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    Craig Habel

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Looks for Target

Looks for Target (4/11)

  1. I've been shooting 8grs Acuurate #5 125 gr blue bullet. 174 power factor. I don't see any signs of high pressure. Seems to work well. To fast of a powder?
  2. Ammo-I shoot 125 gr blue round nose bullets. Range picked up brass with whatever powder and primers I can find. OAL 1.120 I changed three springs. The recoil spring to a 16 lbs. The strikers spring to a Glock 6 lbs spring. The extractor spring to a CZ extra power spring with 0.6 cut off. Works great!
  3. I have had two open gun slides crack. One was a STI DVC 9mm and the other was a custom open gun also in 9mm. Not a lot of round on either one. I was using a 12 lb recoil spring. My question is would a heavy recoil spring decrease the life span of a slide? Would going to a lighter recoil spring help?
  4. Awesome advise!!!! I just shot 200 rounds. Not one failure. Thank you so much!
  5. What do you guys think about the new division rules- ssp increase to 15 rounds, ccp increased to 10 rounds?
  6. Maybe try an AOL of 1.170 or longer? The rounds might hit the feed ramp before nose diving.
  7. Definitely a mag problem. Feed lips to wide?
  8. Does the magazine drop a little after being inserted? If the magazine drops (is loose) the slide will hit the top of the round causing the round to nose dive. Just a thought.
  9. Wow. I would be very happy if I could get 100,000 rounds out of my gun.
  10. I think I will when my open gun has had enough.
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