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Everything posted by chevyoneton

  1. When I started the Remington Managed Recoil was all the low recoil slugs I could lay hands on and they shoot fine, if a little low and right, out of my 1100 CM. Interestingly, it does not seem to make any difference that I can tell in what choke tube I am launching them through. I recently bought a case, for only a little less than the ammoman link posted above. That is a good price for good slugs. I also recently bought a case of the B&P low recoil somebody here recommended and have only shot a few but they function fine in the 1100 and seem to shoot to the same POA as the Remington, and are a lot cheaper. I also bought a few Fiocchi low recoil slugs in both 7/8 oz & 1 oz to try and although they shoot fine they are a touch longer then the Remington and the B&P so will not become my first choice. I know buying a case of slugs is a major commitment for some but you just have to bite the bullet and lay stuff in if you are going to play the game. Ammo in the closet is money in the bank these days! and heck, with them on the shelf locally you can try 5-10 before springing for a case.
  2. From the looks of the stages I recommend both. I have not shot there since last year but know that when the clay is damp it can build up quite thick on your shoes. By the end of one USPSA match there last year I felt much taller, and was as I had 3/4" of clay built up on the bottom of my shoes.
  3. I got my case the other day and am impressed for the price. They are the same length as Remington Managed Recoil slugs and seem to shoot about the same for me. I need to work with them some more before I run them in a match but since I have (had) 250 I WILL be running them one day.
  4. I had a stovepipe last year on my last shot so did not bother to clear it before dumping the shotty in the barrel. I did however set the safety as is my usual routine. The RO had a little bit of a fit when I went to clear the gun but after seeing that the safety was on he let it go. As for going in front of the dumped gun, I would hope the barrel is situated such that the muzzle would not cover anybody down range in any event.
  5. My 2 cents, leave the SS holster where it is. I have mine and am happy with it right there and I don't shoot IDPA. Same with the mags, same place as Production so I am happy. Revolver, live it at six rounds, period. I don't like change. Still, it would be nice to be able to shoot my IPSC marked 745 in SS.......................................
  6. This is a topic near and dear to my heart and one I am currently struggling with. My little jewel turns 10 at the end of this month, and has been shooting her little Anschutz Woodchucker .22 bolt action for almost three years at the “Youth Shoots” sponsored by a local club. She did very well for a while and really enjoys going but has hit a severe slump for over a year now. She is at a point where she must shoot unsupported (no bag, sling only) and score a minimum of 40 points out of 50 for her targets to count. It is pretty tough given her muscle mass and she just can’t do it. She still wants to go, but is not taking the actual shooting part seriously and complains a lot about stuff like a rock is under my mat, the sun is in my eyes, I can’t see the target, etc., etc. The same sort of thing happened with her and gymnastics so I think it is a “phase” thing. She requested to quit gymnastics, and I made the tough decision to at least temporarily halt attending the Youth Shoots. Instead she and I will shoot informally at the range, and she will continue to accompany me to NRA Action Pistol matches. She likes going with Daddy to his matches, and actually runs the Mover and resets & paints the plate rack and keeps score on the plate stage. The other shooters (mostly a bunch of old Grandpas) all love her and comment on what a great kid she is (and by extension what a fine father I must be to have such a great kid). I have let her shoot one of my Ruger MKIIs on occasion which she likes, as well as any of my .22 revolvers single action only as she cannot pull any of them DA. All this ramble to say, watch the kid, be with them and introduce them to a variety of things at the right time for them. Don’t force it and admit to yourself if you maybe start them to soon on something or they start to get burnt out. Recognize when they need a little break or need to try something different. And all the time work with them on safety and respect for the sport, other competitors/participants, and the equipment. Keep it fun and recognize they are not you, this last part can be tough.
  7. Exactly, just because the WSB says stand behind barrel, in box A, etc, it does not change the default position. I am however going to have to give some thought to your "hands in RO's pockets" start position. I might argue that one if I ever saw it. We always define hand position on our stage briefings, because all our stage designers learned from the same guy. Interestingly, I had never thought that somebody might want to face uprange when "toes on XX's" or "heels on XX's" is specified. I guess there is always one out there........
  8. I am kind of looking into adding a magwell to my XDm .40 5.25 to shoot some Limited and 3-Gun and want the Dawson as it attaches to the back-strap and requires no permanent mods to the gun’s frame. Trouble is, they apparently stay out of stock. I decided that the stock magwell was pretty big already, my reloads are not exactly lightning fast, I have not had any reloading issues to date that would have been solved by a larger magwell anyway so I am just going to run stock for now. Even though it kills me not to be able to spend money on gun stuff I am just going to wait.
  9. That's a new one on me. Exactly how does that help? Saw a Limited shooter dumping rounds out of a mag a couple of months or so back. When asked about it they replied they did not need the rounds (Virginia classifier) and the mags were easier to seat with less rounds. As a Production/Revo/SS shooter I had never thought about it. And, just this past weekend I had a 5 round mag somehow make it's way into my back pocket were my 11 round starter should be. I have no clue how I did that but upon "Make Ready" I snatched it out but something was not right so I looked at the holes on the back and saw the problem. I stripped out one round and dropped the mag back in my back pocket, loaded that round into the farthest back mag from my belt and went to work. Glad the stage did not require more mags..............
  10. I tried the caddies on my strong side but I just could not get the hang of loading that way. I know that sounds strange but I learned to loaded off the caddies weak hand and now it is fumble city trying to do it strong hand. Also, wearing the armband on the strong arm means less control of the gun (holding it back by the wrist instead of balanced out under fore arm with the weak hand) and a farther distance to move shells reaching back to get them from the strong arm. I know all this is a little screwy, I can't load strong hand off caddies but want to single load out of an armband that way. Trust me to find a way to make something simple into a problem.
  11. Wow, I had honestly never thought about it. I too have run multiple tens-of-thousands of rounds through my 550 with no issues attributable to dirty primer tubes, but I bet I clean them now just because.
  12. Assuming of course you ever run an armband. Early on in my budding 3-Gun career (long ago, like last year) I bought some cheap caddies and a 9 shell armband before settling on the large size Chameleon as my preferred shell carrier. I have exactly ONE stage at a match next month that will require more rounds than I can carry with the Chameleon and I am in a quandary as to how to tote them. There does not seem to be a good way for me to wear caddies with my other gear so I think the armband may come to the rescue. After playing with it I think shells pointing out under the left arm (weak hand arm) is about right. They are out of the way while I weak-hand load-two off the Chameleon but when I transition to the armband I can grab shells one at a time (with the strong hand) and shove them up in the loading port. It may not be the fastest load but has some advantages. I don't have to take my left hand off the fore end or invert the gun, it is a very minimal distance from the armband to the loading port and, at least for me, seems to offer the best balance of speed and low risk (of fumbling). So, if you run an armband what is your preferred location, shell orientation, and loading operation?
  13. Thanks for saying it. These were my entry caddys into 3-Gun as well. Maybe not the best but they were available and inexpensive enough to get me going. I now have a Chamelion and love it but have a big stage next month and a couple of the Choates may be on my belt, somewhere (I have not quite figured it out yet). I should say that the Choates are six shell caddies which works well for me as I can't grab four anyway so two times three works well. Also, most anything you find should fit on a 1.5" belt especially if it has TecLoks.
  14. Any idea what you gained weight wise with the short barrel and thinned-extended flash hider over say a 14.5", 15" or even 16" barrel with a regular flash hider? Seems like for even a few ounces more weight (if any) I would go with the longer barrel.
  15. Dang it, now I am going to have to see if those Aguila Mini Shells I bought long ago on a lark will function though my 1100.
  16. I am running red becasue it was in my XDm 5.25 when I got it. I have since added a red FO front to my Colt for SS and like it a lot. I have green FO inserts for all these and might try them one day. I use neon yellow acylic paint on the back of the front blade on my S&W 25 in Revo and my old Bomar-ribbed PPC S&W 10 for NRA Action Pistol.
  17. Personally, I would not put much stock into "poundage" numbers that may or may not compare apples to apples, or mean anything to your personal hits on targets. A good, clean, crisp trigger of even a heavier number can be a joy to shoot.
  18. I think we have dropped off some, not dramatically but I think it is real. One thing I thought about recently is at least a couple of the non-reloaders I know run the cheap Tula from WalMart. I need to ask them where they are getting it as I know none has been on the shelves for months and I can't see them having stocked up enough to keep shooting all this time. Maybe they did and if so more power to them. I have 2-3 years worth of components on hand myself as well as some of the cheaper factory ammo. I save my factory ammo for taking classes that don't allow reloads.
  19. I only load .40 currently for Production minor and being cheap, use a dab (3.5 gr.) of Titegroup under a 180 grain cast bullet. It is a light charge but I can see it in the case. I second one of the previous posters recommendations for a light over stations two/three. I have a gooseneck desk light set behind the press with the head snaked around the press so it shines right down in the case at station three so I can see the charge before I seat a bullet. A little LED type thing there would be the cat's meow. The biggest and best thing to prevent double charges (or the opposite, no charge at all) is CONSISTANCY. Having a set routine ingrained in muscle memory for operating your 550B will give you the best results.
  20. You can actually get DQed because you used the wrong ammo? Didn't know that. And you may get to buy the old dented plate too!
  21. I think XDm mags are a little bigger/different than Glock mags.
  22. Thanks for the replys. Just to hedge my bets I ordered a couple 4-up TACCOMS (sans Tekloks, I can rob them off something else for now). I forgot I had an 8 shell armband, it got buried in my "big" bag I leave with the extra ammo and stuff in the car. I will pull it out and set the 4-ups, up and see what I like. I will also try a caddy set up on my left side/rearish and see how that feels. It is only one stage out of a nine stage match so I don't want to over think it but do want to be ready. Having to fish shells out of your pocket or squatting to pick up fumbles off the ground leaves a bad impression of you with your squad mates. One other benefit I thought about to having the 4-ups set for belt use was mentioned above. For shorter shotgun stages I can just run them and leave the Chameleon back on the cart, but have the same load-two set-up.
  23. This is the answer. I know there is math, calculating, gaming the stage, etc. But I want to shoot the stage and that means all the dadgum targets. I might legitimately miss, but don't want any fte's, except the ones I get by brain farts. I can see the case posted above were it is big match, real prizes are one the line, and everybody with any sense is running the stage that way. In a club level match where no money is on the line and the stage layout just maybe screws the Revo guys, so be it. I'm dropping partially loaded clips and banging away!
  24. I would not build on for that. Even if I had the AR500, which I don't.
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