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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. Well, if you wear a tutu I'm sure frank will recognize whatever division your in!! And I'll be glad to pick it up for you and pay the bill just to see you shoot in it! T
  2. C'mon Crabby, fill those mags up and let's go dancin'. Starting with GA in a couple weeks. T
  3. FL Open - Done AL - Done Area 6 GA Summer Blast KY TN Texas limited - maybe Limited nats
  4. Try This: http://www.southrivergunclub.com/directionstoclub.htm TC
  5. On top of that, that paper was the one that took it upon themselves to publish the list of concealed carry permits issued in their area to celebrate Sunshine Day. While I applaud the many states that issue carry permits I can't for the life of me understand why most all of them restrict carry at schools, stadiums, state parks ect.. Do they not understand that all of these gives a nut job the perfect opportunity to kill many people in a short amount of time. We need our legislatures to correct this problem! Maybe in order to placate the other side states should have a level 1 and a level 2 carry permit. Level 2 requires you to take a course equal to the training a cop receives at the academy(firearm training only). Level 2 then would give you the right to carry anywhere a cop can.
  6. Have you ever figured out at what point in the year you are actually making money for yourself. Here in the US (when you figure income tax, sales tax ect.) most start to make money for themselves around the end of April or later depending upon the state you live.
  7. Yep, I think most people who are really involved in our sport find few reasons to go to your average gun store. They carrry very little of what I need and most things we use they are not familiar. And as far as the comando thing. it is a very dangerous thing to have a little bit of knowledge! I choose to not say anything most times.
  8. Got my slot a couple of days ago. Tulsa here I come. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. tpcdvc

    Raid On House

    That is a perfect example of why the 2nd amendment is so important!
  10. Anyone know where and when KY state will be held this year? It was a great match last year and I would like to try to make it again. Tim
  11. tpcdvc

    The Oscars

    Hollywood at it's finest pusing it's politcal agendas. What is the percentage of movies that actually have a guy with a gun that isn't either a bad guy or a cop??????
  12. I wish I was there in 03 it sounds like a fun time. It probably would have been wise to halt shooting for a period of time as a safety precaution. It was only an issue for 3 or 4 shooters then the sun burned enough of it off to see the far targets. I didn't even think of any of this until I got home to TN. We were all operating under the luck of the draw kind of philosophy too. I'm glad to hear about 2.3.6
  13. You can see the targets when it rains, wind blows, hot, cold, sun in your eyes ect. If there were to be any such rule made it would have to be very specific. Bottom line, you can't shoot a target unless you can see the target. Way different than rain.
  14. I understand what you are saying. But the fact remains that the target was not available for me and a couple others when it was available to everyone else. I'm not upset about this at all. I'm not even whining. I'm trying to learn from my experience and figure out what to do if something like this happens again. But I do think there is a large difference between a hard rain, and not being able to see the targets at all. Maybe it is something that can be addressed in the 2008 book. Thanks for all the input.
  15. Well I wouldn't ask for a reshoot based upon the two targets, I would ask for a reshoot based on the COF change.
  16. Here is a question I have been thinking about and can't seem to find an answer. So here is the situation. Our squad started the match at 7am. The first couple of shooters shot and then a serious fog rolled in that made the entire back array disappear. I could not shoot it the way I had planned because I had planned to take one of the back targets to eliminate a position. Most people shot it this way (eliminating same said target). However, about 3 shooters had to change their plans at the last minute and we all know what can happen. I clearly did not shoot the same COF as almost everyone else. Should I have asked to wait for the fog to clear? Ask to be put at the end of the line in order to get my new plan enough time to sink in? Ask for a reshoot after the crash and burn ( I forgot to shoot 2 targets). I shot the next 9 stages clean and that one stage cost me big time. The green book mentions course surfaces and bagging targets but I can find no reference to fog or the like. What do you think?
  17. Hey guys, you might want to check your shell plate. A couple of my friends were having the same trouble with the EGW die and found out that one had a cracked shellplate the other one was slightly bent. I've been running the EGW and the Lee factory crimp die in my 650 and it eats glocked brass right up. It runs great. Case gauging is an exercise in futility. I still case gauge for big matches but have yet to find a fatty. Worth checking maybe. Sorry to get off topic.
  18. In regards to mags, I ordered 4 from Tripp. Not one would feed the 1st round in the Kimber. I responded in the context of what STI feels works best in *their* pistols. I got this straight from STI's singlestack guru. True. But the SS 40 really solves a problem for me. I really want to run just *one* caliber for all my game pistols so all I have to do is adjust the Redding seater and crank the handle on the 1050. I really don't enjoy dinking around with setting up / changing over calibers and loads anymore. In a year or two, the "secret" to making a SS 40 run like a top will be old hat to everyone. I remember back in the early days of the forum. Feed problems with the S_I were major topics of discussion. Don't hear much about them these days. Gunsmiths and component makers have finally figured out what works and we're all reaping the benefits. And so it will be with the 40... This is the same thinking for me. I really want to use the same round for SS that I do in limited. I don't want to mess with my 650, I just want to pick up few hundred rounds and head to a match. I love the 45 but the truth is I will shoot a 40 single stack way more just because of the ammo issue. Or I could buy another 650????? But a 650 and the price of the gun would probably put me in the dog house. It's been a little too cold for that.
  19. What did Benny and Tripp actually do to your factory guns to make them run better. Ramp angle? Slide fitting? I'm sure I will want a trigger job so I'll have to send it to my gunsmith anyway. But I guess what I'm asking is how much work did Tripp and Benny have to do to make them right?
  20. I'm planning on buying a gun to play in SS some this year. So far I'm leaning toward the STI Trojan in 40. However, I have heard some have had problems running reliably. If anyone has experience with this gun or has any suggestions on a SS 40 by another manufacturer I would greatly appreciate any information. Magazine suggestions too please. Thanks
  21. Gary, What were the reasons given to support this new rule?
  22. Well if you are trying to get people to participate in the PS you really can't expect a lot of people to participate in 8 big matches (minimum). And to find two "other" matches to participate in that fit your schedule is even tougher. I think everyone can find an area match a couple of state matches and maybe one other match to compete in. I know in my club that has about 40+ members only about 3 went to more than 4 big matches. Come to think of it, maybe the confusion about the 06 PS has kept many from participating. If you really thought you would have to shoot so many big matches you wouldn't sign up. I know when I first read the 06 rules I was confused about how many matches counted. That is why I called to get clarification before I signed on, and decided to do so when they told me 4 counted.
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