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Everything posted by LilBunniFuFu

  1. Our local club does one per squad, our range is pretty small so the risk of damaging equipment isn't too bad. Also we usually shoot when it is pretty dark so the risk of loosing the nooks is easier when you leave it at a stage. We self RO in our squads.
  2. The black one adds some contrast to the frame and slide. That's where my vote would be.
  3. I run a BT DOH because it came with the 34 I picked up used.
  4. I shoot Production, I take a look at all everything except revolver and open. I know limited plans stages differently and PF but I still feel that I can be competitive.
  5. Jockey, not all of us are blessed with ranges where we can dig up the berms. But this does make me jealous.
  6. My stock class ones are how I got them in the box. But they are talo editions with nice night sights... They are carry guns and sometimes I will run them in production for "practice" Not too much worse if you are used to a 8.5 pound trigger. Regular production gun is 5.5#
  7. Ardo I think you might be using too much trigger finger if you are pulling them left. Try going back to basics and focus of grip and that finger and see is you can get that cleared up. "Correct" dry firing is your friend. Another suggestion, Go do a live fire practice session and have two targets set up. Put one off color paster right in the center of the targets. Black or white works. Draw two transition two at speed, but try hard to hit those pasters. If you see a drift in the second shot your trigger finger might be the culprit and not your body positioning. Hope this helps.
  8. My production gun is a gen3 G34. For almost a year the only thing that was changed out were the sights for fiber optic. Then someone gave me a zevtech v4 connector kit and the only thing I put in was the connector. YAY wolf primers. So yea, some of us run stock ones but some people call them Blocks for a reason. They are like legos.
  9. You just have another excuse to buy an extra gun. Go forth and fill gun safes.
  10. Depending on location wheel weights can be made of zinc, steel or lead. Good video on the different kinds and he has one on how to sort quickly. Some people I know it is just easier to order ready casting lead. Don't save as much but every little bit helps.
  11. Aim small, Hit small. Go for the letter A in the center. When you shoot vertical how are your shots pulling? If you are a righty and they hitting left then trigger control needs to be worked on. Usually I stay vertical and just adjust my speed for the "smaller" target.
  12. Have you ever had any one record you while running a stage? Once you can see what you are doing and review it then you will be able to see what you can work on. It helps to remember what you experienced during a stage so you know what you felt while you review it. It also helps to have videos of better shooters running the same stages to see where you "messed" up on, be it planning of execution. I know it doesn't answer your question but it might give a better idea of how to help.
  13. Sweet video, explains some nice things. But some of those things don't translate to dry firing very well.
  14. Super clean. Should be much easier to conceal now, was that the intention?
  15. Wouldn't doing more core workouts offer a better platform since having a strong base is fine and all but if your center is not right then it all falls apart?
  16. Similar incident just happened at my local club. Guy shot at the last array, as he was pulling the gun in it went off. Hit the berm next to one of the targets. R.O. called it and after discussion re-shoot was awarded. 2 CRO's and 4 RO's had the discussion. By the books you don't know if he was point shooting and making up a shot, albeit a really bad make up. As long at it didn't go over the berm of hit within the three feet of his feet should be fine. When I did my Cert. course it was drilled that to call a D.Q. you must be prepared to cite a specific rule number.
  17. Ship of Theseus come to mind but with Glocks. To answer the original post, GLOCK sport shooting federation.
  18. Auto-pilot vs. over thinking is how I look at it. Faster you just do, slow you have more of a chance of messing everything up. But fundamentals is what it all boils down too I think.
  19. Eric I was going to go to the FL State match but didn't. Watching videos of my local guys who went and seeing them dump whole magazines at those plates make me want to practice my trigger control.
  20. Ming that actually explains quite a bit, thanks for the example. Now off to make my eyes work faster.
  21. I think that the tape is lifting the beaver tail, so unless it was pinned, it would disengage the safety.
  22. Ming, the isuse wtih radieng seped is taht you olny hvae to read the frist and last lteter of most wrods to undstaned the maennig behind tehm. How does that translate that to sights? Is it because your mind knows what's there so you don't have to let the sights settle as much? I am just asking because I have an issue with this as well. I will draw and then there is a noticeable pause while I'm on target before I get a shot off. This only affects me on the draw and transitions into new arrays.
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