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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Well then I want to shoot a beta-mag AR pistol in .22LR with laser sights, red dots, target seeking bullets, (and this thing in the grip that tells time), in production. Oh and I want to be able to shoot all my rounds at the closest target, no shoots included, with the gun mounted on a body gyro stabilizer like in Aliens. We do need a few more rules besides the safety ones
  2. The 500 manual list the #16627 as the correct part. #20055 is the correct part to upgrade a 450 not a 500.
  3. Well if they are going to waste money sending out trinkets, they might as well get the lowest price possible on those trinkets.
  4. I was sold on the new rule because of the 2-2-2 formula. We count best two on scoring targets, a maximum of two misses and "worst two" on no shoots. What's wrong with that? To the people who have seen this before I appologize, this is actually a misconception a lot of people have so it doesnt hurt to repeat this. Nothing, if it was true. However it is not. We dont engage targets with 2 shots, we engage them with sufficient rounds to score. The rule book only requires 1 shot per target, and not even that on disapearing targets. By convention MOST courses of fire require 2 shots per target, but pleanty of stages don't, including the a LOT of the classifiers, some of which require as many as six shots per target. To make matters worse imagine a NS target that obscures 2 different targets. Even in the 2-2-2 model, you may still get 4 shots on the NS. I actually dont care THAT much about the 2 per NS rule, except as an example of a rule that doesnt serve a purpose and which actually can make make a real scoring difference and allow someone who put 4 holes in NS targets to win over someone who only put 3 holes in NS targets all other things being equal. If you want an example of that PM me and I'll explain it further, I just don't want to beat this horse into pulp. This equine isnt only dead, it has been enbalmed, burned, and spread into the winds, but its floating ashes still leave a bad taste in peoples mouth and in some ways it is still an example of bad rule making.
  5. Well yeah. I have my own personal opinions about what game I want to shoot being forced to change it by someone who's view of the world is different then mine is unpleasent. I dont think that there anything wrong with that. I really dont to keep an open mind about my preferences in a hobby. This isnt about religious tolerance towards my neighbors, or racial harmony. This discussion is about the rules of a game I participate in as a hobby. I am perfectly able to absorb new ideas, evaluate them, and then accept them or reject them based on their soundness through the filter of my experience and preferences. I really dont need someone in power to make changes for me, without consulting me. It isnt like these changes are being proposed to the membership, debated and then voted upon. There something VERY wrong with having rules books which the membership only sees as they are about to become official. I could live with rules that where decided on by consensus of the IPSC shooters, but the current activism by various people in IPSC "power" is troubling and after the number of really bad and unwaranted changes last time, I am THRILLED that USPSA has a modified book which goes through a second revision.
  6. --> QUOTE(Paul B @ Dec 22 2005, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What really concerns me is the rules "activism" that I'm seeing in IPSC. You are not kidding! The other day they were having a thread to see if people wanted NS targets to be scored by scoring zones. Amazingly common sense prevailed.
  7. That kind of thing would drive me insane. I find it so annoying that some people are so insecure as to assume that everyone is out to get their mate. I cant even imagine how horrible that might feel. Personally I would be so pissed that I would ask the RM to remove non-shooters from the range for interfearing with your game. And if the ARE shooters then non-sportsmanship should be brought up.
  8. The only answer is that you need to try it and find out for yourself. Some people love them and some hate them. It is a vision thing, and vision is different for everyone. It takes me a long time to do the mental switch between iron and fiber sights, but when I do my scores are higher with a fiber front sight. I switched back and forth a couple of times, but recently I let myself settle with the FO and I've been shooting some of my best cassifiers. If you are worried about day/nite usage. TruGlow makes an interesting sight which is a FO sight with tritium under it, thus providing light for the FO at nite. I haven't tried them (they dont make them from my gun) but they do look interesting.
  9. I would have loved to have him as a pup as I can only imagine how wonderfull he would have been but alas, he as adopted around 2years old from a rescue (after he was found wondering the streets of Brooklyn at 45lb. He is now about 105lb not overweight). However, they are not long range runners if you know what I mean. They have decent endurance at a slow to moderate pace but they are built for strength not for running around. So when he does go into "crazy dog" mode running all around the backyard or the park like he is being chased by lions, he does that for about 10 minutes and then he sleeps for 1 hour or so So yeah, given that puppies sleep a lot, and the nature of the breed, I wouldnt be surprise if he spent a lot of time sleeping with brief periods of crazy bounce.
  10. Bully breads, and specially the Bulldogges and the American Bulldogs (like mine, look at the avatar) are some of the greatest dogs on earth. They are smart, loving, loyal, and have an amazing sense of humor, playing pranks on you and then running away 10 yards and laughing at you. I couldnt imagine ever owning another type of dog.
  11. Vlad


    Its easy, use a browser that knows how to handle them. Opera for example is not only an amazing web browser, but also allows to choose if popups are allowed to spawn, spawn only when you actually requested one, or never.
  12. +1 Carlos. I use a riser and high rings.
  13. Titegroup CAN seem a bit dirty but its mostly so in the lower pressure rounds like .45. The higher the pressure (9mm, .40) the cleaner it burns. Even at its dirtiest it isnt that dirty. It leaves a VERY fine residue which doesnt cake or gum up your gun. I shoot 1000 rounds between cleanings with no problems. You may notice some of this residue around your muzzle, and I think this is why people think its dirty, but I actually found TG to be a clean powder, cheap, and very pleasent to shoot. Zeros are cheaper the MG which I think its why the are prefered. I prefer the Zero JHP round because of the bullet base design which makes it VERY easy to sit in the case. To me the $30 per 1000 savings is worth it, but even if the price was the same, I would still load for the different feel and performance.
  14. We are wondering of here, but I wonder about that conversion myself. Given that you would use parts approved for the normal 75B it SHOULD be legal to do it, but clearly this is one of those areas where someone should mail Amidon and ask. I'm tempted to buy a 75 SA myself and convert it to DA/SA because I like the beaver tail a lot better And on topic, I shot L10 minor with my CZ for a while as well. I disliked having to decock my gun, and it sure was fun. After a while we want to stop being hurt by shooting minor, but I did make C class before I moved over to production.
  15. Actually 147's are suprisingly flat shooting. Those 40 yard shots (which Dave Marques keeps on making me take by selecting all the long range classifiers in the book) are not something I worry about. Maybe I aim for the upper half of the A zone, but thats it. By contrast, I shot my single stack with 230gr ball ammo at a recent match and I had to remember that if plates are at 20 yards, need to aim just a hair above them. I load 3.3gr of TG under 147gr Zero's and I love them compared with 115's (factory OR reloads). Combined with a heavy steel gun, there is not much of a muzzle rise. I see it, but a lot of people swear that my gun just stays flat.
  16. I see why people are concerned about it, and I do not advocate a split, but at some point it is possible that US shooters will be shooting under rules they have no control over. Then what? The large animal in the living room has interesting implications, but around here clubs are booked up using almost every available day for various events. At my local clubs it would be kinda hard to even schedule another game. And we dont even really shoot IDPA around here. I'm not overly concerned about it. That said, I think we should all try to play together, but together goes both away. Give the size of USPSA and the fact that we do have some different rules it would be nice if we would have some time to convert the new rules books. Frankly I really wish that rule books would not be official for 1 year after publication. That way we can all spot the problems and adjust.
  17. Actually, I care little about the fact that those USPSA shooters who choose to compete internationaly can adapt. I really do care about the game that I shoot as USPSA shooter. I LIKE shooting production with 10 round magazines because it forces me to think more. The more I think about it the more I like the SS proto-division (but not everything about it). I think L10 is a great idea. I think Jim's point is valid. His problem (and mine) is not that we should be more like or less unlike the international IPSC community. The problem is that the USPSA shooters seem to want some differences in their game and that the current rule book adoption method is not friendly to those differences. A lot of people think that we should be more like IPSC. A lot of people would like to be less like IPSC. Thats why we have a rule making process and I think 15000 people can come up with a game they like to shoot without the help of some undisclosed number of international shooters, most of which shoot a (very) slightly different game. I'm all for trying reduce the number of differences between IPSC and USPSA, but if it is SO easy for USPSA shooters to shoot international matches, then why punish the other 14000 USPSA shooters who like their game just fine? I dont have an answer on how to make our rule books easier to manage, but I'll join Jim in saying that the current method has some problem. There are some other more annoying ways to ram a bunch of rules down the gullet of 15000 people, but this one isnt one of the smoothest either.
  18. Vlad

    Cz75 Sp01...

    You guys dont find the gun too nose heavy? I shoot a 75B, and one of the guys I shoot with picked up a SP-01 recently and I got to play with it. It felt very front heavy to me and I kept on over swinging my transitions. I'm sure I could learn to compensate, but really I think I'm going to be switching to a lighter gun (something plastic) rather then a heavier one.
  19. There are a million good skits and many have been mentioned here. I was squeezing my brain to come up with a favorite, and for some reason a number of various bits that came to mind all of them from Eddie Izzards "Dressed to Kill" show. For some reason I havent enjoyed stand-up since, everything seems weak next to it.
  20. Vlad

    Tooth Abcess

    Oh man .. I so hate tooth problems so I really feel for you, and I mean that. My teeth almost hurt reading about your problems. I have a stupid problem with gaging which makes work on my back teeth VERY difficult. I needed a wisdom tooth pulled out recently and my oral surgeon put me under for the duration. That was the best 15 minutes valium nap EVER. I dont know if valium can be used for the longer procedures but boy does it work.
  21. The short answer is that they are not legal. The factory may offer and extended mag release and then you can switch the existing one with the extended one. But you can not modify the shape of either.
  22. Another favorite of many is 3.3gr of Titegroup under 147gr jacked (ball or HP) bullets. Its a soft load, accurate and reasonably clean. It is also a ways under the max load so no pressure to be too worried about. I think about 3.2 would work wonders with lead loads. If it has a drawback is that 3.3gr of Titegroup is a VERY small charge and if you have bad loading habits you could load double or even triple load and not notice it, but that is not very likely and decent presses help with that too.
  23. There is the rare movie or tv show that gets it right and generally thats only if the director/producer gives a damn. Of the top of my had I can name Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down, Ronin, Way of the Gun, Stargate SG1 (most of the time) though even those have a few small glitches here and there, maybe sometimes intentional.
  24. But why should we? S&W is free to sell whatever they want but unless the mag safety can be removed with a screwdriver and 5 min, then the M&P proabably won't make a big splash in USPSA. We carry enough gear around, and I rather not have an empty mag with me, and add another fumble prone step to the procedure. But then, maybe its just me.
  25. For the most part, I just wish the dw* styles EWS provides wouldnt include color information. I have no real problems with the layout and font choices, but the white background would look silly next to whatever other color scheme we end up using, even more so if I try to include them in a generic doc that includes a sidebar and other decorations. I think I might just leave them alone and open then in their own window and not worry about. Most of the automation I really want to do will mostly have to do with the layout of results of multiple matches, and the multiple links within those match to the actual results sets. I can do that without worrying to much about what the scores look afterwards. I was just curious if there was some magic option I miss that would allow me to override some the settings, but it seems that they are hard coded in the app.
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