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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Why? I have 3 extras to play with to see if it does anything positive/negative. I also know the risk of doubles etc if its screwed up and have a safe place to discharge it at. Its not a self defense or carry gun.... Rather than giving the standard "because the cool kids don't do it," I'd guess you shouldn't because it can result in very little engagement surface, which can cause doubling or full auto if the foot of the striker slips off the sear when the slide travels forward after firing a shot. In addition, if you shorten it, the striker will be released before it is fully retracted to the rear, resulting in light strikes. And because the pros are managing to get seriously light triggers without touching it. I wouldn't recommend cutting on the sear either. The danger with getting aggressive with a Glock trigger and sear is that the slide has the striker and the frame has the "sear".... and there is a bunch of play between those two pieces. The other REAL danger is the Glock firing pin blocking safety doesn't reset when the slide cycles... if the trigger is still back, when it comes back into battery the FP safety is DISABLED and the gun will fire if the striker gets by the sear. Not a design to get rowdy with....
  2. I'm not expecting PERFORMANCE... I am simply expexting to be able to download a stinking MP3 file (as slow as they please) from the stinking website that I am REQUIRED to use to redeem the forking gift card. If it takes ten minutes to download one MP3 song, NO PROBLEM. But, if they just keep giving me error messages telling me I must have their NEW version of Itunes... and then find out it only runs on NEWER versions of XP, THAT SUCKS. They didn't have to force me to upgrade to use it, they chose to do that. I am running XP and they chose to make their site incompatible with anything without the service pack 2. And also, I have to download a newer version of their Itunes which means even their old version is incompatible with buying now. They suck. Their service sucks.... their attitude that "oh, well.... everybody buys a new computer every year anyway" REALLY SUCKS. I am amazed Apple is still in business and I am always amazed people keep buying Microcrap software.
  3. Good Advise!!! NOT if you buy the Pro version Maybe so, but you might get a lawsuit from the RIAA instead! Sounds like they are getting ready to file the next batch in the next few months... Seriously Bountyhunter, sounds like you need to upgrade to Broadband. Maybe one of the local stores in your area has the SP2 discs and will do the install? It's my wife's account and upgrading will only happen when her phone service contract expires. Today I used a ZIP drive to download the FULL (300MB) service pack upgrade at work (took two minutes) and I dumped it onto my PC at home. Now it says it has service pack 2... and I need to reload the ITUNES upgrade. That's going on the ZIP drive and getting dumped tonight.
  4. It get's very confusing: another site that claimed to have the "service pack 2" had a download that was something like 300 MB.... which I tried to download and gave up after ten hours because it was only about 1/4 done. maybe the first download that ONLY took six hours wasn't the full service pack 2. What a waste of my life. Changing to Int Exp doesn't make anything go faster as far as I can tell.
  5. Yep, the horizontal output (flyback) section of the power supply is what is used to generate high voltage and it fails more often than all the other circuits combined.
  6. It's almost guaranteed to be a power supply problem, because that's what fails most often and with that type of symptom. The "flash and repeat" is because it's controller will try to start a few times but if there is an overload on the PS, it times out and then after the time interval it cycles again.
  7. It's not timing out. I got the upgrade version of Itunes loaded, and when I tery to isntall it: It says it can't be installed until the "XP service pack 2" is installed. So, I have to go download that. Then I restart.... and the stupid Itunes installer just keeps saying it can't install without service pack 2. I re-install service pack 2... and the Itunes installer just keeps giving me the same forking error message. This is such crap. It's absolutely amazing the same people who would shoot somebody for putting a one inch scratch on a new car they buy will happily accept software that is completely buggy and inoperable, not to mention the non existent Microsoft support network that keeps you looping for two hors and then re-assures you they can fix your problem just as soon as you give them the number of the credit card you will be using to pay for it..... I guess we get what we deserve.
  8. So, I got an IPOD and with it the Itunes misery. I have come to terms with that until my wife bought me an ITUNES gift card and I tried to download music. I am trying to do this on AOL over a phone line, so of course every click of the mouse carries a price of 20 minutes of dead screen as it "loads". I actually succeeded in downloading a song... that was the "tease part".... and the second song I tied to download triggered the error message that the ITUNES must be upgraded to 7.2 to download. No explanation as to why the firsy try worked? So, I go to the free download and guess what... it took a mere SIX HOURS to download the upgrade. No worries, I just went to bed and in the morning it was done. Of course, now when I try to download a song, I get the same forking error message as if I didn't download it. Anybody have any suggestions beyond the one I am already considering which is to set fire to the gift card? Problem with that is, since it's plastic and would emit toxic fumes I would have to burn it ouside and we are locked in an edless torrential rain cycle which has been ongoing for months so it would probably keep going out. As of now, still can't download any stinking music.
  9. My dad was LE for a long time. He said the last time he got cut was when they responded to a scene where a guy was beating his wife half to death. So, they pulled him off her and while theyw ere fighting to get him under control, she went and got a knife and started attacking my dad for "taking her man"... I don't know what you can do with people who seem to want to be abused. Unless they can ever make up their mind to leave, they will just keep getting beat on.
  10. The one I have: G35 with a 9mm conversion barrel to shoot cheap ammo.
  11. bountyhunter

    Glock Talk

    If you really want to have some fun..... post anything related to Dianetics. Seriously. The GT owner is so scared of them suing him that any reference to dianetics is immediately locked up. I remember I asked one of the mods there about it and he forwarded me to the site about the poor lady who was dragged through court for simply reposting somebody else saying that the people at Front Site are into dianetics. It was very bizarre. Anyway..... dianetics posts are the fast track to get on the banned list at GT. hail Xenu!
  12. bountyhunter

    Glock Talk

    I used to find it amusing.... and I was part of a thread that was genuinely hilarious. It was about a person who sent his gun into none other than the legend Teddy and was treated....... well, let's just say he was treated with all the respect my dog shows a fire hydrant. None other than "T" himself entered the fray and what followed was the stuff legends are made of...... it was priceless. I suspect I'll get in trouble here if I say much more on the subject. The really juicy stuff would have to be confined to a PM.
  13. All kidding aside, they may have banned you if somebody reported that you wrote something unflattering about Glocks on another forum. I don't know how else you could have gotten banned without posting on their site.
  14. Not so odd. They have software that can check your attitude before you actually post. You probably failed the attitude test and so they did a pre-emptiive strike against your IP address to prevent you from posting something subversive. I have it on good authority the policy was implemented right after they banned me to prevent similar problems.... "Do you have your mind right, Luke?" "I got my mind right, boss, I got my mind right...." "Suppose you was to backsass?" "I won't boss, I got my mind right...."
  15. I would be stunned if it wasn't. I would have guessed about twice that at least.
  16. The "tang" on the top of the trigger bar that sticks up and cathces the foot of the striker is what I call the sear. As the trigger bar is pulled rearward, the tang goes both back and down, eventually dropping low enough that the striker foot slips by and fires the gun. If you shave the top of that sear tang a bit, it will slip by and fire farther forward in the trigger bar stroke. Not saying you should do that, just saying it will make the gun fire with a shorter pull stroke.
  17. Yes, but the Glock trigger bar also lifts the FP safety plunger so it can fire. You can shave a bit off the top of the sear to get it to release the striker sooner. But, if the trigger bar is modified to fire the striker after a shorter pull, it may not pull far enough and you can get light strikes. Getting it just right is tricky. The people who do the Glock triggers like Vanek are good at it.
  18. With the price of ammo, I was also wondering if I could get a second cylinder for my model 66 and shoot 9mm ammo with clips. If I recall, the barrel size is only a couple of thou larger than optimum so it would probably shoot decently.
  19. I think I have four 9mm ported barrels right now: Browning HP, Beretta 92, SIG 226, and one I must have forgotten. They are all in guns with about 5" stock barrels, so the ported ones are about an inch longer. I have never seen any effect at all from porting a 9mm except noise and powder filth shooting up. I have yet to be convinced that porting alone actually does anything other than psychological. (YMMV) I know how compensators work to reduce recoil, and it is not mainly due to the upward venting of gas (it is the forward direction force when the gas hits the inside flat wall of the compensator).
  20. But if that cylinder slot edge is peening.... and the cylinder stop is also peening away at the edge of the frame window, doesn't that mean the cylinder will be over rotating past dead center alignment when it rotates to a stop? Probably, somewhat, slightly, yes. Out of curosity I've deliberately shot single action groups with my 625 with the cylinder .030 - .040" short of locked. Only noticeable effect was that the 50' groups grew about 3/4" bigger. No, I don't recommend this, but it's good to know. That's interesting, never heard of anybody testing it that way. It doesn't shave lead when you do that?
  21. But if that cylinder slot edge is peening.... and the cylinder stop is also peening away at the edge of the frame window, doesn't that mean the cylinder will be over rotating past dead center alignment when it rotates to a stop? Exactly how tight do you think the tolerances are on the typical working competition revolver anyway?? I know what you mean, but all the wear directions are makign the thing go only one way. I've seen some seriously large wear on the cylinder notches and frame slot edge on older guns. Like maybe .030" wobble in lockup. I know it's the forcing cone's job to get all the bullets into the barrel, but it seems like it can't be good if there is that much play.
  22. Out here in kali, it doesn't matter: you are going to be found guilty regardless. Traffic school is the smart move.
  23. Neither statement is necessarily correct, but the advice to see a professional is good. You think an inexperienced person can cut a 1911 sear and hammer hook without a fixture and get it right? OK As for the hammer camming back: if the face surfaces are "square cut" then there should be some deflection. If the face is "radius cut" then it might hold position because the face is cut to hold a constant radius. If you have a square surfaced hammer and sear face that does not deflect as the trigger is pulled, it has some positive angle on it and is more prone to follow. It can still work if the sear spring is jacked up enough, I would not set up a gun that way.
  24. I was going to say you could probably find one at: www.overpricedstuffthatdoesntreallydoanything.com
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