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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Does anyone have a trick for telling practiscore to forget the old devices IDs? Problem I'm running into is that I sync all devices from the master at the match, when I get home and try to pull it, the stage devices come online in a different order and it takes me multiple random resets, reconnects, refreshes to get all the device synced up again Any hints?
  2. What dies are you using?
  3. Yes. Sorry, couldn't help myself, but do you want to know if it is a good match, if it fits, what? My productive comment is that while yes it works really well, you can not mount the scope as far forward in a Aero SPR as you can in a ADM recon or a Larue SPR-E.
  4. Thats a recipe for a dead sport as you basically risk closing the doors to any new shooters.
  5. Pre-match Pre registration on the club's website Download spreadsheet and load on master Nook On master nook create stages and import pre-registration At Match As shooters arrive and sign in check that they are in master nook. If not add to master nook. Squading gets done at this point based on shooter requests ON PAPER. When everyone is signed up master nook is synced to one backup and stage nooks Each nook is set to score one stage for ALL shooters, no squads in the nook. If shooters show up, they get added to the nooks for each stage Nooks stay with the stage, if one dies a horrible death, we lose a stage for everyone, not an entire squad. Post match Make sure all people that were manually added are synced up Generate scores The squading electronically thing is a red herring as far as I'm concerned and a waste of time. I have each shooter sign a release when they show up and I use that release to build piles of who they want to shoot with. I can easily count them, move them, and sort them. Jim Norman uses a white board for the same. It is friking trivial instead of mucking about with multiple software platforms at the range.
  6. FFS, there are already a billion cameras on the range. I don't buy the argument that shooters are going to plan for being DQ'ed any more then they do now and somehow they are going to festoon themselves with 12lb of electronic gear to make that less likely. There are drones filming super squads today. There is REAL money on the table in some of the events, how would like to DQ someone or award the big novelty check to someone only to later have the video show something different actually happened? Every other serious sport now uses camera's. Heck, lets not forget that camera's are what recently brought out to the light a rather unscrupulous RO. At some point we are going to have to face the reality that cameras are a thing that exists and that they do provide an actual replay ability for events that would otherwise be subjectively interpreted. Yes, we'll need to figure out what the limits are, and when to consider such evidence and what standards we want to apply, but maybe competitive shooting needs to move forward eventually.
  7. No doubt, but that doesn't mean you can't consider it. Look, I'm not saying that the someone's headcam determines the outcome, I'm saying grown up men with an RO card can look at the video and consider it in making their decision. What are the possible outcomes here? One outcome may be that the RO looks at the recording and says "Yup, I was wrong here, sorry dude, reshoot". A grown up RO is not going to have a cow about it, and there was no safety rule broken so its all cool. The other outcome is that the RO or RM looks at the recording and say "Sorry man, based on what I see here you are still DQ'ed" and nothing has changed. The shooter may still look at the video and think the RO was wrong, but he can do that today so nothing change. The only realistic downside is that 2 shooters doing the same thing may get different outcomes if one doesn't have video and one does, but realistically that can happen today depending on where the RO happens to stand.
  8. But lots of us have the education, its called an RO card. I'm just playing devils advocate here, but if can look at the video, see where the shooters feet were and look at the target in question I'm pretty sure I can tell if something was an 180 break. Everyone can make mistakes, RO's included, so why not get a second opinion, particularly on things were angle and lines of sight are a bit dodgy?
  9. I don't think we ever used EZWS for squading. And I have some time under my belt with it. The only time I've ever needed to really do presquading I used the USPSA web thingy. I for one wish people take their loves and likes and dislikes and hates of various bits of software and leave them at home, because I've read nearly every thread about electronic scoring in the last forever and lately 80% of the content is dick measuring and that's unfortunate because that is not a feature implemented in the software yet. I wonder if anyone has requested that feature from any of the software's involved. No? Hmm you would think with all the tape measures being whipped out there would be a bugzilla entry somewhere.
  10. Yep, mine does too, I rip the whole thing off the gun and feed the entire thing, shell and holder included, into the loading port. Then we are back to the cursing plan.
  11. The things you have to be careful about are don't lower the opening too far as there are parts in there that need to remain inside and when you throat the mag tube opening make sure you don't remove any metal from the tube itself and the bits retaining it, you can bevel it a lot and open it forward but go slow and stop when you think you can reload it well enough and its time to leave it well enough alone. If your follower feeds into your gun, you've gone too far But really there is a lot of metal you can remove, just be careful and use your brain. Start with removing the big chunk of forearm that gets in the way because until you do that reloads suck anyway, so get that out of the way before you work on the metal as it changes how your hand loads shells. Once thats done then you know what you are working with.
  12. Wait, the Magpul video's said that I have to have the RO yell at me while I look bewildered first (1:40 or so) , you guys are now telling me I have to do the reloading AND the cursing/yelling all by myself. This crap is hard.
  13. Here are some pictures of my complete hack job done with a dremel and hand files. One side is lowered more then the other, the fore end is hacked way forward and "smoothed", the easy loader and lifter are shortened and rounded, and harder to see the receiver is opened up forward and internally beveled. I was certainly not careful with finish or cared if I scratched the crap out of it, as I know I plan to replace it, but you could add some tape and certainly do a lot less of a crap job then I did
  14. I think without opening up the port you might be better off doing the old fashioned weak hand load. It might be more consistent.
  15. You all have gun safes right? Turns out a notebook might fit in it. Also turns out you can encode your own passwords in that book in case anyone gets access to it, a pattern like "always go up 3 letter on the 3ed letter and 3 down on the 6th)"
  16. I've been guilty of allowing my match to proceed with some stages that weren't strictly legal, mostly because I didn't notice that one location or another had to many shots required. That happens when I don't notice it or I don't have the time to walk the stages myself after they've been built and I've asked someone else to do it and they missed it. If I see it before the match starts I try to fix it. However what burns my ass is when people complain about this at the end of the match, specially people who walk the stages while they are being built and not offering a hand to help. It also annoys me bit when the people who complain about this sort of stuff are regulars at the match but almost never get their hands dirty. If you run into an MD who does stupid crap on purpose, go shoot elsewhere. It is not worth arguing, it is not worth giving yourself an aneurism over it, walk away and if enough people do that then the match goes away. If you see this happen accidentally, then take Flex's advice on page on of this thread and roll up your sleeves and offer your help. I can promise you that I won't ever turn down your offer of help, specially if you want to design stages and show up 2 hours earlier to build them.
  17. Conspiracy theories are not required, btw. People hack easily compromised sites to obtain email and password combinations which then they can try against paypal, credit card and bank websites, etc. I very much doubt is the the Bloomberg army after USPSA as I've already heard suggested today.
  18. And the very next step should be hiring/paying someone competent to run their website and IT stuff. I would be laughed out of my job if I would ever even suggest or think of storing passwords in the clear. Also, at this point I wonder about my credit card I use to pay for classifiers and the like. How much confidence do I now have that they also don't store that somewhere in dubious fashions?
  19. I'm still shooting my 11-87 until I get the chance/time/money/whatever to replace it and I quad load. You can only remove so much material from one of the sides but you can remove quite a bit from the charging handle side of the opening. You can lower it considerably, and bevel the other side and the opening towards the tube. You can remove A LOT of the foreguard which gets in the way, it indexes and spaces on the sides not under the reciever so I have cut if down to where I can see a sliver of the mag tube through the gap between forearm an the bottom of the receiver, it is actually angled forward now, instead of the backwards. Obviously you need a easy-loader installed and trimmed back, and I took just a tad off the lifter as well just so I would stop getting my finger caught. Quad loading it is possible but harder and slower then other guns, because you need a bit of a semi-circle type motion as you come in at 45 degrees, depress the tip easy loader with the first shell, then turn towards the mag tube. While slower then doing this on other platforms, it is still a heck of a lot faster then weak hand loading.
  20. FFS, storing passwords in clear 20 years ago was a bad idea, nevermind today.
  21. Laminate floor is what I have in my reloading room. I suppose a 4x8 would work, but you probably would end up with different color aging for the carpet after a few years.
  22. Most everyone would consider starting in DA when you can start SA a disadvantage (whether it is true or not) or at least not an advantage so why would anyone care if you choose to start that way?
  23. They are posted in the 2015 3gun schedule thread as Sept 3-5
  24. I'm a 3gun nobody, but for me I've been doing some practice on getting the guns ready to shoot. What I mean by that is that I've watched myself on video and I've noticed I'm wasting lots of time dumping guns and picking them up and getting to the shooting. So I've been adding gun pick ups, gun charging, reloading etc to my practice. If I can get that rifle shooting in 1 to 1.5 seconds instead of 3 that may be 10-15 seconds shaved from overall time. This way I also practice getting the long guns up in the correct stance as well. You can also add getting in and out of slings and that sort of transition.
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