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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. I went to senior prom with her.
  2. REAL MEN use tweezers... one hair at a time.
  3. But hit the milk too, I drank a bunch of it last time I broke my knee. They told me no weight on it for eight weeks. I was in the garage hopping around on it after four. I had an appointment with the doc after six weeks after where he was going to tell me how to start walking on it. I walked (limped) into the appointment. he took an X-Ray and said it was already mostly healed and sent me on my way.
  4. I have trojan that is both 9mm and .40 (different top ends). One thing on mine: The MecGar mags in .40 ride too high in the frame and I had to file the lock notch to lower them or the gun would jam a lot. I have heard the Trojan frames hold the mags a bit too hig. YMMV I believe I know what causes this, I have seen it on a few 40s. The round hangs where the nose is dug into the roof of the throat, the rim is caught in the mag feed lips, and the center of the brass is caught on the top of the feed ramp. The fix that worked is a combination of: 1) Round the inner front edges of the feed lips on the mag to get it to release smoother. 2) polish the inside throat until mirror smooth, ESPECIALLY the top inside surfce where the nose of the round slides across. 3) polish the feed ramp especially where it rounds over the top and enters the throat. On some I have had to remove a little material at the top of the ramp to get clearance to feed, but this will reduce the amount of "coverage" that the barrel supports the brass so that should be done as a last resort.
  5. Bend away. You might want to trace the curve of the spring (side view) on a paper before you bend to see how much it changes as you bend it.
  6. I was super impressed with Trevor. Not by crushing drives or miracle shots ala Tiger, but his ability to drain those killer eight to ten foot putts for par that make your knees knock. He is one cool customer, his game is rock solid. It was funny how CBS kept trying to revert to their "Tiger Coverage" mode where the Masters is the Tiger Woods Championship starring Tiger Woods and a bunch of other guys who don't matter.... all about how the four guys ahead of Tiger had never won a major. Six shots back, stinking up the course with his patented "open block" guided missile tee shots going straight right..... and they still followed him around like a rock star. Then Tiger gets a birdie and it all about: Is he making a charge? Is he going to do it? No..... he just made a putt, and on the next hole it was back to his mediocre play that he had going on all day. It was great to see Trevor playing like a seasoned pro. Everybody else choked it to some degree, and he kept his game together. Mikelson sure hosed up the third round and blew himself out of the tourney, he didn't exactly sparkle on Sunday either. makes you wonder if his top days are all behind him now.
  7. Bummer. Drink lots of milk.
  8. I like him..... all the vitriol of Sam Kinnison, with 34% fewer calories.
  9. Browning HI-Power is one of the best lady 9mm guns. Short trigger reach, narrow grip makes it easy for a woman to grip solidly. Some pD's authorize them for female officers because they qualify higher when they can hold onto the gun properly.
  10. You can get the most concentrated pepper spray available (the stuff the cops carry) at the police uniform shops. They sell it to civilians. It works on animals, but MACE does not work well on animals.
  11. I remember that we had classes that ran 7:30AM to 8:20AM..... and nobody knew why because the next classes all started at 9AM. Most profs would just bump the start time to 8 and run til 8:50, we had one dipstick who took advantage and cranked the full 7:30 to 9AM every time. The capper was this was Physics... and it was his STRICT policy not to "go over" book material in class. You bought the book, you learn it on your own... he would cover "collateral" topics of "interest" like the case for and against the actual existence of the magnetic monopole.... if you don't know what that is, never mind it doesn't exist. The point is this guy just spent all the class time yarbling about BS and never helped us learn the meat we needed to pass the tests and get to the next physics class.
  12. An easy way to do it is: Use the strain screw at a practice session to dial down the mainspring force by backing the screw out until you get misfires on DA pull. STOP SHOOTING, take the gun home and measure the trigger pull (record value). Increase that by about 20% for margin and bend the mainspring until you get that calculated value for trigger pull weight with the strain screw all the way in tight. Both the RB and mainspring affect pull weight, but this should get you close to ideal. using the DA pull weight gives a way to see how much you have increased the mainspring tension. If you get any misfires, just bend the spring a shade more to increase the pull weight a bit. You can then dial down the RB spring by clipping it a bit if you want lighter pull, just make sure the trigger returns smartly.
  13. Don't mess up the strain screw. At the risk of uttering blasphemy, you can BEND the stock leaf mainspring and adjust the force to where you want it. use a "mandrel" bend like three screwdriver handles so the spring wraps around a curved face and it won't bend a sharp angle. Focus the bend zone about 2/3 of the way up from the bottom. I have done it MANY times. BTW, the rebound spring can also be dialed down by (GASP!) clipping a couple of coils off. The lighter you make the mainspring, the lighter you can make the RB spring and still get good trigger return.
  14. I would assume that's true. Electronic devices don't like the kind of g shock they will get mounted on the slide. I know they are supposed to take it, but it's just a matter of time.
  15. I asked the guy at SW this question and he said it is no-go. The charge holes in the eight-shot cylinder don't line up the same as with a six-shot N-frame (they are closer to the edge of the cylinder). I don't think it's doable.
  16. A guy out here did that and they mailed him a picture of a set of hancuffs. Seriously. He paid the fine.
  17. That proves prayers work. Glad to her she is bouncing back so fast.
  18. My dad used to manage a service station. They had a flat rate for changing plugs that was like $35 (back in 1969). Same price for the VW fastback models where they ahd to take half the back of the car off to get to the plugs....
  19. The picture has to show your face. If it was somebody else driving, you can get the ticket dismissed. if it's you, you're screwed.
  20. I still rmember walking my 100 pound lab named Bart when some two pound yapper ran up and started getting in his face. I just made him sit. The dog didn'tt ry to bite him just ran around yapping.I still rmember the look: bart looks up as if to say: "Why is that squirrel barking at me?"
  21. There was this club near me that sold memberships up to the day it closed and went bankrupt. A lot of people would like to see their money back. The town is pretty mad at this guy too. The merchants association pitched in and bought memberships for many of the town's cops just a few weeks before he went under. He took their money and never told them. Around here we had all these gyms and health clubs selling "lifetime memberships" by the tons and then absconding with the cash after they file bankruptcy. The real capper is that they are franchises so other gyms of the same chain will not honor the memberships.
  22. Nope. And it will also never come back down. Don't say that. Just a page from history. Are you old enough to rememebr backa round 1980? fast food chicken was CHEAP back then, a lot cheaper than burgers. We ate it all the time. One day signs went up that the chickens were sick with some "flu" and that created a temporary shortage and they jacked up the prices.... funny thing, when the chickens got well the prices didn't come back down.Substitute "ammo" for "chicken" in that sentence and substitute "war" for "flu".... you get the idea.
  23. Shoot the dog, then take out your pocket knife and make a few cuts on your hand. "Your honor, I tried to pull that vicious beast off my dog and look what he did to me. My life was in danger, so I had no choice but to shoot him six times, reload and give him the other six."
  24. You need to really not do that. Never rotate the muzzle anywhere near you while you are reloading. At speed, you will be forcing the cylinder release with the right thumb with your hand gripping the gun.... and it would be very easy to accidentally pull the trigger as a reaction force to the pushing of the cylinder release. I know what you mean, it is convenient to point it straight up during the reload. Just keep it out away from you and make sure the muzzle is pointed slightly away from your head.
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