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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Ditto. I have the same problem in a different caliber: all the "9mm conversion" barrels in my guns would choke on reload 9mm because of the "bulge" problem. Same symptom as above: brass hangs in the throat and the extrator slips the rim. I had to ream the front end of the chamber to get them to cycle the cheap ammo. With the skyrocketing price of ammo, I figured the way to go was to buy cheap aftermarket barrels and ream the hell out of them until they would shoot the Miwall ammo.
  2. Not really. The tolerances and fit are so tight in the engine now that's pretty much a thing of the past. The machine shop that did my engine work said the new BMW's have a piston to cylinder clearance spec of about 1/4 of a thousandth of an inch..... YEOWWW!
  3. Whoa..... I just had a deja vu moment to a thread about 1911's! I agree with you completely. Everything now is junk with a warranty..... they really don't give a damn about QA, they use their customers as the QA department.
  4. You are lucky if that is legal in your area. Out here in kali, we are forced to remain unarmed at all times. After the last severe attack, I called the local cops and asked about carrying open and they said it was a felony. Firing a weapon in the city limits is a felony, even if the dog is on my property. I'd carry a gun if I could.
  5. They always say they will pay the day it happens, then back out when they see the bill. Call animal control, call the cops, get written reports and document EVERYTHING. If you were injured, you should document that too.
  6. I am sure gald you and the dog will be OK. There is nothing more terrifying than being out on a walk and being attacked by another dog. It has happened to me about five times in my life. The worst attack was by a big bulldog pit bull mix that came flying out of a guy's house like a cruise missile... NEVER MADE A SOUND, just straight for my dog and latched onto him. This stpid dog had a choke chain on his neck so I grabbed it and yanked upward withy all my might.... with the adrenaline flowing, I managed to yank that 50 pound dog about four feet into the air, breaking him free from my dog. But the force it took to do that blew two discs in my lower back and I immediately collapsed onto the ground. We would have been dead if the dog's owner hadn't arrived to run the dog away. I was unable to walk, so I crawled home (literally) with my dog Bart next to me. Bart was a real character, I still remember his mouth was torn up and bleeding but he wasn't at all upset. I think he must have been a Marine in a former life, he was the most fearless dog I ever knew. When I crawled into the garage, there was bart with blood dripping from his mouth sitting patiently next to the tupperware container that held the Milk Bones like nothing had happened at all... just waiting for his treat. The SOB that owned this vicous dog was "visiting" the owner of the house and disappered REAL quick. That was the resident white trash house on our block, thank God those people moved away.
  7. To be clear.... a lot of MIM parts leave plenty to be desired because the fabrication process is poorly controlled. They make a slurry (mix) of metal particles and a binder (glue) and force it into a mold. You get a good result if and only if: 1) particle sizes are uniform. 2) the "batter" is uniform (no powder clumps or glue gobs) 3) no air voids in the mold Given the fact they subcontract to third world labor to make piece parts, we all know how that story ends. The other problem is the gun makers are stupid and use MIM to make long thin parts (like extractors) and parts with thin sections (like safety levers) which will fail completely if there is a slight defect in the vicinity of the applied stress. Kimber and others have had some bad results with MIM for the reasons above. S+W has had better luck from what I hear. The point I was making is that the hardness and strength of the final piece is really unrelated to the fabrication process, more a result of the steel formula and treatment applied. The other point I was making is that it is possible to make very good MIM parts.... but, they don't always. IMHO, a forged part is probably more reliable if only for the reason that if it has some defect in the material, it will likely break during the milling process. I also think the process to make forged parts is less prone to internal defects, but that is debateable.
  8. The jerkwads who owned the National Shooting range I shot at used to sell these "gold cards" for $250 that let you shoot an hour for $4 instead of the usual $12 for a full year. I was shooting every week so it was a good deal..... They took my $250 and did not bother to mention they were closing up the next month. What dick heads....
  9. Nope. And it will also never come back down.
  10. Out here in kali we passed a law on the ballot requiring that our state funded schools and hospitals, DMV, etc ask to see legal papers before providing services which are taxpayer funded. THEY ALL REFUSED TO COMPLY. The law was eventually struck down, but they flatly said they would never do it anyway.
  11. So, if they claim the bill targets Hispanics, they are also saying that all illegals are Hispanics. I think such a bill targets people in the country illegally and the enablers who make it lucerative for them to be here illegally. But I'm prejudiced being that I live in a state that is $50 BILLION in debt and serving as a welfare state for about 10 million illegals on any given day. Not that I'm saying they don't stimulate the economy..... it's really essential that the car wash owners and roofers can get people to work for $3/hour. And the state cost of bilingual education for all their kids and state paid medical care for their extended families can't compare to the hundreds of dollars the car was owner saves in salary costs....
  12. Used to hear the same thing from countries in Europe, but it's not a realistic comparison. If I can bicycle from one side of a country to the other in half a day, they really can't claim to be on the same page as a country that was designed to be spread out and connected by highways.
  13. Yep, that's a good one too. Covers it pretty well in a short space.
  14. I may not be an expert on all this, but I do know ethanol is a scam. It takes more energy (and gas) to produce and transport it to be refined than it will replace in the fuel supply. It's a scam to throw agrobusiness a juicy bone. Do you have a source for that information? I'd have to go look for it now, but it's been thoroughly covered on TV and net media. I was all in favor of ethanol until I read the facts on it. some off the search engine: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story...cal_boondoggles The Ethanol Scam: One of America's Biggest Political Boondoggles http://www.counterpunch.org/bryce03022007.html The Ethanol Scam By ROBERT BRYCE http://www.capitolhillblue.com/cont/node/4037 The ethanol scam December 19, 2007 - 5:55am By JAY AMBROSE New energy legislation is careening toward a calamitous collision with American lives, especially ethanol provisions that will hike food prices and foul the environment while saving little or nothing on fossil-fuel consumption. http://www.energyadvocate.com/etohscam.htm http://www.mindfully.org/Air/2003/Ethanol-...-Scam6jun03.htm Ethanol is the Largest Scam in Our Nation's History NICHOLAS E. HOLLIS / Agribusiness Examiner, i.255, 6jun03 http://www.examiner.com/a-753945~Ethanol__...or_mileage.html Ethanol's promise may be a ‘scam’ http://www.webpublishingblog.com/the-ameri...thanol-scam.htm The American Ethanol Scam by Andrew http://www.aei.org/publications/pubID.2387.../pub_detail.asp Ethanol's a Big Scam
  15. We shall see, I rather doubt it. I predict they will simply 'align" ethanol based fuels pricing on the same gouge level as gas prices and sell ethanol as the "clean" and "patriotic" alternative that reduces our dependence on foreign oil. And people will be dumb enough to believe it.
  16. I may not be an expert on all this, but I do know ethanol is a scam. It takes more energy (and gas) to produce and transport it to be refined than it will replace in the fuel supply. It's a scam to throw agrobusiness a juicy bone.
  17. I predicted some time back that Big Oil will crank the price up to over $4 over the summer. Out here in kali, we already have gas over $4 for some time now. I am betting national average will get up near $4 if not over before Labor Day. Then, the "perfect storm" of miracles will occur and gas will start falling..... and be down around $2.60 - $2.80 just in time for the elction to take away the issue from the democrats who would use it. IMHO, Big Oil is very much aware if a dem prsident gets in and by some miracle they also carried enough seats in the senate to make 60: they would actually be able to do something which could not be filibustered or vetoed. The first things they would o would be to cut off the government subsidies going to Big Oil. The second thing they would do would be to levy a windfall profits tax. I still say: watch the price of gas drop as the election day approaches. Then watch it shoot back up in the two months afterwards.
  18. MIM is a process for fabricating a part, it has absolutely nothing to do with the final material hardness. That is determined by the type of steel and what (if any) hardening steps are done after firing the part. It is true that MIM is about 96% as dense as forged steel, but that is a small difference. The main problem with MIM is if the fabrication is poorly control, voids and weak spots are formed if there is an air bubble or a large particle which will not "fuse" with the rest of the powder. I have never heard that Kimbers 1911 trigger parts were only surface hardened. maybe, but I have never heard that. S+W revolver hammers and triggers are definitely surface hardened only, so the main body of the part is less prone to crack or shatter.
  19. I drove to my Mom's house in sacramento the Saturday before easter. As always, I mentally prepared myself for the horrors to come.... anytime there is snow in the mountains, there is a massive hoarde of yuppies who flock there to stick their toes in the snow. Add to that the easter weekend, and it should have been the usual horrific mess taking >3 hours to go the 120 miles. It wasn't. There was certainly plenty of traffic, but it was much less than any saturday I have seen in the last ten years. There was no 45 minutes bumper crawl through Tracy. The whole trip took barely over two hours. I think it may be that Big Oil has finally pushed gas so high that people are not driving as much...... Cheapest gas around here is $3.60 right now. It just may be that they have finally pushed it too far and people are staying home. I sure hope so, because that means they will lower the price back down to force consumption back up.
  20. Here's a guess based on my Glock doing the same thing: The trigger bar raises the firing pin block. If the overtravel is set close, the trigger bar doesn't quite go far enough to lift the FP plunger and it dings the striker a bit. That will cause light strikes, especially with a RP spring. Take the striker out and look closely at the tip where the grooves are cut. If you see any "dinging" in that area it is probably bumping into the plunger. An easy way to test if the FP safety is causing light strikes is to temporarily take out the plunger and small spring and test fire it. If that fixes the light strikes, that's the problem. If that's not the problem, maybe you just need a little more striker spring strength. Try a new spring.
  21. Next time ask them why they aren't adding those goofy "magazine trigger disconnectors safeties" to their 1911's. JMB clearly thought that thing was the cat's pajamas, he added it to his HI-Power design which UNLIKE THE 1911, was a design he actually had control over and made just the way he wanted to do it. The 1911 was designed for the Army and the grip safety was added at the request of the Army, JMB's original design did not have it and the HI-Power which JMB did HIS way never had it...... It's funny they would pick the 1911 to claim as "pure" since the design never was the way JMB wanted to make it. The HI-Power is, and that magazine disconnector safety is about as useful as a pig with a scalpel.
  22. Yeah, the whore is honest enough to give you an accurate price on the screwing you are going to get.....
  23. I never thought I'd live to see the day Stevie Wonder would be governor of New York....... you know his inauguration will be rocking!
  24. How does that rank compared with "disorderly conduct" in the mens room at the airport? Spitzer is way worse. He made his career by going out of his way to go after prostitution rings, all the time he was using them himself. he also used sophisticated money shuttling between shell corporations to try to hide the source of the money. He can be charged with federal money laundering if they decide to go after him, as well as the federal offense of bringing girls across a state line for the purpose of prostitution. He is really dead meat if the feds go after him.
  25. You might want to contact your state's Attorney General. The reason: on the noon news, the FED congresss is sharpening their knives to go against the credit card companies for the various consumer screwjobs they are currently perpetrating and generating a "consumer bill of rights" that they would be held accountable to. This just might have a snowball's chance in hell of happening because the usual GOP opposition to anything that regulates business in anyway might be muted by election year poltics and GOP fear of looking "anti working man" at a time when the woking man is being crushed by the recesssion and gouged by every big business you can think of. Good time to voice your opinion to the government: in an election year when they are looking for things to make an issue out of.....
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