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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Get a new upper, fast. I would be worried about their heat treat.
  2. I'm guessing what Denise is saying is .. You have a federal government, a state government, a county government, a town government, a home owners association, and you guys want another ruling body making sure you are having fun the right way?
  3. The question is why would people bother? The cost difference is pretty minor for the equipment. The prize table thing I don't get, you would make it more complicated and it would take just as long only more confusing.
  4. I may take you up on that Mark, after NC Recon which pretty much the end of the season for me this year.
  5. Yes because who I need RO'ing major matches are people who have no idea how to shoot the game they are officiating.
  6. The DR I got from you at the same time as the barrel.
  7. Same here, already stripped and checked everything, scope mounts, etc
  8. I'm roughly in the same boat. I'm not having any luck with my 18" Nordic. 1.5-2", no problem, getting it around 1" is proving hard. It seems to like lighter match bullets and disliking 70+ gr bullets. It also REALLY hates Tac for some reason, same bullet with Varget groups around 1.1-1.4", move to Tac and we open up to 3". I now have over 1000 rounds through this barrel so whatever settling it wants to do, its done with. I'm having some luck with Hornady 68's over 25gr of W748 at 2.250 so I need to play a bit more with that. Overall, I'm not happy with Nordic's accuracy.
  9. Bah .. Buzz was a passenger, Neil drove the ship to the ground.
  10. Nik for USPSA historian, all in favor? Point is he was the first, so he can claim he was first Production champion to wear pants. Sure, its a bit like Armstrong claiming to be the first to land on the moon in a spaceship, but hey .. still true.
  11. I know lots of people like the Nordic, but apparently I got the one that doesn't group well. Still trying to find a load it likes.
  12. Well .. seeing how it was the first Production nationals, and he was the first Production champion, I guess he can say he was the first to win it with a double action gun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Practical_Shooting_Association#National_Championship_Matches
  13. My next dog is gonna be named Hoover. They clean up food of the floor quite well.
  14. I'll take this a step further ... I'm a shotgun idiot. I understand how choke works, but I shoot shotgun like a shoot a crummy rifle. When do you decide to switch chokes, what are your lines of "hmm I need tighter or I need looser"?
  15. The people writing the rules do so most often in reaction to a problem they had to solve. You may or may not agree with it rules, and sometimes the reasoning can't even be put on paper to protect someone's privacy. I've seen rules who only appeared in 3gun rulebooks as specific reactions to events I've witnessed, but they are sometime events one doesn't speak about in public. Sometimes rules have something to do with the land owner of the range who may have strange ideas of their own. My point is that it isn't always as simple as X is safe and Y isn't and sometimes the reasons are far more complex then they first seem,
  16. I run a 4.25" 40SW version for everything. Light loads for production and 3gun, and sometimes major loads for L10 or L. I've replaced the sights, and has a "throw some APEX parts at it" trigger job and it does everything I need it to do. Oh and I took a soldering iron to the grips for traction. You can do magwells, and metal triggers and so on, but I'm not feeling the need.
  17. You guys are forgetting the human component. It isn't all about mechanics, it also about a knowing the shooter went through a well defined series of steps to safe his firearm and payed attention, not a random series of steps the lead to a random state for the abandoned firearm. Basically this is also a "are you paying attention and are you competent" test as well, at least at some level. I say again, if you don't like the rule write to the MD or don't shoot the game. No one is twisting your arm.
  18. Well a bucket that fits a open gun lets a G19 point in all sorts of directions. If you want to move sideways and forward of it, it may point at your back.
  19. Maybe. I don't think the rule if perfect, because the 1lb glock can still be behind my back and be "legal". The problem with equipment checks is 1 page rule books and the fear of large rule books. At the end of the day it is all a list of compromises and we all have a line in the sand that says "this far and no further" and that line may be in different places for different people. We can't ignore that the sport has grown and change and that more people want to shoot bigger matches. We can have matches fill in 30min except for reserving spots for the top dogs because we want their names in the match, or we can accept larger matches and the compromises we need to make them work. The Olympics are not a swim meet, they take longer and they run differently. Thats the price of success, what you can do in the back yard with your friends doesn't work with 300 strangers of various skill levels.
  20. So you are saying its ok if we start people in USPSA with unlocked 1911 because it has a grip safety? Can you tell how many people have disabled their grip safety?
  21. I can't talk about every case on every range at every match, but if I find a gun in a questionable state I wait for the shooter to clear it. If it is in a well defined "clear" state I don't have an issue with the RO clearing it. If the shooter is about to be DQ'ed resetting the stage quickly takes a back sit. Personally, I think if you want a large match with long stages to keep moving, you have no choice but to clear and reset behind the shooter. For everyone's sanity and safety guns abandoned in a distinct set of states make that possible. The other thing is, do you know this guy, who always does everything stupid and broken and backwards? The dude who thinks a 1lb trigger job on a glock is fine? The guy that thinks filing on his 1911 sear at the safe table is just fine? Well, he shoots 3 gun. and his gun may be pointing at my back in a bucket somewhere. If I was king of the world handguns would all be abandoned empty, its easy and quick vs say unloading a shotgun that goes in a barrel muzzle down. But thats me.
  22. So I've gone through the thread and I can't find the exact wording on how you would write this rule, maybe I'm missing it, but really who cares if someone is shooting a glock or a 1911 or a revolver? This rule exists for a number of safety reasons, it is put before the shooter in advance and the shooter made a choice to bring the weapon they brought. I want a rule that says targets must be 20MOA and timeouts should be 1800 seconds, because I plant to shoot the match with a muzzleloader. My request is no more valid then asking to change the rules regarding grounding handguns because I chose to shoot a 1911 type gun. If I make a choice to bring a firearm that I have to work harder with to stay in the rule, that is on me the shooter, not on the RM to interpret the rules for my specific equipment set.
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