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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. Hell Jeff, I don't know where you're reading that two state or sectional matches would be scored. Judging by the plain language of the rules it sure looks to me like only the highest state or sectional match finish would count. The formula should simply be (A*2) + S + O = PS% That's what it says in the policies posted online. This just in from USPSA HQ: The Point Series Championship counts no more than 4 matches... which are: *Best finish at a area match. *Best 2 finishes at a state or sectional match. *Best finish at [a "other" USPSA" Level III match. I hope this helps clear things up. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Staci Pulver :-) USPSA Receptionist Point Series Coordinator Junior Raffle Coordinator Office 360-855-2245 Fax 360-855-0380 staci@uspsa.org Now THAT is how I understood it was to be run. +1 on that. I called sedro at the beginning of the season and that was what was explained to me.
  2. I think it really has to be a mistake. I can't see how you publish the 2006 policies and then change them in December. I'm sure it was just a computer glitch or something. In fact I would say that the published policy is a contract between the USPSA and the members that participated in the PS.
  3. That has been updated in the last day or 2. It's not even in the 2006 policy's and they decide to count it now?? I know people that didn't go to nationals and are now not winning their class in the series. You can't just up and decide to count the nationals. Maybe it's just a mistake? I totally would have gone to the nats or would not have done the PS. I made my match schedule with the 2006 policies in mind. Somebody tell me it is a mistake!!!! TC
  4. I just looked at the point series results this morning and the Nationals are included. I didn't think they were PS matches???? What is the deal? Tim
  5. tpcdvc

    164.97 Pf

    cnemikeman, what powder were you using?
  6. Is there a link for directions to the range anywhere? Tim
  7. China is a communist country period. I don't know how you can say it is not. We did fine before clinton normalized trade with china(we bought our relay switches for our F-16 from Japan). I don't buy guns from communist countries because you mostly can't and really wouldn't want to. Again my beef is supporting communist countries I have no problem with fair free trade with countries participating in free democracies. You can call me a patriot but never a racist half inch group. I have no problem with the Chinese people only their government. It is up to them to change their government. What is an American you asked? True we are from all parts of the world but above all we treasure freedom and liberty. We would give our very lives to preserve it. And that is why I started this thread. Giving money to a country that has and is oppressing it's people is not the American way. Heaven help us!!!!!
  8. Exactly. The web sites that I visited selling USA made hats and tee shirts were no more expensive than anywhere else. And even if I had to spend an extra dollar or two.............................SO BE IT!!!!!!!!!
  9. I don't mind buying things from other countries (although I prefer to buy US products) as long as they are not potential enimies like China. They are communist. Way too many people have died in the name of freedom to support an oppresive government.
  10. So, I was putting my 2006 nationals cap today and I noticed it was made in China. Damn. So I decided I would not wear it and search for a shooting cap that was made hopefully in the US but definitely not China. 2006 Area 6 cap- made in China! Universal shooting academy- made in China! So, I switched gears and went to my college football team hats for the Univ of Miami and of course every hat was made in China! Finally I found that the 2005 USPSA nationals hat that was made in Bangladesh. I could live with that. Why in the world does an organization like the USPSA support communist China? This trade with China will prove to be the worst thing Clinton ever did to America. Don't shop at wal-mart!! Try hard to buy US made goods!!!!! And for heaven sakes let’s buy US made goods for the USPSA. I did a quick Google search and found a ton of suppliers of hats and t's that are made in America. Tim Calhoun
  11. Originally, when I first talked to Peter he mentioned the 1000 dollar deal he made for the folks doing the aware match and sounded like he was extending the same offer to me. So, I took it to our BOD and we voted to buy the software for said amount. For a thousand dollars that would be a buy out. No pay per use. He then decided since he is trying to get the USPSA to take over the thing and just charge members a fee to upload any scores that has used his system and pass the fee on to him until he has made his money back (He invested a ton), that he would give me the software as long as I would pay him per shooter for all matches including our local monthly match. Not a sole in our club would agree to that. When you do the math on that deal our one club would have to send him +/- $5000.00 every year. Palm software as I'm sure you know can not be very involved because of the platform. Extremely powerful computer programs sell for around 1K (such as DV editing software or digital audio software ect.) 1K for his set up to me is a very hefty price for palm software but was worth it to our club since we have so many shooters every month. So, I can't speak for every club, but that is what we were willing to pay for his software. Tim TC
  12. I talked to Peter at length about his software. Our club too does a couple of big matches a year consisting of 10+ stages in addition to our monthly matches where normally we have 65-80 shooters to score. He wanted every shooter to pay a 5 buck (give or take) fee every time we used his software including our monthly matches. Wow!!!!!!!! I tried to explain to him that he is basically asking for a royalty to be paid by the shooters that is next to impossible to justify. His software while a great product does nothing to make the stages better or make shooting our club more attractive to shoot than another club that is not using his program. So, how can I justify the extra cost to the shooter? I CAN'T. I could see perhaps paying his fee for our two large "special" matches but not on a monthly basis. Tim
  13. Missoula is a great city with plenty of things to do and plenty of restaurants and hotels. It could easily support 10 times the people we would bring to a national match. And if memory serves me right I do think they have strip clubs . The only drawback is getting there is a little harder because of very few direct flights. TC
  14. Exactly. Since this is pretty much an amateur sport, I see no reason to have a pay back for the PS. Put everybody in it automatically, make it a member benefit and dump a sorted list to USPSA.org every month. "cashing-out" should never be a goal of anything USPSA does. +1 on that. Everyone in. Also, every state and area match is a PS match. But include a method to address the no GM problem for smaller matches so the D-M competitors can't gain an advantage by shooting in said small matches. Counted matches could remain the same (Two area, 4 state ect..).
  15. So I hve been thinking about this again as the year comes to a close. The reason that works for NASCAR is because of the huge fan base. We are competitors not the fan base. The reason nascar has a point series is to determine an overall winner. We use a kind of superbowl method (Nationals) to determine our overall winner. If anything, the point series is more interesting to us folks that could never at this given moment have a chance in he%* to win the Nationals. I still say fix the existing PS by requiring the division in a given match to have at least one GM that scores in the top 5% or grading it on a curve (if an A wins he can only receive 84.99 percent for the PS only and everyone else gets their percentage based on the 84.99). No, neither idea is perfect. But it would go a long way in making things better. TC
  16. Well, I thought the sport was about practical shooting. Is there never a cenerio when a threat is close? I think so. With that said, 3, 5, 7 yard targets are all very valid. I think many if not all well designed stages are designed to make you crash and burn. Making people shift gears is a great way to do that. 2cents added
  17. Well. Maybe it should be at least one GM that scores in the top 5%???????? I know in limited all the matches I shot this year had at least 2 GMs. SC had 5, A6 had 9, KY state had 2, Summerblast had 4, Area 8 had 4, GA state had 3 and the doubletap that should have been a ps match had 11. But for L10 and other smaller turn out divisions I'm not sure the answer. Maybe if say a match or rather a division that has no GMs and say an A class shooter wins the division his percentage can only be his highest percent based on his class i.e. 84.99%. Then the rest of the field gets their percentage based on the 84.99? This is a tough one!
  18. I like the all in idea. The only thing that we have to address is what matches should count. I like the way it is the year save one thing. I think that for the match to count for the point series it should have to meet the same criteria as a match that counts as a classifier. 3 GM's ect. That way you can't shoot a match that has thirty or so competitors in your division with maybe a couple of masters and end up with a really high percentage that is not deserved.
  19. As someone who spends a lot of time on major match budgets, let me correct one part of this math calculation: 350 shooters does not equal 350 paid entries. The match staff does not usually pay the match fee. Most of them spent 3+ days working 10 hours or more. I think a less-than-$50-a-day credit towards match fees to work your butt off is grossly 'underpaid,' and from all the earlier comments on this forum, the staff did a tremendous job. And that just covers the staff on the stages. Obviously, there was a very large group that spent more than 3 days of work to bring you a major match. Some shooters are 'sponsored.' The sponsors provides prizes or services to the match instead of cash. (I always look for "target & pasters" vendors to fefray the cost of those items to the match, but other shooters may have provided ATV's or golf carts, discounted printing, etc.) Once you have an accurate amount for entry fees, subtract 45 to 65 % for expenses. Linda Chico (L-2035) Columbia SC Linda, My original question was "how does a match like SC state or Mississippi Classic pay 6x what A6 paid for the same finish? Doesn't other matches have similar cost? I of course understand about comping the workers as I have worked large matches before. I was just suprised thinking an area match has stakes that are higher and I expected atleast the same payout or higher. Even more so when you consider the much higher entrance fee. No one shoots this sport for the money, I know I don't. But if it is a cash payout match I figure it should atleast pay your entrance fee. I'm not trying to give you a hard time and I appreciate shooting the great match and I think it was a great match. And I thank you for all you do and have done for our sport. It was just a question I know many people I have talked to have wondered. Thanks, tim
  20. As someone who spends a lot of time on major match budgets, let me correct one part of this math calculation: 350 shooters does not equal 350 paid entries. The match staff does not usually pay the match fee. Most of them spent 3+ days working 10 hours or more. I think a less-than-$50-a-day credit towards match fees to work your butt off is grossly 'underpaid,' and from all the earlier comments on this forum, the staff did a tremendous job. And that just covers the staff on the stages. Obviously, there was a very large group that spent more than 3 days of work to bring you a major match. Some shooters are 'sponsored.' The sponsors provides prizes or services to the match instead of cash. (I always look for "target & pasters" vendors to fefray the cost of those items to the match, but other shooters may have provided ATV's or golf carts, discounted printing, etc.) Once you have an accurate amount for entry fees, subtract 45 to 65 % for expenses. Linda Chico (L-2035) Columbia SC
  21. Doesn't seem like it. My shooting partner and I both got $75. He won high master limited and I won high C limited. That's funny, I got $100 for 3rd "C" Larry. How odd. OK, 350+ shooters @ $150 each thats $50,000+ dollars with no prize table. Maybe high overall got like 20,000 dollars Also, how would 3rd C limited get 100 bucks when 3rd B limited (B limited had more people than C limited) got 30 bucks???????????????????
  22. Here is a question: I just received my check form area six today and I'm wondering how does one place the same in the same class at both SC state and A6 but receive about 1/6 the amount from A6. The fee at A6 was a lot larger and the amount of competitors in my class was a good bit more. Just wondering
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