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Everything posted by kneelingatlas

  1. I've been separating and saving them, you never know when you might find yourself with no LPP and want to shoot .45...
  2. So you're telling me you ordered a CZ TS trigger and hammer, and it dropped right in? No, the holes on the CZ parts are smaller, so they need to be drilled out, but they work pretty great.
  3. At minimum, just removing the disconnector from the hammer, but that would result in large amount of pre-travel; the SAO conversions I do involve a SAO hammer and trigger. I like the hammer/trigger from the CZ Tactical Sport, they're cheap and easy to get, plus they have a nice, crisp release: The double action issue you're describing is a timing problem; there should be a few posts on here describing the fix.
  4. Woops, it appears I did get you mixed up, I was thinking of this TS in Duracoat silver: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=133083&p=1879937 (too much silver if you ask me).
  5. I see you decided to keep the TS, and add a thumb rest; I wasn't crazy about the all silver look, but now that you've got some black accents in there it looks good. So... how do they compare in you eyes? If you ask me there is no comparison, but I'm a snob for triggers and I've got mine dialed in pretty well.
  6. 5" barrel?!? that's really cool does it have a cone fit barrel or a straight one? My Tactical Sport is advertized as 5.4" by CZ USA, but is really only 5.08", so that's right there. I would imagine it's even a little heavier with the rail. Will it ever end up on the Production list with such a long barrel?
  7. Blake, did he recommend against the standard length slide (like the V12 Gold Team), or a compact slide? I'm really interested to hear from anyone who has shot both the long slide and the standard slide with all things being equal.
  8. Esther, I'm a big proponent of changing the equipment to fit the shooter, rather than changing the shooter to fit the equipment. I'm a huge fan of the CZ 75 platform and have owned many variants, the one my wife says fits her hand the best is the Jericho 941 (also sold as the Baby Eagle and Uzi Eagle): You can see it's very similar to your CZ, but the hump on the back of the frame is lower, making for a skinnier grip. It feels like a pencil in my hands compared to my Tactical Sport, I have to adjust my grip to keep my thumb and trigger finger from touching when the trigger is in the rearward position. The best part is that the internals are nearly identical to the Tanfoglio small frame Witnesses, so they can be tuned the same way. My goal is to get Shadow-like performance out of my Jericho.
  9. That's a beautiful thing, I'll most likely end up building a 9Major top end for my Hunter and I've been debating standard or long slide, have you tried both? It looks like you shed some weight up front, was that a part of the original build? Or phase two?
  10. I've got some sample bullets on their way in different profiles so I'm going to play around. I also just picked up a Witness Hunter in .45 and a Match in .40, so I'm going to experiment with them as well. The Match upper on the Hunter lower basically make the Tanfoglio equivalent of the TS and since I have all the best internal components available for the Tanfo I'm going to do my best and compare. The TS with the race hammer sets the bar pretty high, but given the current shortages in components might give the large frame guns the upper hand... at least for now.
  11. I have all the best fire control parts available for a Tanfoglio so I want to do my best and see how it compares to my CZ TS, with a 1 1/2# pull and just over 2mm of travel it's going to be hard to beat, but the short OAL is proving to be difficult to accommodate with the current shortage of components so maybe the Tanfo will earn a place at the table.
  12. I too have begun reloading in these tumultuous time, so I can offer this advice: SEARCH - if you see powder or a box of bullets online or on the shelf, pull out your smartphone, search these forums and you'll see what loads shooters here are using it for (if you don't get any results, it may not be what you're looking for); BUY! - if you get the chance to buy components, any components, grab 'em, you can always trade them with shooters in your local club for what you need, in fact, I'd bet you could easily trade that Clays with any number of shooters in your local USPSA club. Months before I loaded my first round, I started collecting brass, then when I was a post on this forum that Midway USA had primers in stock, I jumped on it and bought 20K; I have since less than half of them for a variety of powders and bullets, it's a beautiful thing!
  13. I use the CR Speed WSM II for Open, Limited and L10; it's pretty good, although you do have to look down when reholstering to get the barrel in the nub. Also, I lost my 'spot' one time right before a match and ended up tightening it at almost vertical... fumbled my draw twice and almost dropped my gun. The CR Speed needs to be tipped slightly forward or else the gun wants to topple out at the first contact. As for production I use iTac (Israeli Tactical) holsters with the drop adapter and the serpa retention buttons removed. At first this was because they were the only makers of a holster for my Jericho 941, but the price is right and the adjustment is good, so I just got one for my Shadow too. By the way, it would probably be helpful if we list the guns we use in each holster: CR Speed WSM II: -CZ 75 Tactical Sport .40 -CZ 75 Tactical Sport 9Major -Tanfoglio small frame Open shorty 9mm -Witness Hunter .45 iTac: -CZ 75 SP01 Shadow 9mm -IMI Jericho 941 9mm
  14. I recently bought a used Match .40 off GB which had Henning's mag well, the Henning trigger, and six mags, five with Henning base pads, so I figured just for all the used parts it was a good deal. So I check in the package at my dealer yesterday and find a ZipLoc bag containing the stock trigger, some springs, some pins and a brand new, never installed Huenning roller trigger plunger! That's all. I just wanted to share my surprise with people who would understand. Also, I just saw that Wholesale Hunter has a Bullseye .40 on GB right now. $1,600 is pretty steep, but it sure would be cool to have a 6" Limited Tanfo. I'd buy it, but I just picked up a Hunter in .45 (L10 is not so bad...). I did call EAA about a 10mm conversion with a 6" .40 barrel; they sounded amenable to the substitution once they have it in stock, someday.
  15. I plan to try some, but they're not taking orders right now.
  16. The V8 is the compensated upper based on the long slide (4.75" barrel in non compensated pistols) with 8 ports in the barrel, on the current model (V12) the slide is a quarter inch shorter with 12 ports in the barrel. The big complaint about the V12 is that it take so much powder to make major with all the holes. If I were to build a 9Major top end for a large frame Tango, I would start with a plain, standard length slide and a 6" barrel.
  17. +1 measured 4.9gr exactly every time I checked on Sunday.
  18. Nice. Last I spoke with the ladies at EAA they had V12 9mm uppers in stock.
  19. Can't wait to hear the range report, and PICTURES!!!
  20. Nope, the TS frame is wider.
  21. Dr Love, it seems you're willing to go to great lengths not to reload. Is there a particular phobia or just not an obsession you want to get into?
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