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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. Steve, Dan is right. I didnt want to confuse potential customers about what a lightning is. Its about more than the ribbed barrel just like the spitfire is about more than the lightening cuts we put in the slide. Didint mean to offend you.
  2. Sorry Steve but your gun is not a lightning. A lightning has allot more things we do to it. Dan did fit a ribbed barrel to your gun though, like the one the lightning uses, and the sighttracker uses.
  3. The spitfire can have the cuts that go all the way through becuase the top of the slide is still in tact. With the lightning the top of the slide is cut for the ribbed barrel so we cant cut all the way through and retain the structural integrity of the slide.
  4. 2395.00 provided Schueman ever starts making barrels again.
  5. It works! Really if I had my way I wouldnt do one for myself until every customer had theirs. One reason I kept putting it off as long as I did. I finally realized we will never be completely caught up again. SO I got in line with everybody else to be fair. Now Dan snuck one in for himself when he sold both his open guns because he had customers who just had to have them. But he did it over the weekend so we can cut him some slack.
  6. I havent seen anything on the new Pocket pro II. I know I am selling a bunch of them since they came out a couple months ago. I havent used it myself yet. I still use a CED 6000 and like it very much. Havent tried the CED 8000 either but they are selling well also. I never did like the yellow speed timers, guess not many did either since I sold them but they moved very slow. I dropped the line. I used to have a pact timer and wasnt impressed. Too bulky and seemed cheaply made. Mine broke and I ended up throwing it away. But that was back in the 90's althugh I thnk they still use the same case/body they did back then.
  7. Ok before anybody gets upset that I got my gun before them, even though it will be used as a sales tool, I have to tell you Dan has had my parts for about 4 months. The only reason I got it done now is becuase I ran out of a few key parts due to tardy delivery by some manufacturers. So we had a couple days Dan couldnt build customers guns. But good news is he has started on the next batch of customers guns.
  8. Mix about 1000 primers with it and stand back about 100 yards and shoot it. Just do it safely.
  9. I talked to the guy in PMC who is trying to get this thing rolling. He wanted a company to sell the ammo so the shooters can buy some to test int heir guns to make sure it worked for them. So I agreed. He said it wasnt in concrete since he was still trying to work the logistics with the PMC management. Loads needed to be worked up and so on. Havent heard anything back since that call about 6 months ago.
  10. Where is apicture of this new frame or gun? I looked on Barstos web page and all I saw was a tricked out Springfield XD for 1500+. A littel more and you can buy an Edge. If there is something new I would like to see it.
  11. They ran out of grips so they have to machine them out of other materials or buy grips from STI. They made up a bunch before the deadline where they couldnt use the mold that STI owns but ran through them. They dont have a mold for the grips themselves. At least thats what I heard and believe to be why they suspended frame kit sales.
  12. I didnt look at the base pad but if it uses a pin, single or double then the pad would violate grams patent. I know grams pad uses a U pin, or 2 sided pin but he also patented the single sided pin. Smart on his part. I made a base pad back in the 90's which used a single pin. Guess what I got a letter from Grams attorneys with a copy of the patent. Who would have known he had the foresight to patent the single pin. But he did.
  13. Many barrels today are .355, even 38 supers, so you can build a 38 super and still take advantage of the .355 barrel.
  14. Ok Chuck. I'm asking. Pretty please, with a cherry on top. Is that nice enough? If you got 'em let me know what I need to do to order them. Shoot, and I just placed an order a few days ago too. Probably already left your place by now... -Cuz. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes I have them but I didnt want to break any forum rules by advertising.
  15. The frames are a patent infingemnet for a few more years. The mags are most certainly not. I wish someone in the US carried them as they have to be better than the "build your own" crap on the American market sold at pre-ban scalping prices. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I havent taken the time to research the patent. I first thought the mag couldnt be patented. I was once looking into selling the mags from south africa but both STI and SV told me if I did it would be an infringement and I would be opening myself up to litigation. I was a distributor for both comapnies and didnt want to make waves so I took their word for it. I also brought the SPS mags to the attention of STI and they claimed the same thing. There was an individual selling the SPS mags and has since quit, although not sure why, I have reasons to believe it was due to the threat of legal action. People who sell in this sport carry STI or SV and I am sure they will still outsell SPS in this country. They would do it with the threat of loosing their current supplier. On top of that they dont offer distributor discounts and dealers only get 10% which is what they offered to an individual who bought 10. They said they wanted to only sell direct anyway. I dont see anybody selling them here unless its a small timer selling out of their trunk. Again its irrelevant since these mags are too long for limited. The price isnt any better than what we already have. Before the 1994 ban STI mags were selling for 50.00, so were paras. The retail price is today 60.00, I have them on sale for 54.00 rigth now. Not much of an increase in 12 years. So "pre-ban scalping prices" just doesnt hold water.
  16. Just need an address for Angie Kelley to finish up the plaques. I will have it at Area 5 if anybody cares to take it to her or she may even be there herself.
  17. I was curious and got a 140mm mag. THe mag itself is 140mm with no room for a base pad. So they are too long for limited. I know some guys who made a special paper thin base pad to make them legal length but then they didnt hold what they advertised since the 22 they advertised was with the extended wedge base pad they come with. There is some question as to whether they are legal to buy. I have been told that it is a patent infringment. Wouldnt be as bad buying them as it would be trying to sell them. Notice the disclaimer USPSA has on their web page. I looked into selling them. They told me they had no distibutors in the US , that they sell direct. If you buy in quantity you can get a discount of about 10% . After learning what I did on the length and that they are no better then what we already have, why bother. They also dont accept the aftermarket parts we have here in the US. Bottomline is dont fall for their false advertising or support them in violating a US companies patent rights.
  18. Thats the plan, by shooter number.
  19. Here are the email address to ask questions. Please dont send emails though the BE forum. Its not easy to respond to eamils from the forum. If I hit reply it doesnt go to your address. chuckb*shootersconnection.com squadding mail*dalematthews.com replace the * with the @ sign. Just incase the email addresses can be automatically harvested.
  20. When I used to travel the circuit selling merchandise it would be common to have 20 complete SV or STi guns. I wouldnt leave them at the range in my trailer or in my truck. I kept them in the hotel room, even when away to dinner. Cant say I never worried about it. In fact I always turned the TV on and turned it up and also put the do not distrub card on the doorknob. If somebody outside saw me leave I would actually act as if talking to someone else in the room as I closed the door. May seem crazy but I never lost a gun in all the years I traveled. At least in Reno and Vegas, when I've had guns with me and knew I'd be out of the room for an extended period, I'd check the guns with Hotel/Casino Security. In smaller places, I put my range bag in a steel cable mesh locking cargo net and cable lock that to the plumbing. Sure, it's obvious that there's something in there that is valuable, but like BritinUSA said, we're talking about crimes of opportunity, here. The lockable steel cable net bags come in various sizes, some big enough to hold a duffel bag. They don't come in full suitcase size, though, and they are a bit of a hassle. Sorry to hear about your experience there, Rika, but congrats on your finish (High Limited - Lady) in the Golden Bullet. Kevin C. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  21. Just pulled the new one I have in stock out of the safe. The frame is not as wide as the frame. In fact if it is wider than a normal 1911 it isnt much. They also sell the rangemaster frame by itself. But you would have to cut it back to std length. I am thinking about using this frame to build a new 1911 in 45 for the single stack division. It has to be cut back to std length to be legal in it though. I might just shoot the Rangemaster II and be done with it.
  22. I just might know who has some of these screws & nuts if you ask me nice. Original equipment at that.
  23. Not only are we giving your choice of format but also on what day you want to shoot that format. You can shoot it in one day on Friday, Saturday or Sunday or choose the Sat AM/SUN AM or the Sat PM/SUN PM 2 day format. Being in business I want happy customers and I consider Shooters as Customers of the Match. They say you cant please everybody, well I will do my best to do just that. Dont wait too long or the selections may be limited. Get your entry's in or you just might miss out on a great match.
  24. Self squadding is now up. Entries are really coming in but we have room for alot more. Funny thing is that in a ratio of about 2-1 the shooters are slecting the 2 day format. Stages are done and should be up soon at www.practicalshooters.com. We are looking for an excellent match. We have many national level CRO's coming to work with us. The weather shoould be great in late September as it usually is that time of year here. We are also having a hospitality suite at the Ramada. Firday & Saturday. Stop by have a beverage and some munchies and say Hi.
  25. No problem John. I already have the label made out and to be honest mailing them all out is less a headache than carrying them all around with me. All I need now is these 2 people info. Angie Kelly and Jeremy Kranz Just a note to everybody. When at a match and a person who recieves an award isnt present and you know them please offer to take their plaque to them. It saves lots of time and money. Just dont hold onto it for 6 years like I did one of Brians plaques.
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