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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I'm signed up for at least 2 matches under 3gn rules, including a regional. At this point my plan is to bring my usually tac-optics gear and let someone else decide what division I'm shooting if they want to
  2. On a pistol barrel dwell time is probably not as important because of the much higher gas port pressure.
  3. Nah, if you claim my upper for $1000 I claim yours for $1000, so abuse on the panic/shortage wouldn't be a terrible problem.
  4. I find it alien that we are talking about non-race divisions in the sport that is effectively the F1 of shooting, only with less Bernie Ecclestone. Unlike F1, we don't really care if you want to race a 1995 Celica with Jegg's stickers, but do we need a division for front wheel drive cars with rear downforce spoilers? Really?
  5. I know everyone rags on USPSA, but their new 3gun rules are pretty darn good. Convince your club to use them
  6. Err .. how? If you are correct and it barrel pressure that pushes the whole mess backwards, then how would adjustable gas widgets (regardless of location) have any input on how soft the guns run? If all the work they do is unlock the bolt, then the felt recoil is due to the mass being shoved around by the barrel pressure alone, so how comes we can control that by playing with the gas block? Is the idea that by having less gas, we unlock later and there is less pressure in the barrel as more has escaped the muzzle?
  7. I'm thinking out loud here, but if chamber pressure pushed the bolt and brass back, we would never see rims damaged by the extractor or ripped rims on steel cases.
  8. Seriously, WTH? Some people in this thread wondered why factory doesn't mean "from the factory", I replied that it would be hard to enforce. I have no idea what you are talking about, but I don't think we are having the same conversation.
  9. There are a lot of store bought 3gun rifles now, complete with match triggers, floaty handguards and the like. Define store bought for a lego rifle made in hundreds of variations.
  10. I really have no idea what you are talking about and how that relates to my comment that you quotes which was a reply to someone else and you seem to have misunderstood. But whatever, carry on being angry about whatever has upset you, I'm not really sure what you are trying to say.
  11. I'm guessing because enforcing that would suck for everyone involved. It's a name. For 3GN. Got a better one? Why don't we have Tactical really mean Tactical in USPSA? Why is Heavy Metal called that in USPSA? You could call it Sniper Division. or BOP Guard Division. Heavy Metal is Black Sabbath. I am amazed that everybody's Speedo got so twisted. Who cares if the "outlaw matches come on board?" They have their own rules and usually sell out. What? What does have to do with anything? I couldn't care less what you call a division, someone will make a chart to explain it all, what I was saying was that enforcing "factory" configuration will be a royal pain in the ass. Are you going to tear down gun each and check for aftermarket triggers? Are you going to have a cheat sheet with what the factory angles are on random factory shotgun loading ports to make sure no one filed off the corners a bit? That is what I meant.
  12. I'm guessing because enforcing that would suck for everyone involved.
  13. To me that seems like a very twisted path to take to get to the same spot. My gun has many features, but that one is the only one that gets to be used or has a procedural. If there is truly nothing unsafe then there should be nothing unsafe about clearing it later, the stress of clearing a gun should be no greater then when dumping it. To me, if there is no safety issue, penalizing someone 10 or 20 seconds for not flicking a button that doesn't have any safety implications and realistically no "gaming the stage" advantages seems pretty mean and I think it is a vestigial gut reaction to something we've convinced ourselves it is safe, but really kinda isn't. But, that's just my opinion, hopefully I'm wrong and we don't end up regretting going down the path of looser safety rules.
  14. I personally disagree, but that's not really what bothers me about this type of rule. Lets say I agree 100% with you and a gun in a barrel is perfectly safe no matter how I've left it. Okie, then what am I penalizing the shooter for? What is that 10second penalty for? It is either a "bad" thing or it isn't. having it both ways is basically saying "well we kinda sorta think is bad or that some people think is bad, but we don't think it is really bad so we are not going to DQ someone, we'll just give them a penalty". It doesn't make sense to me. If it is perfectly safe, then no penalty needs to be assigned.
  15. I'm also puzzled to see a number of rules sets, not just 3gn, make various statements about factory configurations ... err .. okie, but really who's 3gun rifle/shotgun/pistol is in "factory configuration"? WTH does that even mean anymore?
  16. My bad then, it just seems odd to me to use fractional seconds, might just well go all out and use multiples of pi
  17. Have they? I guess I see more +5's in other rule sets around my area.
  18. Is it me or are the accuracy based penalties a bit too light? +2.5 for failure to neutralize? I'm also really not loving the current trend towards "kindness" on abandoned/dumped weapon and safeties. Its either safe do dump a gun somewhere strange or with the safety off in which case what are we penalizing or it isn't in which case we should be DQ'ing people.
  19. I never really understood why people thought Remington made good guns. I even own one and my wife owns two, and my general feeling is that they are "ok for the money" guns. I have a suspicion though, I think we are living in the golden age of firearm manufacturing and we are looking backwards forgetting the past issues. It used to be if you wanted a 1911 you bought one and then sent to be worked on to make it reliable. If you wanted an accurate rifle, you bought a 700 and sent it out to be stripped and rebuilt. Today you can buy $700 1911's that run all day and sub MOA bolt action rifles that cost $500. We buy a $500 plastic handgun and expect it ro run 100% for 10k rounds while maybe storing it in the same room with and empty bottle of gun oil. My guess is that our expectations have risen dramatically but that a lot of manufacturers have not. I don't think Remington got a lot worse, I think the stayed how they were while the world moved forward. Alternatively, to keep prices down and compete they've had to cut corners, but really reading old gun magazines leads to believe they've always sucked some.
  20. Interestingly the Aero mounts come with a torx driver that is rather pretty and interesting. It seems to be designed to be hand tightened and you can only do that so much given the gripping area. I thought it was very clever.
  21. I'll shoot you an email, but I'm not running a match for the next two months so I won't be a good beta tester. Here is what happens, I use the same devices and the same portable router at home and at the range. After I have everything configured on the master device I power on the stage devices and from each of them I pull the data from master. This mostly works fine. When I get home I turn on the same router (not connecting on my home network), then turn on the master and the stage devices, and from the master I attempt to pull the data from the other devices. The problem seems to be that the master remembers the device ID's from the morning, and but the devices come up with different device ID's depending on which one connected first or in what order. My sync screen shows me things like '0A22 Stage 1" because in the morning that was Stage 1's device device ID, but now the same device is actually 0A23 or whatever. Hitting refresh SOMETIMES works and sometimes doesn't. Some times it will give me an entry for both ID's and I can pick the correct one to pull from, but sometimes I can't get the device to be found at all. If I reset and restart devices enough times I can eventually get them to work, but it isn't deterministic, or at least not for me. I think I'll try assigning them IPs in the router. Is the "device ID" somehow linked to their actual IP?
  22. Yep, I have SPR one, which is the longest, and it isn't quite as long as I would like it. Definitely sits my scope further back the Larue it replaced.
  23. Hmm .. recent-ish? I think is it 1.2.22. I may have to do that. My mobile router is all these nooks every connect to, so I could hard wire their IP's. However it seems to me that it is the device ID that it is confusing things (0A2* stuff) or is that somehow bound to the IP of the device.
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