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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. The grip safety was added to the original design by JMB at the Army's demand, so it was in the gun ultimately supplied to their contract. He (according to report) did not like it and the proof is that it is conspicuously absent from his "masterpiece" the HI-Power.... which, BTW, did come with an internal fixed extractor as originally designed same as the 1911.
  2. I heard an unconfirmed rumor that somebody passed somebody in one of last year's races....... of course, I know that can't be true. I think they should just time all the pit crews abd award the trophy since that would save all the unnecessary expenditure of fuel.....
  3. I've had the same stinking flu since last Thursday and every single of the last five days, I went to bed saying :"At least I know it can't get worse..." And every day it did. Today was the first day I was better than the day before. I was feeling picked on because on top of the "usual" flu misery of 104 fever, uncontollable shaking fits from the chills, exploding head and nose, tearing cough, etc.... I got a bonus. It turns out the inflammation of bronchial tubes is close enough to the esophagus to trigger the involuntary esophageal spasms that hurt just like a heart attack. had those on and off for about three days. And the usual "flu bonus" for jangling my immune system is it goes nuts and attacks the joints of my body along with the virus. This time my right ankle, knee, and neck are blown up hot and inflammed. But, on the upside, the joints that "blow up" usualy go back down to baseline pain level after 10 or 12 months. But, for the first time in six days, I can sort of taste food..... take your mercy where you find it. hang tough.
  4. That's better than the cure I was going to suggest: take up golf.
  5. I might try the sniffer next time.Funny it must be inherited. My mom says my dad got real sick when they made him take shots in the service. I don't listen much to doctors, especially at Kaiser. No matter what the symptoms are, you're OK or you will be OK or you don't need whatever it is you actually need..... Just got an MRI and the dipstick said "minor disk degeneration with no nerve involvement".... and two days later I re-injured the nerve I have tweaked probably 100 times over the last 25 years. I am sitting there with burning pain radiating into my foot, numbnmess, and the dufus is saying no nerve is involved. Right. Of course, if they admit there's something wrong then they have to treat it....
  6. They have already "notified" everybody out here gas will be well over $4 this season. They will use the "summer blend" and "vacation driving" excuse as they do their annual price gouge run up that peaks around labor Day. You will get relief soon after Labor day as Big Oil drops the price to try to keep the election from swinging the senate and white house to the democrats.
  7. IT's wierd about the shots making some people sick. vaccines are designed to antagonize the immune system. They use a "dead virus" vaccine where they strip the working parts out of the virus and dump it into you so your immune system will attack it and generate antibodies.But some people's immune systems don't work right, and attack other parts of the body as well. It's ironic that my dog has the same thing (auto immune disorder). She almost died from it, I do OK as long as I don't get sick. When I get sick, it takes a LONG time to beat it and it keeps coming back in reduced levels as the immune sytem doesn't finish it off.
  8. That sounds exactly like my last boss. He had two toodlers in day care, so he was ALWAYS infected with the worst strains of crap on the planet from what his kids brought home. He was always nailing us..... I do remember clearly when my wife and I were getting ready to fly to Washington for our tenth anniversary trip, I asked Steve to call me on the phone if he needed me because I couldn't afford to get sick this week..... day before my trip, I am in my office and he bumps into me from behind and is spewing on me. I'm blocked in and can't move. Of course, two days later we are in washington at our hotel and I am in the hospital. It was a particularly nice form of flu that did something I never heard of: went into my eyes, I suppose from blowing my nose and the fluid going up the sinus drains. On top of the general misery, fever, pain and all that I was lieterally blinded by heavy green slime draing out my eyes for three days. I still remember when I told him what happened, the idiot said: "Well, I know you didn't catch it from me. My doctor gave me antibiotics so I know I wasn't contagious.." I am thinking, how can a person with a college degree be such an ignorant moron? Antibiotics do NOTHING against viruses, and you are contagious if you are expelling fluidw with the virus in it. But, he was a really important (politically visible) manager who had to be a hero.... it's not like ten year anniverseries only happen once in your lifetime.
  9. Work somewhere else. This flu is nothing to screw around with. I am 55 years old and I have been sick plenty, but this is the worst flu I have ever had or heard of. I have been sick since last Thursday, and everyday I thought "it can't get any worse" and every day it got WORSE..... last night at 11PM i got another visit of the chills and uncontrollable shaking that lasts about 20 minutes. Went to bed and got a whole hour of sleep and woke up with my head exploding and my body on fire. I turned on the ceiling fan and laid on top of the covers. I feel a little better this morning, but I know by tonight my temeprature will shoot up and I will be shaking again. As a bonus, today I have the fun of trying to cough the two pounds of slime out of my lungs. I'm still in favor of the death penalty for people who go to work sick with something like this.
  10. What a coincidence, same thing happened to me.... except in my case I didn't find out I had been banned........ I mean, I didn't find out we had parted ways until I tried to log in one day. Best thing that ever happened.
  11. I so love the jerk who sits in the cubicle next to me at work: loudmoth jerk, always talks WAY too loud, never shuts up. He drags into work last Tuesday and I hear him walk into my boss' office (the cubicle on the other side of me). Conversation: Jerk: "Oh, my body aches so bad and I can't breathe and yadda, yadda, yadda...." Boss: "THEN GO HOME!" Jerk: "Oh, no ... I must yadda, yadda, yadda..." This jerkoff sits two feet from me linear distance across a four foot high cubicle wall so we share the same air. I knew I was screwed and I was.... Thursday I have the sore throat and severe headache.... that night, I started to have uncontrolled shaking from chills. Fever spiked to 104. It's Sunday night and my fever is still bouncing between 102 and 103, chills and shaking come back regularly. My nose is plugged and inflammed, lungs and bronchials are inflammed and everytime I cough it feels like I'm tearing a lung out. I just want to take this opportunity to throw a shout out to all the a-holes who are so important that they simply can't stay home two days and get well, they MUST come to work and make sure everybody gets infected. And don't worry about the fact a flu this lethal kills thousands every year because some people have heart problems and lung problems that get aggravated by the flu. All those people suffering and dying are not important, what's important is how macho you feel coming to work sick and how you can possibly think that makes you look "dedicated". BTW: don't botgher to mention the "vaccine", because my immune system is not normal after the years of the chronic fatigue syndrome I had. The last time I got a flu shot it reignited that and I was sick for about three months with fevers and exhaustion again. Not as high as these fevers, but they lasted for months. Thanks again.
  12. Strong hand, all fired double action. It's the "meat"(?) or base of the thumb. The place they tell you to use as a comparison to see how done your steak is. Mmmm..steak But back on topic, I hope it's just muscles getting used to the recoil. I thought about getting some Hogues, but I see they are all open backstrap, which I do not think will help. On all my SW's, I cut and fit a piece of that "sandpaper surface" grip material for the left side of the frame behind the cylinder, just above the grip (I also use pachmayr decelerator grips). That gives you a rough surface to nest your thumbs against if you want to. If the thumb stays put relative to the gun, the gun won't be driving back into the base of the thumb as hard.
  13. TMC - Gasoline inventories are at a 14-year *high*. If refining capacity is such a bottleneck, why is supply abundant? Why aren't there lines at the pumps? There were MORE refineries in the late 80's than today (219 vs 149). And CNBC announced that our gasoline EXPORTS were at a record high last month. Does this make any sense to anyone who is not a speculator? Demand is decreasing but prices are increasing. Bill Ok, here's the deal. No we haven't built any new refineries in a while. although in theory we should see a new one soon as they finally sued enough people on the federal payroll to get the approved permits released to the builders. The number of refineries have been reduced, but overall capacity to refine has been increased. Second, most of the gasoline price run up previously was due to a botleneck in the refining, and thus a lack of distilates to sell. Low supply high demand. I'll point out that pump prices now are about the same with $100+ per barrel crude prices vs sub $80 barrel crude prices in the past. What's makign everyoe get all complainy is the fact that this should be nearig the low of the season. But.... If you ask people who make money trading in futures that don't have neough money to force a move in the futures markets, they hav eno idea how long this peak will last. Once averaged, it has been a cold year, and demand for heating oil has been high. Not to mention that although the US is looking good for refinery capacity at the moment, global refinery capacity is not doign well vs. global demand. Our consolidated refining base also means we are mroe susceptible to maintenance and down-time issues. Right now, distilate speculation is up for march contracts. This is mostly because it is a sure thing due to the switchover from winter to summer gasoline required by many states. This almsot always causes production capacity to go offline for a brief period and supply to drop. As for the price of crude, most of the folks who make trading their business seem to think that is all about the strength/weakness of the dollar. Most of the gambling going on is about making a call with regards to our financial news being worse than the rest of the worlds. With the asian market shakedown recently, it was apparant that despite our bad news, the asian markets news was worse. The EU is starting to see their currency issues creep up too. It's musical chairs with the only thing certain is the world bank gave china a big old punch in the face with recalculating the GNP. But at the end of the day, the CEO of BP or Exxon or any of the rest could say: "Hey.... the economy is nose diving, energy prices are causing inflation across all sectors, and the average consumer is getting hit so hard they are forced to cut back on essentials... there is no law that says we have to charge the absolute maximum price. I HEREBY ORDER A 10% REDUCTION IN WHOLESALE PRICES...." Don't fall off your chair laughing..... I am not saying anyone in any position of power in any sector of the energy industry would ever do such a thing. That would require a conscience..... what they do is mindlessly gouge people to death like Enron did when they colluded to starve Kali for electricity so they could triple our rates and goube $15 Billion out of our state. That's reality..... but my point is, "supply and demand" doesn't mean jack. Big Oil has the spigot and they set the prices. They could take a miniscule drop in profits to ease the crush on the consumer which is flattening their spending and draing the life out of the economy. They could. They won't, but they could.
  14. I never roamed around drunk..... I held on tight to the ground to keep it from spinning.
  15. Agreed. The last president who actually supported alternate energy was carter, he was big for building up nukes to reduce the use of oil (a lot of oil is used for heating). We could have greatly reduced our oil dependency. Look what happened to him....
  16. No, we are free but the market is not. We are free to change our behavior, but the market is still controlled by a monopoly. I do agree that a severe reduction in consumption is the only thing that could force them to roll down the prices. Actually, monopolies are against the law and some are prosecuted. A number of years back the sugar companies engaged in price fixing right before Xmas to gouge people and they got prosecuted and fined. Oil comapnies and companies like Enron arrogantly engage in monopolistic tactics because they know the government would not dare to prosecute.... because, all they have to do is tighten supply and the gas lines are back and every politician knows what happen then (they get thrown out of office). Just ask Jimmy carter. No argument on that. I don't remember if we did, I guess one advantage of getting old and senile. Cheers
  17. And CNBC announced that our gasoline EXPORTS were at a record high last month. Does this make any sense to anyone who is not a speculator? Demand is decreasing but prices are increasing. Bill That's basically how price fixing works..... the players know where to set the prices to maximize their actual profit. They are not interested in trying to lower prices to gain market share because they know that would eventually lead to lower net profit (less profit on larger volume). Price fixing is about dividing up the market and colluding to maximize the gouge: just look at OPEC if you want to see it in action.
  18. That's a free market principle which does not apply here. In a free market, high demand and soaring prices would automatically trigger more production and others entering the market to take advantage of the demand to make money, which would either stabilize the price or force it down to a reasonable level. That can't happen here. The price is fixed at whatever level they perceive is maximum before people are so finacially damaged they are forced to reduce consumption significantly. When gas hit $3 and consumption stayed flat, that ensured the fact we will never see gas stay under $3 again in our lives.
  19. Big Oil sets the price of gas where it is for the same reason a dog licks himself: Just because they can. The bottom line is they use every excuse in the book to justify it, but it is simple price fixing and gouging. It's not a free market so free market laws dont apply: even if you had a trillion dollars, you couldn't set up a refinery and start making gas. It would take 25 years to get the refinery approved, buuilt, and on line.... and the government is bought and paid for by Big Oil so they would block it anyway. There is no reason that Big Oil could not drop gas prices to their distributors to ease the damage they are doing to the economy... it would mean their profits would drop from "grossly obscene" to "merely outrageous", but they certainly could do it if they wanted to. want proof? Watch as the elction nears... gas will mysteriously start falling and there will be a slew of excuses: cheaper formual, less demand, yadda, yadda, yadda..... but the reason will be the election. Right after it will ramp back up (watch and see). But the price will be down into the zone of $2.50 - $2.60 national average magically around the election as they try to keep the dems from using it as a major issue in the election. Big Oil knows if the dems get full control their massive government subsidies will get rolled back and they will try hard to keep that from happening.
  20. I saw Jerry Mikulek shoot a SW wheelgun as fast as an Uzi. I still do trigger jobs on my SW wheelguns, because I can shoot them a lot more accurately when I have a smoother and lighter trigger.. I guess the point is that I ain't Jerry Mikulek.
  21. The reason is that the real estate collapse is dragging the country into a recession and that will hurt everybody. I agree, it may set a bad precedent to "help" people after they do dumb things but that's not a new precedent. The government keeps selling flood insurance to the idiots who keep building and rebuilding homes in flood plains and we all pay for that. IMHO, the FED should be doing what's best for the whole economy. I think that reducing the foreclosure rate would help, that's just my opinion.
  22. That only means the file is already an MP3 Tim These are definitely not MP3 files. They will not play on any MP3 player, my computer has about five different players in it and none of them can recognize the file type.
  23. Same on mine: there is no MP3 option and not only that, if you select the "convert to AAC" it just gives the message it can not convert a protected file. The only way to unlock it is to burn it to a CD as a music file then import it back from the CD.
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