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Everything posted by hdgun

  1. does it happen with all your mags? How long has this been happening? have you changed your AOL? Usually problems like this are mag related.
  2. hdgun

    Strange Jam

    I have a Caspian Major 9 shorty. Gun was built by Jim Anglin. When I got the gun from him it ran like a top. Then out of the blue, I started to have jams. Same as you describe. By the way, this is a week before Area 7 match. I tried every thing, Springs, OAL, ejector, extractor you name it. Was ready to shoot limited. Any way, My old Pin gun has ( had ) a Brazo offset scope mount. well I stuck it on and had not had a problem since. I know some of you might say it is a bandaid instead of a fix. But it runs like a top again. You might want to give it a try
  3. Cape, Like Nick says, It can be done. If one Ma. res. has one, it CAN be transfered. (IE: private sale ). There are a couple of Ma FFL s that will do a transfer from another state ( SV ).
  4. I have a Hybrid only 5" gun ( 6 holes no comp ) 9.2 HS-6 w/124 fmj Zero bullet. gave me 169pf. slight sign of pressure but not bad enough to worry about. ( slightly flat primer ). I too love the SP-2. It is a great powder, it burns consistantlly and is, was cheap. I have about 7 pounds of it, but only use it in my open Revo 38 super. It works the comp soo nice GOOD LUCK
  5. We have ( our club, Woburn Ma. ) 2 of them. they are alot of fun. I think we paid about $600 each. dont remember where we got them though.
  6. Hey Chris, I converted my super to 9. But I had to replace the slide as well. Only because, who ever built my gun originally did not fit it correctlly. So I figured if I had to rebuild, I might as well go 9 major. I have had one problem since the rebuild, and that was bad ejection angle. been fixed since. Other than that Zero problems. Caspian Wide Body Scheumman AET commander barrel Caspian 5" slide cut to length STI S-2 comp and all the other goodies 8.4 HS-6 124gr Zero bullet, Gave me 177pf at Area 7. Note: Did not mean to go that high, but it was real hot that day.
  7. Mainly limited, lim 10, production. Watching vid clips of top shooters, I have noticed that there guns dont move. ( muzzle rise ) all I can see in any vid clip is the slide going back and forth. In my own shooting I know the muzzle rises becouse I can see the sight rise out of the rear notch. ( not that their guns don't rise ) I know my gun does not shoot as flat as theirs. What makes these guns run soo flat? Is it technique? gun control? loads? Inquiring minds want to know!!
  8. This might be a stupid question but, Isn't it easier just to have a back up gun? I know a lot of us have other open guns in the safe other than our primary. Not saying I don't carry parts, It's just easier to swap out a gun at a match than try to play gunsmith in the field. (MHO) As far as parts go: slide stop, firing pin, fiber optic rod for front sight. screws for scope mount,
  9. I have done the pro mag thing like Jim speaks of, I now have 10-20 round fully functional mags for the Caspian. I would sudgest any one who has a desire to shoot a 40 Caspian hi cap, and has hesitated becouse of mags. DO IT!!! these pro mags work, Here is my Craig Caspian Fantom:
  10. I have shot minor Limited on the club level with a G34 (23 rounds) and have done quite well. Not to say I would do it on a Major match level. It was fun and cheep. If there are any questions in your mind about doing it, Just do it and find out for your self. It's the only real way to test all these theries.
  11. This is my Five inch of a Shuemann hybrid, I have two hybrid barrels for it, One in super that use for steel (hybrid holes are straight up) I have not put any major loads through as of yet. barrel two 40 S&W ( hybrid holes are canted foward ) I use for USPSA as a back up for my open gun. The 40 hybrid barrel is very affective.
  12. Those are some really great vids. Looks like the Ky. State match was fun. Great looking stages.
  13. My Vote is for the Extreme Holster. It is on the same idea as Ghost holster. It will ffit any Revo you might have, 625,627,617 ECT. any length barrel as well. ( no muzzle cup) I use mine for steel shooting, USPSA, Icore. It very Fast. No drag at all. Best of all, its Cheap. $120 at Shooters Connection. I also use the same holster for my Glocks. (differant model of course) Good luck with your choice
  14. 8shooter, You hit the nail on the head. It was a stock super super when it began life. Then I turned it over to Mark at Pinacle, and you see the result. After the the cost of the gun, the custom work was very reasonable. about $500. But be prepaired to wait,Mark does exelant work but his turn around time needs improvement.
  15. Sorry guys, I just like showing it off!
  16. If I were shooting just one gun, that would be fine. I am shooting two guns plus practice rounds. Could come between 800 - 1000 rounds. 180 rounds in a perfect world. By no means am I perfect. Close though
  17. Mark at Pinnicle in Pa. built this one.
  18. Are there any gun shops or WalMarts near the range. I am shooting all 9mm Win white box. I am thinking it wood be easier just to buy ammo there. What do you guys think? John
  19. I have three Caspian framed blasters, 1 in 38 super 6 port hybrid,1 in 9 major and 1 in 9 minor.20 Caspian 38/9 mags. I can use any mag I have in any one of the guns and it works. No fancy tunning,mag pads or followers. It seams that the S-I mags have big problems if they are not tunned.
  20. You Know, This is why I like this forum. All these thoughts comming out in print. I love It!! This thread has really made me think of how I shoot. It really does put things in perspective. I will have a differant mind set at the next Match. Thanks to all for your thoughts. I feel like a spunge, just soaking it all up.
  21. I agree with the triger and sites, I use a Brass mag well. I feel the extra weight helps balance the gun. Arandondo makes a great mag base, with the + 5 you now get 20 in the mag and they take a beating. I also use a tungsten guide rod with a 15# spring. BTW I shoot a G22 not the 35. Good luck with your desisions. John
  22. The follower might be hanging up on the slide stop. (empty Mag) with a couple of rounds still in the mag it is ok. My Caspian was doing the same thing. Trimmed the follower a little and it went away.
  23. I ordered Front and rear End of March and got them Last week. Because of back order. Try Dawson Again.
  24. Does anyone have any contact info for Kart Precision Barrels? Phone #? Web site? I did a search and came up empty. Thanks, John
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