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Everything posted by rwmagnus

  1. I was on the standby list until late Wed night when I got entered into the match shooting Fri/Sat. I had a blast watching JM shoot the first 9 stages of the match. It was my first time watching him in person. All I can say is AWESOME. While he did make a couple mistakes as others mentioned, he also worked very hard helping to tape targets and keep things running smoothly. His videos just don't do justice to how fast his splits really are. This was my first Nationals and I'll be back next year. The iceing on the cake was watching Jerry compete. The revlover competition was encouraging.
  2. Yep. I was part of "Team Rimz" only one of our defectors saw fit to shoot a bottom feeder in ESP. My guess is next year another one of our group will shoot the Nationals, this time he was shooting an IPSC match in AZ. Little Rock was a blast and I thought the HQ ran it very well. A few things could be improved but overall I had a great time and met some cool people. Watching Jerry Miculek shoot on Thursday was a lot of fun. Man he's fast!
  3. Our group shot squad 12 and we had plenty of revolver shooters. Dan Short won SSR EX (now a MA) Theo Carter 2nd SSR, SS hotly contested. And yes we kicked around a revolver squad for next year. I doubt 2 squads will be enough, LOL.
  4. TBF, My perscription is a dead heat for +1.25 generic $10 reading glasses. Hate to admit it but now at 48 (wish I was turning 40!) reading glasses are all but manditory. I haven't been able to find +1.00 power glasses but anything sronger than +1.25 is going the wrong direction for me. At this power my field of focus covers the rear sight to alittle past the front sight. Stronger lenses magnify the rear but blur the front sight. The down side is (and I need to expierment more with this) longer distance shooting. At 20 yards the edges of the target are blurred. I can make out no shoots, hard cover etc but can not see the surface of the target with any detail. To some extent this helps me reacquire the front sight because it's so sharply in focus. Guess I didn't really know what I was missing (no punn intended) by not wearing glasses. I've been able to close my weak eye and keep it very relaxed. If I close it too hard I get tension in my face and my eye wants to twich. The key for me is keeping it relaxed. I don't even think about it as it's just pasrt of the trigger process. As I squeeze the trigger my weak eye closes unless it's a really close shot under 5 yards then both eyes are looking thru the sights rather than at them.
  5. Murphy is a pretty smart guy but then again there are equipment checks that can cut down/eliminate avoidable malfunctions.
  6. I've never learned the art of shooting with both eyes open. I acquire the target with both eyae open and close my weak eye as I bring my focus back to the front sight. Depending on the transition distance I may or may not open the weak eye for the next shot. My vision is 20/20 but have started wearing 1.25 power reading glasses. Recently I started practicing live fire with these reading glasses and the clarity of the sights are unreal! Downside is the targets are slightly out of focus (soft focus) which makes it easier to stay on the front sight (benefit). Also not being able to see bullet holes (disadvantage) at longer distances forces me to read the sights (benefit). Just wondering does anyone else fall into this situation, good long distance poor short distance vision where slightly magnified glasses provide sharper focus?
  7. You guys have some very good input here. For me it's simple ........Check all equipment, then check it again, finally once more! Lesson learned the hard way!
  8. Short Round you hit the nail on the head. The more I practice dry and live fire the easier breaking and calling the shot becomes. Disruptions in my practice bring on the manual mode of thinking instead of doing. Paladin nice post!
  9. DT That's a good one. Think I can put that one into use, LOL.
  10. hopalong, Just to clarify you of the opinion 18 rounds total to start the stage, 6 rds in each of 3 speedloaders and you use one of them to load and make ready. Is that correct?
  11. Ron I'll add by welcome back to revolver competition. BTW that 25-2 is one sweet pistol. I was a 1911 guy until this year. The revolver has brought a special interest to my competitions. I have a question for you (and others) that shoot IDPA. I didn't see this question clearly defined in the IDPA rulebook. Can you have 3 speedloaders on your belt ( two forward & 1 behind the holster) AND have an extra speedloader to load the gun with? Basically asking if you can start the stage with 4 speedloaders?
  12. I did that but with the wheelie you also need to make sure the moonclip isn't worn out, as they have to work together. I hear ya lima charlie, point well taken. At least I know I can pull it off just lack of match expierence. I'll know better the next time plus theres always next year. The redeeming value after that disaster I had the final stage to shoot and it was one of the more complex designs kinda of a house clearing deal. I shot the best score of all the wheel guys. So each match is a learning expierence and knowing I can get my head back in the game is something positive to take away from the event. Overall I was very pleased with my performance but disappointed with my result, if that makes sense.
  13. rhino, I was in tears laughing at that post. I feel for ya. This past Sat I felt like throwing my own hissy fit. I went from winning the State IDPA Championship to loosing it in the span of 95 very long seconds. With just a couple targets to go I had some defective ammo I couldn't get in my revolver. Had I just stopped and taken the down points plus FTN's I would have won by a landslide. Instead the ex-Marine came out of me and said I'm no quitter finish the fight. Well I won the battle and lost the war. Went from 1st to last in 95 seconds! IDPA isn't a fight it's a GAME!!! But a "hissy fit" sure sounds like good medicine
  14. rwmagnus


    Wish I had seen this thread 72 hours ago, LOL! I just had to try out the new hat in competition, that damn prone position.....
  15. A33435 thanks for the heads up on this book. Be advised you need to back up the link (home page) to get to the secured checkout. Looks like a really good book. Here is a link to a currency converter http://www.xe.com/ucc/ Looks to be about $38 USD delivered.
  16. Vic does that mean your normal rig is an Open Class Revolver and a speed holster? I've been competiting with a 625 exclusively since March of this year and shot a Tue night steel match at Rio Salado a few weeks back. Several wheel guns were there mostly Open Class Red Dot stuff. Lots of race rigs also. Good group of folks there, nice match also. Use to travel NM as part of my territory for work in the SW, wish I could get it back. Guess I'll have to lobby for that change once again. I'm in AZ about every 4-6 weeks these days. Seems like the wheel guns are making a come back lately.
  17. Indshrk not sure what would be a good time for just steel. Guess it depends on size of the targets, 12 yards is pretty close. My club does MOM 2nd Thur of the month. We have 2-4 IDPA targets thrown in the mix of steel. 6 rounds max to start with a manditory reload required. One key is make good hits on steel and don't drop points on paper. Looser on the stop plate goes 5 points down automatically so points on paper are really important. Since the range is set up mirrored whereever you start right or left side you must shoot on the opposite side on the second run. Usually 4 runs total. Lots of fun and usually a good turn out.
  18. Stew, I had a Wideglide that was apart more than together usually getting performance upgrades so I hear ya loud and clear. When I went to the current ride (HD-RV) now it's wash it, gas it, ride it!
  19. You guys have hit the nail on the head, it all depends on who you get at the check in counter as well as TSA. Most every trip I take a pistol with me and it's always different. America West out of Orange County is always a thrill. Just show up early and go with the flow. They have been known not to allow plastic reload boxes as regs say factory ammo and box. My alum pistol case goes inside a roll-a-long suitcase and inside that case are range accessories and ammo. One agent would not let me put the ammo inside the roll-a-long saying it had to be in a separate case from the pistol. I made a suggestion the alum case was one case and the roll-a-long was another but it didn’t fly with her or her supervisor so the ammo went in my cloths suitcase. Neither of them knew much about guns or their own regulations. Since then I've never had a problem. Just show up early. Checking for loose rounds is a great idea. after checking everything in on a flight I was going thru security emptying my pockets of keys, change etc just to find a straggler .45ACP round from the previous nights competition. I declared it to the agent and you would have thought I was handing him a bomb. He freaked out and called his supervisor. She asked why I had a round of ammunition, after explaining the situation she said her original thought was that "I must be really good to only bring one round with me", LOL. She had a good sense of humor. Flying out of AZ you know it's the "Wild Wild West" cause they are so cool about it and IMO follow the pretty book closely. Unlocked gun case, inspect chamber, close and lock, ammo wise they are pretty cool but it is suppose to be OEM box and factory ammo. Usually not an issue as I've shot everything up by then. 1. Be early. 2. Be polite. 3. Be prepared (Print the airlines policies out ahead of time.)
  20. 98 Ultra Classic Electra Glide, my second and final HD. Yes I take it to matches, gear goes in the lunch box and saddle bags. What can I say it's an old mans "fuel injected lead sled" with creature comforts.
  21. Duck tape.....the universal solution to everything . Place one or two strips over the buzzer until you get the level you want. BTW it's alot easier than sodering circut boards unless thats the sort of thing you prefer to do.
  22. rwmagnus

    S&W 625

    I think everyone agrees a well seated flattened primer will be more sensitive. I don't believe an extra hand primer tool is needed. I'd venture to guess most any press will allow you to seat the primer abit deeper than normal. I use a Dillon 550 and seat the primers as Flex$ suggests. BTW I installed an oversized firing pin for extra insurance if I need to shoot Winshester primers in factory stuff. Reliability was my first objective with a trigger job then to smooth up the action and lighten the trigger pull. I just feel more comfortable knowing it shoots any brand of ammo, yet has a competition feel to it.
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