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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Hey Merlin, perhaps "lady" might be to strong a term.
  2. I hate that I spent 4 friking days out of work having my car fixed. Every friking day some parts weren't making in the shop and every friking day the managed to find another broken part. At least they didnt charge me for all the new parts because it was partly their fault for frying out 2 sensors and my ECU while debuging some ignition wires shorting out. Grrr .. 4 days .. $900 ... I have my car back at least, and I had vacation days to burn, but it still irks the hell out of me. And another thing .. it seems that we had sunny days for over a month but this weeked our match is gonna be canceled because we are gonna get a foot of snow the nite before .. grrr
  3. I can confirm that the translation in in Carina's second link is quite accurate.
  4. Ok .. I fess up .. its all my fault. Well sorta. The song is by a Romanian band, and those guys got spawned close to where I did as well. The song is beyond meaningless though I can translate it for anyone crazy enough to want me too. I first heard it about a year ago when of my co-workers brought to my attention because apparently at a Bar Mitzvah in his familiy all the little girls were playing this song pretty much in a loop for hours. After that the dumbass song seemed to apear EVERYWHERE, on the internet, even as the background music for my local TV morning news. It seems to be finally fading away into the pit of hell from which it has spawned. The saddest part about that song is that I've seen the orginal music video for the song and the english subtitles made a LOT more sense then the original romanian lyrics. As for the title ... 'Tei' is an very aromatic tree which lines most of the old streets of Bucharest. It has a pleasent aroma when it is flowering and when you have a 1000 trees along a bulevard it makes a serious statement. The tree is often related to various romatic concepts mostly because of the whole teens walking through parks holding hands under the perfumed trees. The closest relative of the tree in the US is the "lime tree" which doesnt grow as big and it is not as perfumed. The translation of the title would be "The love from lime trees", and if I just wrote that you would have all called me crazy which is why I just spent 10 minutes trying to explain that inane song. I need a shower now.
  5. Vlad


    Yeah, I forgat that, raz-0 is right 'cause he saw my gun have problems. It shoots all 147 military ball like crap. I'm not sure however that it is the weight of the bullet, thought it was my first guess. Since I've shot some cheap Win 150gr hunting loads and while by no means match ammo, they grouped in the 1.5 to 2 MOA range. It may just be it is a tolerance thing with the military brass/bullet and my gun. YMMV.
  6. Wait .. What? I thought we just took the IPSC list and added our mods. Otherwise how do you explain some of the guns on it? In fact it was stated here a few times that thats how it works, specially around the whole SP-01 "now its on the list, now it isnt" issue last year.
  7. You should have taken their number and maybe write it in some bathroom stalls?
  8. I shoot two matches a month at clubs where John Amidon shoots. I think I'll make my gun righteous. Or yell at him a lot and ask him "Why man, why?" a lot.
  9. Huh ... You live in a friking DESERT area. I think it would be odd if it wasnt hot, any time of the year. Though I do have to say that I wore shorts doing yard work last weekend in february in New Jersey. I'm loving this global warming shit!* More hair spray please!! *Recent unseasonably warmth seems to have nothing with global warming as Europe is freezing. This January was stupid warm because the jet stream was particularly straight and high for a bit, mostly following the US/Canada border and blocking artic air. Presumably it carried it all to Europe. Yay for the jet stream.
  10. Hey guys I think it is a strange interpretation too and a bit late to boot, but it might be that someone is trying to reign in the "production" glocks a bit. Not for nothing but some of them have triggers lighter, shorter, and cleaner then most factory SINGLE ACTION 1911's. At some point you have to ask if that is a double action trigger anymore or even a safe action trigger by any stretch of imagination. I'm not saying it doesnt suck for folks that spent the money but .. at what point do you draw the line? IPSC and their minimum trigger pull rule makes a lot more sense the longer I think about it.
  11. Vlad


    Really it doesnt cost that much less. You used to be able to buy the Savage 110 for around $350 or less with a scope. Actually I think the various sporting goods store sales sometimes brought the package at $299. Those rifles had wood on them, so replace the wood with a cheap plastic stock, account for it being a mature product all payed up on R&D and tooling and I can sure see them selling it at current prices. Heck, if I remember correctly I payed a bit over $400 for my 10FP with the heavy barrel and all that. Also see http://www.gunblast.com/Stevens-200.htm Someone else who is convinced that it is a 110 and made in the US.
  12. Vlad


    Middle Man, are you sure?.. I've handled a Stevens and I own a 10FP. If you ask me the Stevens IS a older 110/10. Given that they are almost identical, take the same sparts parts and use the same receiver, bolt, and barrel attachement (as far as I can tell) it seems unlikely to me that it is anything but a rebranded 110/10 for which the use the tooling they already had when the switched the receiver shape for the new 110/10.
  13. I kinda asked this before .. deviate from what? Is there some Iconic 1911 perfection the 1911 Division was developed around?
  14. I imagine this video falling into the hands of some terrorists and then I die laughing imaginaning the look of complete confusion on their faces. How do you even begin to explain the effort that went into this without 2 or 3 hours of cultural reference which they wouldnt understand.
  15. I'd say have his insurance look into the fraud. Thats the simplest, honest, and non-harassing option. Most states have a hotline to which you can report insurance fraud, you dont have to hunt down the company yourself.
  16. You guys really want 20 year old aluminum frame M9's, which mostly gone finish and who knows how many rounds through them? I mean, Garands at least have some real history and pleasing to the eye, the M9 looks like a small steam engine with all those external moving bits. I'm sure Dave Olhaso whould still kick my butt with the worst of them, but I dont want one.
  17. 4) sounds a lot like: Dogma - Metatron (Alan Rickman) to Bethany (Linda Fiorentino) refering to Jesus. But the wording may bit different and I cant find my Dogma DVD. If it isn't then it is damn close and I want to know what it is.
  18. "Welcome!" "Glad you could come out and shoot with us. Looks like your gear will be just right for Lim-10" Heheh .. I can say that to any 1911 shooter though. I'm just curious how it is going to come across when his $700 of the shelf gun would be considered "gamey" but people with $2000 hand built custom guns can say they are shooting just another 1911.
  19. Gary, I get your worry about new shooters. I too am aware that without a constant influx of new shooters there is no future. However I also worried about going to far in that direction .. Think of it as a "Its for the children! so adults shouldnt own guns!". Also, at least in area gun shops, there about 50/50 guns with rails and those without. I'm guessing that is because they sell a lot of the rail guns. What do you tell the new shooter when he shows up with his rail gun?
  20. I think so. I know Dave Marques did that to his, but I'm not sure he had to modify any of the parts. Maybe he'll notice the this thread and chime in.
  21. Ok .. now I'm really tempted but I have this fear that one day I'm going to load a case that has crud in it and I'll blow myself up from the overpressure. I have seen a number of cases that had hardened sand or cleaning media and had the deprimer punch a hole through leaving the rest of the crud in the case. How do you guys deal with that problem now that you dont get to handle each case?
  22. Bah .. he won't learn anything conclusive with a knife, he needs a fork. And sorry AlamoShooter, all my reply meant was that I couldn't make sense you your question.
  23. Besides the ones already mention which I would also recommend, you may also want to watch "Boondock Saints". It is more on the entertainment side then the gun side though there are lots of guns and their use it realistic if not correct. Fun flick.
  24. Odd .. never heard of them, and the internet hasn't seemed to have heard much about it either. The specs look very similar the beloved and much cheaper Pro-Dimond.
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