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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. As a little teaser, God sent us a 70 degree day out here after what has (so far) been the coldest winter I have seen out here in the last 40 years. It is absolutely beautiful today. Don't worry.... I'm sure winter will be "back to normal" by next week.
  2. Sorry, a quick search did not turn up any sites still posting the pictures. It was the 1998 oscars as I recall. Her lawyers may have gotten them pulled by now.....
  3. In a completely stock gun, that's true. However: When I put in the Sotelo aftermarket kit, I got lots of light strikes. Those kind of kits get a shorter pull with sharper trigger break by changing the profile of the trigger bar end. It releases the striker sooner and the FP plunger is not always 100% up (so it can impede the striker). I recently had the same problem when I installed a new trigger bar and had to reinstall the stock plunger which has a wider bottom and increases the pull weight by about 1/2 pound. If I can use the aftermarket plunger with the more curved face, the pull is smoother and lighter. I agree if the gun is left stock, there is no advantage to screwing with the FPB. However, it has seemed to me that every time I get a beautiful, clean breaking trigger that little sucker is going to give me light strikes because the front of the striker is bumping into it because it is not fully raised. So, it's not the removing of it that makes the big difference: it's what I can do to the trigger bar to get a shorter stroke when it's not there that makes a huge difference.
  4. This thread is USELESS without PICTURES!!!! Those pictures would get the thread LOCKED..... believe me, I have seen them!
  5. I heard about that. I guess it really is true that Busey left the working part of his brain on the sidewalk back when his bike reared up and flipped him off the back. What a clown.
  6. I'll be the politically incorrect chauvanist to say what I know we are all thinking: the oscar show was a lot more enjoyable back when women wore dresses that would make their mamas blush. Like Jennifer Lopez's transparent green chiffon number that showed off her amazing breasts. And who can forget Gina Davis' transparent dress that was totally see through as she walked up to the podium.... and they quickly switched to a side view camera when they noticed the whole world was getting a perfect shot of her hooters. Ashley Judd sure livened things up when she strolled out on stage minus underwear with that red dress slit all the way up to her hip.... This year's coverage was the lowest rated show in the entire history of the event..... Come on ladies, step up to the plate: the ones that were given the gift of beauty by God have a duty to show us a little skin once in a while!
  7. True, but this is also what the FPB on a CZ does, is it not? I know that the CZ has a half-cock notch on its trigger but the shooter can by-pass this notch and lower the trigger all the way down to contact the firing pin; this will also allow the weapon to discharge if it were to be dropped on its hammer. But the thing is that many people don't see this as a major issue with the CZ pistol but with the Glock they get a little anxious; there has got to be a reason for this, but I still don't understand. The hammer's position has nothing to do with an AD that occurs when a pistol is dropped on it's muzzle. The hammer would be resting on the frame, so it can't impart a hit to the FP. It is the firing pin's own mass inertia as the muzzle of the gun hits the ground that causes the firing pin to try to keep going and it wiill hit the primer of the chambered round. Removing the FP plunger defeats this safety. of course, all series 70 1911 guns do not even have such a safety. My CZ-85 has no such safety, so your point is well taken that since millions of guns do not even have the safety in the first place, it's a bit hypocritical to claim that it's removal renders the gun "dangerous"..... unless one wants to claim that all those 1911's and CZ's are also dangerous.
  8. I'll try this to see if it unlocks the file. It is easier than dumping them to a CD and then dumping them back. Thanks.... Funny how everything on a PC involves a right click...... us MAC users look everywhere for the stupid tab we need and never think of doing that.
  9. No - I mean burning a CD of audio files, not a CD of MP3 files - like you'd put in a normal CD player, not one that has MP3 support. Yeah, I finally found the menu item where you change to that. Sure do love the PC software that buries everything under ten layers of menus. God played a cruel hoax on me, letting me learn to work on a MAC way back when....... I still work on one, but I have to grit my teeth and use these stinking machines too. Nothing to be surprised about The original audio CD standards don't include DRM, so you're sort of taking the files to "lowest common denominator" that way... You obviously lose a generation of quality - its two conversions involved to burn and then re-rip, but in today's high quality digital audio world, you probably would never notice the difference. I can't hear it on a one generation copy at all... True, each rip of an MP3 or anything like it does degrade the music because the compression filters "round things off" a bit. I also don't notice any difference in sound for only a few rips, but then I listen to pop music so my ears are tin....
  10. Been there, done that.... you will need to laod service pack 2 for windows XP if you don't have it. But, it's only 270MB. If you are on a dial up connection, your computer should be good to go by the weekend.
  11. There's an option in iTunes that can set the same volume level for all songs when u burn a CD. I can't remember what menu it's on, but it should be on the HELP INFO. Found it.. called 'Sound Check' it should be under Preferences/Advanced Thanks. I have some high level adaptive equalization software that does a much better job of equalizing volume.... not only peak volume, but raises up quiet parts so you can actually hear the music in your car. I think it's made by "dB Player" or some name like that. I also have PYRO software that has a bunch of very good equalization and noise eliminating tools. I like to do all the editing on the WAV files and then convert to MP3. As for setting the actual volume level of the track, I use my own custom VU meter that does a really good job of indicating perceived loudness.... when I use that to normalize, they all sound like they are the same loudness. Digital volume adjusters go by the peak level and that is a very poor indicator of average volume level which is what we perceive as loudness. I actually built the VU meter and filter circuitry to drive it because I got so sick of the difference in loudness between cuts on CD's I made.
  12. Thanks, and thanks also to Jay who sent the PM. I had tried to burn the CD thing, but it kept giving me error messages saying it could not burn one because they were not MP3 files. When he explained I had to change the format to "Audio" in the preferences menu, it did burn them and then I was able to transfer them back as WAVE files which I could then equalize and edit as I needed to.
  13. Is the 'audio CD" just the standard CDR disc? Do you mean the regular method of making a MP3 playlist and burning it to the CDR for p[laying in a regular MP3 player? I was surprised that would strip off the DRM coding. I thought any digital copy would keep that with it? yep-been that way since day 1 on itunes...just rip and re-import... Thanks, I'll try it.
  14. I assume that's not a real request, but I actually could do it. I still have a Akai CR-81D eight track recording/playing deck I bought way back when. I also have a stack of tapes from the era. I have been designing stereo hardware and junk for a long time. If you get software like PYRO, it allows you to take input from an analog source and record directly into a WAV file (recording real time, not digitally). Any source with a line output can plug into the PC and make a WAV file. I have "pirated" a few songs that got recorded by my HI-FI VCR on Jay Leno for playback on my IPOD, so I guess the music police are after me by now. I also make WAV files from old cassettes and rework them with the noise limiters and equalizer and you would not believe how good I can make them sound.
  15. Once you copy a song to a disc - it's no longer locked - correct? I will have to try that and see. It would surprise me that a digitally encoded protection scheme would not survive a digital copying process, but maybe that is the way to do it.
  16. I can't open the file in my editing software to allow me to change the actual volume level of the file or do noise reduction or tone equalization. I agree the player has a little volume button on it to allow changing the volume while playing. I always equalize my tracks to a specific volume level so I know I can grab and mix any songs into a compilation CD and never have to keep changing the volume level when I play the CD. FYI, I have seen variations in actual recorded volume levels as much as 12 dB (that's a LOT) between various recorded tracks. Sometimes they digitize the track from the analog master with the original source set too low.
  17. Is the 'audio CD" just the standard CDR disc? Do you mean the regular method of making a MP3 playlist and burning it to the CDR for p[laying in a regular MP3 player? I was surprised that would strip off the DRM coding. I thought any digital copy would keep that with it?
  18. FYI, the first version I had to access their store wouldn't work for downloading.... it kept saying I had to update to the newer Iplus version. And, I had to get the service pack patches for my OS to allow the new Itunes plus software to load. So, the "old apple store" isnt an option. It would not work when I tried to download music.
  19. So, I got an Itunes gift card and finally loaded enough software upgrades to actually make it possible to use it. I downloaded three songs. They seem to play fine on the Itunes player, but their volume level is lower than most of my other MP3 music files. I need to be able to adjust and equalize them, but they are "locked"? How can I fix these to sound right using my PYRO software? Exactly what the hell can these files do? Can I create a WAV file to play in my car? Anybody know how to convert these into regular MP3 files that are not locked up?
  20. Well, after wasting only two days downloading stuff at work onto my 1GB thumb drive (so I can downlaod it in less than 20 hours), I actually got the songs to download.... and I found out the songs I bought are "locked" files I can't adjust volume or equalize, or convert to WAV files so I can play them in my car. Worthless.
  21. I remember after OJ murdered his wife, this issue came up a lot. The people who deal with abuse call it "beater babble"... it's the BS they spew to rationalize it. In OJ's interviews he would use phrases like "got physical" instead of the accurate phrsae: "beat the hell out of her". They live their whole lives in denial.
  22. On that note, I read that about 40% of spousal abuse cases are men getting beat on by women. Not always huge, massive women... just mean women. BTW, very few of those get reported because men are ashamed to admit they are scared to death of their wives.
  23. Why? I have 3 extras to play with to see if it does anything positive/negative. I also know the risk of doubles etc if its screwed up and have a safe place to discharge it at. Its not a self defense or carry gun.... Rather than giving the standard "because the cool kids don't do it," I'd guess you shouldn't because it can result in very little engagement surface, which can cause doubling or full auto if the foot of the striker slips off the sear when the slide travels forward after firing a shot. In addition, if you shorten it, the striker will be released before it is fully retracted to the rear, resulting in light strikes. And because the pros are managing to get seriously light triggers without touching it. Well I am not a pro, but I have stayed at a holliday in express. The question I have is how do you know that pros are not doing it? Slav Well, I started a thread a while back just to poll the forum and get the pros and cons of doing exactly that (putting a secondary cut on the sear face). None other than Mr Charlie Vanek pointed out that it was unsafe. I consider him to be THE pro of Glock triggers. I started that thread because I was also wondering if people did it anyway..... the answers were more or less uniform to the negative.
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