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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Finally contained.....should be out completely tomorrow.
  2. Read that again with the edits: if that isn't the most accurate capsulation of dale Earnhart Sr's career, I don't know what is.... funny: nobody ever whined about his chronically sour attitude on the track, or constant belief everybody owed him the inside line.
  3. I was shocked... such behavior is unprecendented. I am going back to watching NASCAR where you would NEVER see drivers get angry enough to start fighting after an on track incident....
  4. I forget what ex pro football player was commentating a game when massive fight broke out on the field. Some of the players took off their helmets and started swinging them at the other players. The announcer said: "You can always tell which ones are rookies... they're the ones who take off their helmets."
  5. I know the feeling. Am now paying $3.80/gal for this swill. Criminy. Seriously, folks: hear me now and believe me later... The amount of fuel that gets burned in the next few months (the so-called "peak" driving season) will determine the price for the next couple of years. If we all get tough and cut way back on driving, the price will ramp back down to about $2.60 - $2.80 in the few months after Labor day and set up as the price baseline. If consumption does NOt drop significantly, $4 will be the new $2..... and sub $3 gas will be seen never again. I'm praying for you guys: stay home, park the guzzler, vacation in the living room..... I did my part: I quit my job so I wouldn't have to commute... actually, I got laid off but the result is the same.
  6. Thanks, the wind shift has our area stinking a lot less than it was, but the fire is being a real beeatch to kill. It's only 30% contained right now. I didn't realize the clouds and rain meant they had to ground the planes and choppers they were using to dump retardants and water until the visibility improved. They say that it may be knocked down by Wednesday.
  7. Not trying to hijack, but if it's a standard 1911, you can install a full length guide rod with a "take down" hole drilled which allows the rod/spring/reverse plug to be removed as a captive assembly by inserting a paper clip tool in the hole. It makes it so easy to dis assemble, I usually don't even need a bushing wrench. In fact, I don't even know where mine is these days. It makes life so much easier, I really feel bad for people who don't use it. here is one place to get them: http://www.brownells.com/aspx/NS/store/pro...756&s=48455 You can use the same recoil spring as with the standrad (short) guide rod, you do need to get the reverse plug that goes with the FLGR.
  8. The prayers must be working. I woke up today to see cold temps (60 degrees) and grey skies.... and it even rained a little bit an hour ago. I have no idea where the cold and rain came from, it was not in the forecast. But it knocked the stink and smoke out of the air and it's got to be helping the firefighters. Hopefully that will let them get on top of the fire.
  9. And speaking of weather from hell..... it really is just like hell when the wildfires run. The stretch of severely hot and dry weather we just had killed and dryed all the plants... so we were set up for a fire. The one burning out of control right now is in the Santa Cruz area (maybe 20 miles from here). Yesterday it burned out of control driven by high wids and low humidity. Today, God gave the firefighters an on shore wind which cooled temperatures a little and raised the humidity to about 40%. At least they have a shot now at getting it under control. The downside is we are dead downwind and the air here is so toxic right now I can't go outside. I tried to walk the dog but didn't get 50 feet before my eyes were burning like tear gas was in them. The whole outside has that dull orange look I only remeber from LA on the really bad days. There is also an acidic smell of burning rubber or plastic that chokes you when you try to breathe. Hope it's over soon.
  10. The last part sounds painful....
  11. Amazingly NON effective on a motorcycle. That's why my brother moved there. Lowest cost of living he could find. My sister is headed there for the same reason. Not very encouraging, when the weather changes keep bringing WORSE weather, not better.
  12. That's just great. So I just bought a S&W 66-1 because everybody says how the P&R guns were "better" and I find out the guts are junk. The trigger and hammer sure look stainless anyway, any suggestions? I think the chromed triggers and hammers are better than the new MIM junk. I would pay more for nice used guns with them.
  13. They do not improve ignition strike energy, the ones I got were poorly made (I had to rework every one) and their reliability is worse than the factory part.I don't see the point either.
  14. Nope. Not without major work. Thanks, that's what I was wondering. The guy at SW factory told me that the charge holes on an eight shot cylinder are not centered at the same radius as a seven or six shot. It would not be just a cylinder and hand swap.
  15. They do say it's a tropical paradise. That's funny.... we went there on our honeymoon back in 1985. I still remember on one of our tours, the tour guide driving the bus pointed up to the "hills" and causally mentioned the annual rainfall in that area was 400 INCHES PER YEAR...... We even hit horrible weather while we were there (lots of rain) but it spawned some fun... back then, women's breasts were a fashion accessory and they were really proud to show them off. I remember a smoking hot young thing walking down the street in a tight yellow tank top who dived under an awning when the rain exploded and would not move until it stopped because she knew her shirt would turn into "R rated fun" in about five seconds in that rain....... It's the only place I ever saw rain that could come down so hard it could SCARE you.
  16. The best way is the following: 1) get Craftsman screwdrivers with the blade thickness an exact fit to the slot width, then grind the width of the screwdriver head to match the screw head width. 2) Buy a "bit set" with a large assortment of flat blade bits, and select the ones with the correct blade thickness and grind width to fit screws. The trick is to always have the blade thickness match the screw slot thickness: if not, you will trash the screw. FYI: I have found variances in side plate screws for different SW revos, even the same model. I have three "custom ground" screwdrivers (slightly different thickness) I keep on the bench all the time and one of them will always work.
  17. True in Fresno or Sacramento, never down here until very recently.
  18. It's getting unfortunately consistent. Cold, dry winters and scorching summer heat. Look I know this is a hate rant, but take the weather in stride. We usually have many 100+ days a years, last year not even 1, and the winter was very mild. And... that doesn't give you a clue? Your weather is better and ours is worse. That basically defines the phrase:"global climate change" The climate changes at various places... some get more temperate, some get less. And our weather went from really nice (justifying the cost of living) towards what people in Texas put up with to live where it's cheap.... which is basically the topic of this thread.
  19. It's getting unfortunately consistent. Cold, dry winters and scorching summer heat.
  20. So that means you get a "dry heatstroke" if you go out in it....
  21. I know what you mean, That annoying music always makes it hard to hear the voices in my head.... They can't sing, but they tell me to do interesting things.
  22. True, and if they sold for $600 new like the rest of their mass production junk, I'd buy one and overhaul it. Those little suckers sell for like $1100 new out here now.
  23. The Wilson Combat manual for the 1911 is the best for assembly/dis assembly. It has photos for every step and shows exactly how to do it. Worth it's weight in gold. I also have the Kuhnhausen manuals since I do gunsmithing, but they have far more information that most people would need for routine disassembly and assembly for cleaning and maintenance.http://www.wilsoncombat.com/a_book_401.asp best $10 you'll ever spend.
  24. I've lived lots of places and know what really crappy weather is: try a winter in cape Cod. A summer in Louisiana. My point is, the beautiful weather we used to have so much of out here is long gone for the most part. Winters are colder, summers (and even spring) are a lot hotter, and the nice days are a lot fewer. BTW, it "ONLY" got up to about 88 here today. Never thought we would hear the weather guy calling a day where it was "ONLY" 15 degrees above normal was "cool weather"...... but, that's the new reality. I liked the old reality a lot better.
  25. Wow. Your traffic court must bedifferent than ours. Down here, you are heard by a "commissioner of the court" (they don't waste judges on traffic court) who stares out the window while you talk... and when he gets bored enough, he cuts you off and tells you what the fine is.. and you are DONE.I always marvel at people thinking they will get any kind of due process at traffic court.... +1 Commissioners Court here is the same way....you do not even have to have a law degree to be the judge in C Court...Learned the hard way...made my pitch...told me the fine, I objected and she asked me if I wanted to go to jail....WTF!!! Out here the commissioners are the people who can't get hired at Burger King. Seriously, they are morons. A potted plant in the chair would be a better choice.
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