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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. tpcdvc

    You Tube

    Thought I should share this with everyone!!!!
  2. I never have understood why this manor of thinking is so prevalent in the law enforcement community. It seems to me that the skills gained in weapon handling in our sport could truly be the difference between getting to go home to your wife and kids or leaving your wife without a husband and your kids without a father. Being able to put 2 rounds on 3 different targets in under 2 seconds (@ 10 yards) from the holster or doing a reload in one second and shooting on the move being as comfortable as shooting standing still seems to me to be life saving skills. Don't you think? Also I think in several ways LE shooting our sport can make the public safer. The confidence you gain in our sport can let you wait that extra 10th of a second needed to identify if someone is a threat or not and make the right decision to engage or not. I have seen many so called "well trained" LEO at our range for the first time and the phrase "comfortable with their gun" would not be uttered. If just the sound and pressure of a buzzer will make you shoot before your sight picture is ready fumble reloads and completely loose your train of thought, just think what can happen when someone is shooting at you. Shooting our sport will also make it way more likely that you will hit your target and keep stray bullets from hitting some innocent bystanders. That is a tragedy I cannot imagine living with. I realize that gun handling is a very small part of what an officer does and many will go into retirement without drawing their weapon. But I sure would be way more comfortable if LEO's were at least trained as good (I'm talking weapons handling not tactics) as an upper C or B class USPSA shooter. I guess some get it and some don't. I'm just glad for the LEOs that get it, and I wish you all worked here in Nashville!
  3. tpcdvc

    Name Game!

    Clint...........Clint............Clint.............could you open the door any wider?????????
  4. Based on what you describe the shooter should have been stopped and DQ'd immediately. Safety is our first priority. I can't really understand why she was not. This is upsetting. I realize that a RO hates to DQ people and that is particularly true when it is a new shooter. But if it is done right it can actually make the shooter feel supported rather than making them feel like the odd man/woman out. We should never compromise safety rules. Never.
  5. I don't know of a kit that has everything you need and when you add the extra stuff it won't really fit right in the existing kit. And if it does fit the kit is usually to big to fit in my range bag the way I would like. So, I bought a small orginizer box and adjusted the compartments to fit the stuff I need. I have that box in my shooting bag but you really need a seperate tackle box with the rest of the crap you might need and I keep that in my truck. I do the same for my rifle stuff. Works for me anyway.
  6. I love seeing people with carry permits fight the good fight. This is happening more and more. http://fox17.com/newsroom/top_stories/vid_1660.shtml
  7. A promotional video would be crossing the line. If the use of your video is not for personal use and will be used to generate income then it is an infringement. It is no different than Ford using a song that is not public domain for its TV ads. That being said, unless you are making a ton of money with the product most folks will do nothing or merely send you a cease and desist letter but they can seek monetary adjustments. But don't be afraid to call the copyright holder they may just surprise you and give you permission for little or no money depending on the intended use of their song.
  8. I know and have met hundreds of these guys.............................Did I mention I shoot USPSA all over the US??????
  9. Hehe, we have a match every weekend somewhere in Western PA. Let us know when you are in the area and we will let you know where to go! Will do!!! I'll look forward to it!
  10. That is fantastic. I grew up in Bedford Co. (Everett, PA) and I get home 4 or 5 times a year and will make a point of coming to shoot with all of you. Tim
  11. Why are JHP worse. I would think FMJ with the exposed bottom would be way worse??
  12. Wow this thread is freaking me out!!!! I never shoot indoors but I'm really concerned about my reloading area. I wash my hands after I reload and or handle tumbled brass but I'm wondering about the air quality in my room. I wonder if there is a way to check the air quality and if an air filtering machine would help? Any ideas anyone?????? I have two young boys and need to be proactive about this.
  13. tpcdvc


    That is the great thing about music, someone will like it!!! And I think that is a Justin Timberlake song? I personally would lump that with the stuff vulture thinks is crap (no offense). Of all the songs to cover This is a perfect example of a song that is all fluff and no substance. It's like someone discovered a half step and decided to right a song around it. Without the production it is nothing. Maybe rivethead was making a statement............but guess who gets most all the money from revetheads remake. Yep, the original crap maker so they can make more crap!!!!!!! That being said I wish I wrote the stupid fu%#$ng song. I would be retired and going to every match in a tour bus with all my buds. Piece out
  14. tpcdvc


    Well, I think you have either good music or bad music. I don't think it is decade contingent though. I have been making my living as a session guitar player for 20 years now and the last ten in Nashville and in NY before that. What I can say is it is harder in many respects for new music to get air play thanks to the likes of clear channel. The internet is the only thing keeping a lot of new great music somewhat alive. What I would ask you as someone who thinks that good music really doesn't exist much anymore is how hard have you looked? Like I said, clear channel controls most of the radio anymore and in turn controls most of the labels. So, if clear channel don't like it, it ain't gettin' played. But it does exist, you just have to dig harder. Long gone are the days of the FM DJ playing what he wants just because he likes it (it is all pre programmed play list that you have to abide). Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon spent 741 weeks (thats 14 years) on billboards top selling album chart, and you could never convince me that Pink would even get a record deal in today's climate. No way could a song in 7 be released as a single (Money). So that is one of the biggest reasons it is so hard to find good music.
  15. Yep, I think I expect too much from folks. I just figured everyone knew that dry firing won't hurt a 1911. Maybe I'm the idiot!!!!!
  16. So, a friend of mine asked me to meet him at a gun show yesterday to help him pick out a used carry gun in the 1911 flavor. I had worked most of the day and was really tired but I'm always happy to help someone along the shooting path. We got to a table where a used Springfield champion was sitting. I picked it up and was checking it out for all the usual things (barrel link, making sure all the safeties worked properly ect..). The gun looked to be factory except for a hougue grip with the finger grooves. So then I dry fired it and he got up off his chair and immedietly walked toward me. I thought I felt a creep so I dry fired it again. I thought the guy was going to explode. He proceeded to tell me not to dry fire that gun again, because I'll break the fu%#in thing!! I tried to explain to him that dry firing a modern gun particularly a 1911 can't hurt the gun. He said bulls*#t that is why they make snap caps. Well I handed the gun to my friend who would be buying a gun and he racked the slide and pulled the trigger wanting to feel the trigger. That was all the guy could take. He took the gun from us!!!!! I said "that's fine I guess you don't want to sell the gun". And he sat back down and looked away. WTF!!!!!!!!! My buddy ended up with a nice slightly used Kimber 4 inch.
  17. This notion of dry firing a gun being bad for a gun is rooted in truth but does not apply today. My uncle was a gunsmith and replaced a ton of firing pins and related pieces in old rifles center fire or not. The metal in years past simply couldn't handle much dry fire. But those days are long gone.
  18. I couldn't agree more AZ38super. I had the same drug problem as you and I thank God for it everyday. My two boys have the same drug problem and some days I know hate me for it. But I know some day they will love me for it. Parents too often do what is easy and what the child wants but the child ends up suffering. I get up everyday and go to war. No it is not in Iraq, it is on our own soil. Everyday my wife and I battle the onslaught of what our culture would like to teach our children, and everyday it is imperative for us to win each battle. Nothing is more important. Our nations very future depends on it.
  19. I set up a chrono, and this time I was getting wider variance in velocity between shots. I don't get it!!!! Do the higher end chronographs come with a manual that explains evertyhing. The ammo I was shooting didn't change. Just the equipment, temperature, etc. This is driving me nuts. You are driving yourself nuts! Your velocity spread will change from day to day. Your PF will change from day to day. Your underwear will hopefully change from day to day. But none of these things are important (except for the underwear thing). 2 things are important: is your load hot enough to make PF on any given day? And does your load print good groups? I will set my PF at 172 and some places I have been as low as 169.5 and as high as 174. My velocity spread can be as wide as 40fps. But my gun will always make major and will print 5 shot groups under an inch at 25yds all day. The reasons as to why this happens as far as velocity are too numerous to mention and I would be glad to go into them if I see you at a match someday. But rest assured that you will not change them. Spend your time putting rounds down range and thinking about how you can shoot fast and accurate and move through a cof efficiently ect...........................
  20. I think you have to live in Nashville to get that last one Bill.
  21. OK Here is one I like. What is the difference between a large pizza and a bass player? A large pizza can feed a family of four!!!!! OR: How do you make a drummer play softer? Put a chart in front of him.
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