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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. Excuse me I am dense at times. Did she inspect all the firearms after TSA came over or was that what you invisioned happening if she had inspected them all? It used to be indivisual airline policy as to wheter they inspect them or not. I know for a fact Deltas policy is that they ask you, you sign the declaration and it goes in the case with the guns. They are not to inspect them because that puts the liability back on them when their agents are not trained to be qualified to declare a firearm unloaded. Doesnt mean I havent had in individual agent try. I use to fight them and tell them to read their manual but any more I just let them look and just as you said show them how to tell its unloaded. I let one agent do it herself and when she was done making sure there wasnt a mag in it I asked her if she wanted to check the chamber to make sure it was empty. I then showed her how to do that. I flew to phoenix last weekend and didnt have a problem with the airline but the TSA guy gave me a hard time over my briefcase not being secure enough. I said" if they want to steal it a better lock or case wont stop em" I then reminded him that the regs said it just had to be in a hardcase that locked or a hard sided suitcase that locked. When we landed at the connecting airport and got off the plane there was my briefcase, 10 ft from me on the tarmac. Why do we have all this security? I was told the real probelm is when the baggage crew mistakes it for a checked carry on and gives it back to the passenger in the sterile zone. But I am sure me removing my shoes did allot to increase security.
  2. I cant stop laughing Maybe pink would look better jake.
  3. Although I am not part of the Match administration. I was involved last year and with Area 5 and was at this years meeting. I believe they are letting you shoot it all in one day on Friday with the staff. But I will let Wayne verify that. When you try to let people shoot it in one day the Sunday shooters shoot all day then its really late when they get on the road. The saturday shooters are gone. The awards are done so late that most everybody is gone. The real answer is to do it over 2 days shooting 7-8 stages on Saturday, 2-3 stages Sunday Morning This way everybody gets out of there at a decent time Sunday and all can be at the awards. I realize there are a few that wont like this but it is the best format for a match, at least a weekend only match. It also leaves room to either get ahead on Saturday or extra time for problems or weather.
  4. The Egw Gauge was made to check long loaded ammo. Being able to get 4 gauges in one is a pretty cool idea and its selling good givent hat nobody knows about it yet.
  5. Steve, I have hit a few animals and even had to put a couple out of their misery after the fact. Yep I live in Kentucky and am old fashioned. As a dog owner I have had 3 dogs run over. Yea you want to blame the driver at first but realize its not their fault when the shock is over. I actually watched one dog get run over right in front of me. I just got home and wetn across the street to get the mail. Our dog , April, was so glad to see me she ran across the road to me. She was the sweetest dog I ever knew. She was hit literally 3 feet from me. If the driver hadnt let off the brakes and let the tires run over her she may have lived. She died on the way to the vet. Of course it took a while to find one willing to see her after 5:00 pm. The second was found by the neighbor, it was dead along side the road. The third was recently, she was a 10 month old Chocalte Lab, great dog. We live on 26 acres so I let the dogs run. I believe 10 months roaming free is better than a lifetime caged up. A freind stopped to let us know she was hit and we found her alive but she died on the way to the vet. So as a dog owner I accept the risk and know of the possibility that they will get hit. Its just part of dog ownership. Our other dog was actually hit by my wife in our driveway. It wasnt serious but it taught him to stay off the road and away from cars. He has been running free for 5 years now. I have my suspicions that when we get a new dog he takes them to the road to get rid of the competition. So dont take it too hard. Just get your hands healed and its a good idea to never approach an injured dog . They go into survival mode and attack. I even approached the Lab with caution when i picked her up to put her in the car. Use extreme caution when doing so, especially if you arent familiar to the dog.
  6. where do you get a box? Tony you selling them? The Kentucky Section is looking for one.
  7. Dan that was too funny. Paul, have you moved past the paper towel holder and the air hose? Dan willing to take less for building these guns was an issue while we got this thing off the ground. But it was only a small point. He was a customer of mine for years and he built me a couple personal guns and did some jobs for my customers that i was impressed with. I guess the bigest things were his not settling for anything but perfection and his work ethic. I have called him at 10pm and he was still in the shop working. Now that the guns have gotten off the ground we did raise the price on the open guns and guess who got most of that increase. Only reason Dan still buys all that Mac & cheese is so he can keep his dogs supplied with beer. There is proof on this forum. Oh yea, he has one or two every now & then himself. The only time you cant get a thing out of him is during deer season. If he would bag a couple more deer maybe he could eat less Mac & cheese!
  8. Two years ago we stayed in Oceanside. Its about half way between LA and Sandiego. It was about perfect as far as location for all the things to do in Southern Califonia. The best thing is we got a unit that was right on the beach and it wasnt that bad pricewise. 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit for 1200.00 a week(that was then and during October). Here is the web page if interested. You can do an interent search and find other units for rent through other sources. http://www.on-the-sand.com/ Here is the web page of the unit we stayed in. http://www.on-the-sand.com/picsd17.html
  9. Jesse, my brother & I flew into JFK back in '96 I beleive. We were shooting a match on long island. We were legal since we were traveling from and to a place we could possess the firearm. New York at that time allowed you to transport firearms and attend a match as long as you had the officail match invitation and it was 3 days prior to or 3 days after the match. I dont think that has changed and recall the same situation when we shot Area 7 this year in Rochester. We had no problem entering, nobody knew we had our guns. The problem was leaving JFK. When entering the airport the baggage screening was done before you checked your bag. Bad news if you want to check a firearm. I stood there looking confused when a screener asked me if she could help. I told her we had guns and had to check them at the counter. She said we had better have a good reason to have the guns and called the port authority. I had a copy of the law and a copy of the match invitation. He said he didnt care that he would let the lawyers work it out downtown. I kept saying what we were doing was legal by state law and federal law. We also tried to be real nice. He finally said he had a good feeling about us and let us go. Get this, handed us our suitcases beyond the checkpoint with guns and ammo inside. I refused to take possession and asked for the delta crew to take the bags. All was ok after that. Never flew there again. You can never be sure what to expect when traveling since any individual person with lack of knowledge can cause you grief if they are in the right position of authority.
  10. I also talked with Wil last week. He said he is back in production but that just means he is at the beginning stages. He said I would have barrels in a matter of weeks. Dont know which ones will come first or how many weeks. It will take him a while to catch up. The story of helping SV set up their own barrel making machine to take the load off of him and that he moved his shop is what I heard from him more than once.
  11. At Area 5 this year we had a stage that had a key that you had to carry to the end to open the window. There were only 8 shots that you had to take witht he key in hand. We also included in the course description that you could not put it in your mouth. Only problem we had was the key swung up in front of one shooters gun and he shot the cable in half. He wanted a reshoot. I couldnt justify it, plus he was a good friend and didnt want to appear to be a conflict of interest. Told him he could arbitrate it if he wished but it was his responsibility to manage the prop. He didnt arbitrate it.
  12. I dont see a problem at all with the stage except I would have assessed a penalty for each chip not in t he bucket. I dont have the distances of targets, number of targets or any other info but most likely with just one penalty it would be a wash to just forget about the chips and take the penalty, making it 4 penalties would fix that. Since it is 4 different props and 4 different items I believe you can do that. Were there so many far targets that shooting strong hand was out of the question? One way to keep anybody from changing the props is to make them pick the chips up off the table. No problem with stacking them. This puts the prep of the prop on the RO not the shooter. AS far as putting things in your mouth. For the sake of the health of shooters we need to disallow any placement of props in ones mouth. Not only does it affect the shooter who puts it in his mouth but the others who have to hold the item that was in their mouth as well. And yes I have done it before. One Stage that sticks in my mind was a stage at the Golden Gate Championship, back in 97?, where you had to carry a test tube through the stage and deposit it at the end of the stage. It was a vile of Elvis's DNA I think. They had 3 test tubes so the ondeck shooters could wash the test tubes since everybody held them in their mouth. I would have felt better if we had some alchohol to dip them in. The material like a test tube could wash easy but pourous materials would be difficult.
  13. The one person responsible for the Nationals is The President of USPSA. Maybe you should contact the person that holds that position.
  14. Back in the mid 90's Todd Jarret showed me his new rear sight with the corners cut off, like the combat bomar they make today. I liked the idea but I thought if the corners helped why not go beyond and make it a triangle type rear sight. I even had EGW make some of his sights(bomar copy which I dont think he sells anymore) with my new cut so I could sell them. When he quit selling those sights we just stopped selling them but I have always stuck with that type of sight and we now offer it on our custom guns. Not everybody likes them but many do. The triangle shape draws the sight to the center of the shoot area. If you have an a zone with no shoots on each side the shape will draw the sights to the center. Not to speak of the extra target you can see. You are not guessing where you are in the shoot area because you can actually see where you are. I love it and could never go back to a square rear sight blade. Here is a pic of one of my guns with the sights cut. They are modified bomars.
  15. I am glad to hear that dale. I am assuming that since my state legislature has time to declare a state beverage that they have all the other problems solved.
  16. Well its 669 miles from KY to Holmen. Was thinking about making the trip with my boys but here in KY school starts around August 15th and they both play football. You all have fun, we just cant make that long of a trip then. I worked with Perry on this years Area 5 and he is one of the best RM's I have been associated with.
  17. On the phone with Dan, he says its a 60degree x360 cutter.
  18. Here is the newspaper article. Larry was Area 3 Director for USPSA and used to put on some of the best matches I ever attended. Some of my fondest memories of IPSC Shooting come from Area 3 matches Larry was involved with. He was the type that went against the grain and got things done. Some didnt liek him for it but it was one of the reasons I liked Larry. WARREN COUNTY: Motorist is killed when SUV hits stopped truck Larry Bullock of Jefferson City, 50, was killed about 5 p.m. Saturday when the sports utility vehicle he was driving struck the rear of a stopped tractor-trailer in the westbound lanes of Interstate 70 near the Truxton exit in Warren County, the Missouri Highway Patrol reported. The highway was slick at the time from a light rain, authorities said. The patrol said the truck had stopped to avoid an earlier accident. The truck driver was uninjured.
  19. What crusher said. Sounds like the catch tab slipped over the plastic ledge it rests on , most likely from that ledge wearing. Most the time this happens when you try to install the mag catch and cant find the hole and force it.
  20. These memberships were real expensive. I got on his spam list when he was first marketing them. If I remember right they were from 25,000 up to hundreds of thousands. Smelled something fishy then. I am not suprised.
  21. Guess it depends on how you define "during the transfer" Same situation as during a reload. If the transfer was done, (gun in the hand it was intended to end up in) and then the shot goes off as he is directing the gun and prepping the trigger then no penalty or DQ as long as the rounds stays in the range. Unless of course it is a standards as mentioned above. Then maybe a penalty for both hands touching the gun when it broke. Same thing as on a reload. You slam the mag in as you are directing the gun to the next target and the gun goes off. AS long as the round is in the range no DQ. Easy way to tell if the reload is done is check to see if the mag is locked in and another round fed. IF so then the reload was done before the shot broke, it was just a premature shot which we have all done at one point or another. Maybe the new rule book clears this all up and I hate to admit I am not up on all the new changes.
  22. Thank you everybody. It should have been worse than it was. Yes she did get ejected from the sunroof as the vehicle was flipping or rolling. She ended up with a severe concussion, 2 1/2" gash in the back of her head, badly broken arm which may still need surgery. It was broke in 2 places with one being a green stick fracture, long splinter break. And many bruises and abrasions. It happened Monday morning at 9 am. She is still in the hospital but may get to come home tomorrow. I appreciate all the support, prayers and kind words.
  23. My safariland catalog doesnt show an 010 for a glock. The 007 is shown for a glock. I dont think they will work with a carver mount. You will need the likes of a CR Speed or a Speed Sec.
  24. My son Ryan had the pleasure of shooting with Julie at the Area 5. After the match he told me "Julie does her reloads just like me" I am sure Julie does this for the same reason my son does. The size of the hand. Of course I told Ryan and Austin when they were younger to do it this way for safety. I didnt want 13 year old kids flipping the gun in their hand. I am glad Brian added that Robbie does a flip when reloading. When I first started IPSC i tried to find a way to make the gun so I could hit the button without changing my grip. I finally accepted the fact I had to do the flip and never looked back. While talking to shooters everyday in my business I see the same thing in the new guys, all trying to find a way to reload without the flip or changing the grip. I try to tell them to accept it and move on. Bit if they are hardheaded like me they will have to come to that realization on their own. Their is one exception that I know of. Matt Burkett. I was shooting with him once and I asked him how he did it. He held his hand up to mine and wow, what a big hand and long fingers. His fingers were a good inch past mine. Another reason to do the flip is so the trigger finger isnt in the trigger guard during the reload. If you dont change the grip chances are you will leave your finger in the trigger guard and will, at some point have an AD.
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