding. Woe I say unto the beware of the man in the black shirt that cradles mans vile creation in his hands for he is a deceiver and will lull you to believe if he can do it so can you, but he is not of this earth and he will lead you to ruin. So, to all the sections across this righteous land embrace the divine creation and cast away this creation of man’s arrogance. Heed this warning and resist the temptation of the plastic abomination. Rev. Tim I wrote this to tease a glock shooter on our club bulletin board and thought I would share it with you all. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS PLACED UNDER HUMOR.
  5. I only have experience with the 2007 Florida Open. The props were the same as I just shot at the recent Monster Match and the Florida State Match which was 2 weeks after the '07 FL Open, held at the same range. The stage props and materials are no better than the Area 5, 6, and 8 matches that I shot earlier this year, which entry fees were half the cost of the FL Open. Mr. Garcia is the organizer who owns and lives on the range property which also houses his shooting school. I'm not convinced that the Florida Open costs 80% of the LPR Nationals to run, as reflected in the entry fee. If Mr. Garcia can make a mint on the FL Open, more power to him - he certainly earned that right and the demand is apparently there. However, people on a forum saying that the match fees aren't enough to buy better prizes or support a deeper field is BS, IMHO. There were 311 competitors in 2007, @ $200 each (for those that registered on time) it's pretty simple math. All that said, I'll still be there. I really liked the Universal Shooting Academy magazine pouches that were in my prize bag. Jeff I'm pretty sure the props you speak of were origanally built for the 2007open and then used for the rest of the year for the other matches mentioned. I also believe that when or if you return to the open the props will be once again built practically from scratch. I think this is one of the best matches of the year. If I can I will be back in 08.
  6. I agree with some other folks here that the almost chambering problem sounds like an extractor. Also if a barrel is really tight this can also happen. Keep it wet every 50-100 rounds or so as you break it in. The nose down problem is more times than not a mag issue. If you can get some longer ammo and your chamber will except it that can really help as well. 2 cents given.
  7. Well, no one ever said a post needs to be accurate.
  8. Benny, I have seen the 6 inch you just sent to TN. You would thinks that as big of a guy he is he would not feel the need to compensate. What do you think moverfive?
  9. I say don't worry about this. Unless you are on the super squad and trying to gain .5 of a percent you would be much better off spending 2-3k on ammo and really working on skills. My 2 cents anyway. TC
  10. I didn't know Elvis was a shooter?!?!?!? You obviously don't know much about Elvis... Oh yea, the tv thing. I forgot about that.
  11. I predict Matt will win production. And then again will win production at TN state 2 weeks later!
  12. The two of us that made it from TN had a great time. Thanks for all your hard work. I understand now why this is such a popular match. See you next year, TC
  13. Well, I'm not sure but I don't think nostalgia was the catalyst for SS. I really think it was more about a home for the weapon that to a great degree formed our sport. Before SS yes you could shoot one in L10 but most people right or wrong felt like they were at a disadvantage. TGO proved once again that it is more about your skill set than your weapon!!! Personally, I don't care what the rig looks like I'm just glad people can shoot their 1911's in a division and not feel hampered.
  14. tpcdvc

    Hollow points

    no way dude! ani't gonna happen. get thee to the bullseye range! lynn Yep, I love the steel!!!!!!
  15. tpcdvc

    Hollow points

    It seems the consensus is that it is more likely a steel problem than a bullet problem. Also, in my experience hollow points are by and large more accurate. I can show you years of reloading data that will back up my opinion. Also, if you ask say Norm at Montana Gold he will tell you that because of the manufacturing process in making hollow points they are potentially more accurate the even his complete metal jacket. That being said not all guns may show a marked improvement in accuracy using hollow points. Anyway, you might not want to write them off so quickly if you are one who prefers a very accurate race gun.
  16. tpcdvc

    Hollow points

    I've been hit or seen people hit many times by many different bullet frags. I don't think one bullet is worse than the other. Although there is one bullet that is nearly 100% frag proof. This stuff is pretty amazing! Too expensive for our sport though. Unless maybe if your TJ. http://www.frangiblebullets.com/
  17. This was my second year attending this match and it will continue to be on my must attend list. Awesome Match!!!!!
  18. I'll do some hunting every year and I just bought a new bird dog so I do try to set some time aside for other things. My son loves to play sports so I'm busy with that. Otherwise I'm all about the USPSA!
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