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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I clean my gun before matches I care about, but it is less about cleaning it and more about inspecting it. But I can't get a good look at thing unless I clean it so there it goes. Otherwise I clean my gun when I cant stand the look of it anymore, which is about 1000 rounds. I take it down and wipe it down with a CLP mositened cloth and use a few Q-tips to get in some of the nooks where residue builds up. I run a bore snake once or twice throught the barrel but only if it looks like it needs it, mostly it doesnt. Lube (CLP or FP10 during winter, Slideglide and FP10 during summer) and reassemble and then forget about it again until my hands get dirty while firing it, about 1000 rounds later. I may apply some extra lube every now and then to the barrel hood or slide rails if it looks dry before a match, but I dont bother to even take the gun apart for that.
  2. About %5-%10 of mine end up on the floor or bench. Thats one thing I really dont like about the 550. I dont even care about the ones on the floor so much, I care about the ones that fall right on the path of the primer slider which then can't return fully and I have to stop clean the buggers out.
  3. I hate that this last year has been filled with health problems for shooters I know. Three of them have had heart problems over the last year, one of them getting a major heart attack in the middle of a match. At least one shooter has had a series of great personal tragedies which would make a lesser man eat a bullet. And all these people are some of the nicest folks you would ever meet.
  4. Heh. I just rewatched that yestarday and in really is a great flick for kids and adults.
  5. Dont you mean canonization? See, he needs to dead to be made a saint
  6. That website gave me a good laugh. Some moderator should move this to the Humor forum, cause you picked the wrong category. Hehe .. " two new scientists" .. Hehe .. I wonder if they where waiting for their mail order diplomas.
  7. And unfortunatly some states are right out for legal reasons. Like New Jersey.
  8. Actually thats one of things that always surprises me when people say it. I live in NJ where full survice is mandated by the state. Yup, I am not to be trusted to pump my own gas. I moved to the US in 1991 and lived in NJ since, but I ALWAYS forget to get out of the car when I travel out of state. I have to say that it irks me that the state mandates it but boy do I like full services when its raining or its colder then then heck. Oh and .19 in 1959 is 1.23 today. Last years gas prices?
  9. Just curious, in what year did you pay $0.30? Btw, adjusted for inflation $0.75 in 1974 is $2.87 today. $0.75 in 1973 would be $3.19 today. The lowest I remember paying was $99 circa 1992 but thats when I started driving.
  10. Ah .. but I'm not the one complaining. I have my hobbies, and I have my work, and I decide how much I'm willing to spend. Yeah, I pack my car with range gear and don't take the bus, but it is my choice to engage in this voluntary recreational activity. You are right, no individual can fix the problem by himself or herself. But society is made of individuals. Frankly I welcome high gas prices. I really do, and I'm not crazy. Hear me out. As I pointed out gas is cheaper then bottled water. As long as that is the case NOTHING will change. If (and this is a a big if) the Peak Oil guys are right then I rather see prices go up early to force change before shortages become an issue. Look at the shale oil issue. We knew how to extract it for a hundred years but until oil hit $55 it wasnt worth building an infrastructure. Now it is and people are doing it. We are getting pretty close to knowing all the answer on how to migrate to a hydrogen based economy but you are not going to get people to buy hydrogen cars when there are no hydrogen station, and you are not going to get anyone to build a hydrogen station when there are no cars for it. The only way we can make that kind of change is if price pressures make the the whole thing worth it. Personally, I rather see the price pressures now, when we still have oil, not later when we are running out and fighting small wars for control of oil fields around the world.
  11. I'm not sure how you meant that but I REALLY dont want to know any of the details.
  12. I just put a rifle length tube (the one in your picture) on my 16" gun and it looks very nicely built and designed. The only drawback is that it doesnt lock in position unless you use a rail to attach it to you upper. It does tighten very well but I can see how it could clock with time.
  13. Sure you cant not buy ANY gas. Our economy is way to centered on it. However you can buy fuel efficient vehicles, move closer to work, share a ride, take the bus, etc. Not everyone can do that, but a lot of people can and their action would reduce the demend for gas, which would leave the producers with an extra supply which in turn would result in lower prices for everyone. But those kind of changes are not part of the current American way if life. On the subject of profits, do you guys imagine a few fat cats in a club who made 50 extra billions this year? No doubt some CEO's made a few extras million when the companies made 50 extra billion, but frankly that why they get payed to do so thats ok. Where do you think the rest of the money went? My guess is that most of you have some of it. Everyone is thrilled when their 401k or pension plan jumps a few points and then curse Big Oil but forget that Big Oil are publicly traded and that they own some of it. Lastly the issue of increasing profits. Maybe it isnt linear, I dont have all the relevant data, but if we buy more and more of a product the seller will make a higher profit without raising their prices. Maybe they didnt, maybe they didnt, but profits will rise as we buy more of the stuff. And Flex, dont you dare. I'll get Big Oil, and the Trilateral Commision to stop selling you ANY gas.
  14. Hey guys, not to be a wiseass or anything .. but how about you drive less, and buy vehicles that get better milage? I like big cars and lots of horse power just as much as anyone else, but SUV's that get maybe 10 miles to gallon and can haul 1 ton of gear driven around to the store to buy milk might be a bit much. I am a bit surprised that so many people complain about basic capitalism. If you don't like the price of the product dont buy it. On my drive to work I can buy gas on my way in or on my way back home. There are two gas stations across from each other on the highway I use daily. Competition means that those two gas stations have the lowest prices around currently one at 2.01 the other at 2.03. I ask you, what is your solution? Do you want fixed prices? Maybe government mandatated maximums (cause the government does so well at other jobs)? You guys are looking at one of the few industries more regulated then the gun industry, who are not allowed to build refineries in most states and who are the mercy of at least 50 different governments who feel a need to tax their product more then even cigaretes and demend formulation more exotic then the next guy. You are looking at getting a liquid from 1000 yards under the sands of Arabia or such other hell hole, pay bribes to 30 governments (ours included), transport the crap half way around the world, refine it (in 40 different flavors), then ship it to hundreds of distribution points who adjust prices on hourly bases. And how much does that cost? In my 'hood, $2.10 if you dont shop around. I can't buy a gallon of "spring" water for that kind of money and that stuff comes out of the hose at the local bottling plant and travels maybe 50 miles, with minum regulations and basically no taxes. And despite, the cries of high prices we are still far of the highest prices in the US (adjusting for inflation) and WAY cheaper then Europe has been for decades. I see local shooters complaining about the prices of gas the pour into their F350's they drive to work and back, while they buy their second open gun and second AR in less then a year. Could it be that our standards and expectations maybe just a bit out of wack?
  15. Sounds like this is cheaper than anything I have seen... Where do you get this stuff? Everywhere. I buy mine from SportsmansGuide. Cabelas have them as well.
  16. Functions great, the 62gr make 160pf out of a 16" gun, I dont find it any dirtier then cheap brands, a bit more so then the primiums. Accuracy is about the same as most cheap brands. My 16" can shoot about 1.5 to 2 inches at 100yards and I dont get fliers, unless I pull them myself. I like the ammo alot and it is cheap to boot. I wouldnt use it for social events or anything with lots of shots past 100yards.
  17. Glad you are ok. However call Glock, they might help you out. When one of the guys at my range did the very same thing to his Glock 35, he called them, told them exactly what happened (including the fact that he was shooting reloads) and glock "sold" him a certificate for replacement for something less then 1/2 the price of the original gun. It might be worth giving them a call and seeing whats what.
  18. Are you and Jim related or is this just a tag-team? That dog won't hunt coz, no matter how you cut it, what happens on one target has no bearing on what happens on another target. If one guy hits the A of a target 3 times in 3 seconds but the other guy hits the A of the same target only 2 times in 3 seconds, they both get 10 points for that target, but the first guy is a better shooter coz he got more As in the same time period, right? This is coz we limit the number of good hits to be counted, so it makes sense to me to do the same thing with bad hit on no shoots. Pass the egg-nog. I give up. I can only hope that when you do see it in a match, and I'm sure that you will sooner or later like I have, you will at least admit to yourself that there is a math problem in there. The rule is in the book and unlikely to change. I'm not even arguing that we should change it. All I'm saying that it is the kind of rule that I wish we could get the chance to weed out of future rule books. This is the kind of rule that is badly writen because no matter how loudly people argue that we only score 2 hits per normal target, it doesnt make it true. WE SCORE AS MANY AS THE COURSE DICTATES. Making a rule that limits the number of NS we score on a target to the "ususal" number of hits, when the rule book doesnt require the "ususal" number for scoring targets is just bad rule making. It isnt about me, about the D shooter, or about the GM. It is about a really badly writen rule which serves no purpose. As a side note, please keep in mind that no one here made comments aimed at you, only to the rules, but somehow you feel the need to throw little barbs at the people involved in this dialog. Lets keep it about the rules. Well then I want to shoot a beta-mag AR pistol in .22LR with laser sights, red dots, target seeking bullets, (and this thing in the grip that tells time), in production. Oh and I want to be able to shoot all my rounds at the closest target, no shoots included, with the gun mounted on a body gyro stabilizer like in Aliens. We do need a few more rules besides the safety ones This was said tongue in cheek because the rules of this forum do not allow bickering, whining, or antagonistic tones to be used against any single poster. Ok, I'm confused. Are you saying that your comment was tongue in cheek or that you hope mine was? I'm sure as hell mine was
  19. Even if a sequal ever happens, it is even more unlikely that you will see a new TV series. Joss and Fox had a serious falling out and Fox owns the Firefly rights as far as I can tell. At most we might see a different series in the same universe, but thats a hard sell too.
  20. Sorry Chuck, but that argument is very real. I'll say it in a simpler away. Take a scenario where 2 shooters have a shoot the following stage: NS-T-NS. They are D class shooters and they the target is far away. They both shoot 5 rounds and get their 2 hits on T. They both take exactly as long and the both get the same number of points on T. However one hits the left NS 3 times and the other hits the left NS 2 and the right NS 1. Same points, same time, same number of holes in the NSs. One shooter wins. That is the problem with the rule. If you cant see why that is a problem, its ok. Sooner or later you will see it in a match. I have.
  21. I doubt there will be a sequal. Unfortunatly the movie cost $39 million to make and it grossed $37 million (worldwide). It will most likely break even with DVD sales and cable, maybe it will even make some money, but it is very unlikely that we will see a return to that universe, no matter how much Joss and the fans would like it.
  22. Actually thats funny. The wrong part is on the otherside. "Megaforce"? I almost hurt myself cringing .. anyone remember that movie .. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084316/ Few movies as bad as that one.
  23. Genius! And it might not be against the rules.
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