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Everything posted by blkbrd

  1. 5 times on Glock brass? I dont think so, first case seperation will convince you of this. EGW die will cure your problem there is tons of info in Erics link above.
  2. I get sick of people who sit on the couch all day eating chips and twinkies then complain that moving 15 feet is an athletic event. Practice includes working out? My O my what a concept? Is it cheating to work out and drop a few pounds to be quicker, so you can follow that advice move fast and shoot slow? Also helps as you can sprint then put on the brakes and not run into walls ? Eric I don't even want to admit what my new classification will be at the Open . However remember how I always pick someone to beat? My goals just went way up. I made my best gains in just a couple of practices and matches with you doing some coaching, looking forward to some constructive criticism in a couple of weeks. Shooting open has improved my limited shooting also, feels like its slow motion. One good thing about the Open, the prizes are based on overall finish. We need to work on getting some classifiers with MOVEMENT, something that reflects a real match.
  3. Here in Central Florida you can shoot every weekend sometimes twice if you want, year round. I have a match within 3 to 70 miles every week, if I want to drive just a bit more that goes up to two a week. Its hot in the summer, but not near as hot as Phoenix.
  4. My company is giving me some shirts as sort of a mini sponsership and I need to get STI's logo embroidered on the back for any "possible" contingency $. The problem is they are all at the SHOT show and can't send it to me for a week and a half, which is to long. They have given me permision to use it as they require it for payout but I need a file or photo to use. Does anyone have a good photo, file, JPeg image, Adobe file or anything acceptible for giving to the shop to have some embroidery done? Another option would be if anyone on the board does embroidery you could have some busness?
  5. I noticed STI's match contingency program on there websight is still listing the 2003 matches and funds. What companies are paying contingencys or prizes at what USPSA matches in 2005? And what is the requirement for getting them (Besides winning), shirt, patch, ext.?
  6. Well I made the jump to Open and have been playing with 9major loads. I am not an open gun pro, so I dont have lots of experiance with dot movement and what is perfect. Note: These loads are in my gun over my chrono using my scale and are for starting information only. If you dont know what you are doing and dont own a crono start way low and Slowly work up loads in your gun. Note 2: Inspect used 9mm cases carefully. had a case head seperation due to a cracked used military case while working up loads. All loads are with 125gr. Zero JHP @ 1.16", Winchester small rifle primers, mixed batch fired cases, Bedell shorty with 2 blow holes, averages of 5ea. 12 shot groups. 8.00gr. True Blue Vel=1347, PF=168.4, SD=13-15 @ 65F Some pressure signs, primers flat but not top hating, leaves dirty grit like sand in gun. 8.28gr. True Blue Vel=1368, PF=171.0, SD=9-17 @ 65F Bad pressure signs, primers top hating with a couple removing themselves from case, snappy worked comp well, gritty, easy to load due to lots of room in case, gave up due to pressure to high to be safe loading short in my gun. 8.15gr. Silhouette Vel=1384, PF=173.0, SD=7-8 @ 65F Pressure OK slightly more than Power Pistol @ same PF, dot wiggles sideways vs smooth up and down, bullet just touches powder in case. 8.00gr. Silhouette Vel=1358, PF=169.7, SD=7-14 @ 70F Load feels like cheap version of VV 3N37, Snappier in palm at same PF than PP but cleaner with less blast and more accurate. #2 load tried. 8.10gr. Power Pistol Vel=1341, PF=167.6, SD=28-41 @ 65F Softest load with good up and down dot track, in your face hot air blast, leaves pink residue all over gun and cmore lens, SD sucks. 8.20gr. Power Pistol Vel=1325, PF=165.7, SD=41-52 @ 60F Added 1/10th gr. and PF went down with slight temp drop???, Soft on hand, good smooth up and down dot track, compressed charge but easy to load as its a flake that stays in case. Had spectacular case head seperation but does not seem linked to overpressure as all primers looked OK, see wonderful mixed cases. 8.30gr. Power Pistol Vel=1332, PF=166.5, SD=46-53 @ 55F Power factor not going up much with extra powder, standard deviation sucks and is getting worse with increased charges while still is not safe to chrono major in a big match, smoky blast at 55F with lots of pinkish residue all over gun, compressed charge but still easy to load no extra seating pressure noted, pressure still looks OK with primers looking factory. 8.10gr. 3N37 Vel=1352, PF=169.0, SD=6-8 @ 55F Worked comp well, slightly compressed load but still easy to load at 3/16 below case mouth no seating problems like bulkier powders, easy on hand, nice mix of quickness but softer with better dot track than Silhouette. Easy first place and my choice for matches even though its pricy and iffy to find. As always these are my loads in my gun, you should not trust my scale and reduce loads to work up in your gun using a chronograph.
  7. I tried the Levitation system and didnt like it, the CR speed belt feels much better to me.
  8. Get your butt down there and start shooting matches. If you get yourself classified I will fly you out here to shoot a big match. Is that incentive enough?
  9. Hate to add a variable but why do you want a red dot vs. a low powered scope? Have you tried a low powered scope like the Simmons 1.5X5, Accupoint or the Leupold? They make shots past 40 yards easy and are still fast in close. I have found that a low power variable works better for me from 5 to 500 yards. A dot is slightly faster in real close but those penalties on longer misses will kill your score. Unless this is for something like deployment then go with the toughest you can find like the Aimpoint.
  10. Dave; I figured when you moved to Dallas you would be in shooting meca, boy was I wrong. How is it someplace like texas with its great gunshows would suck for shooting ranges, it must bite when I call you about the all great ranges within an hour of my place. I need to send you some passes and get you out here for a match dont I? Of course you still need to get your butt to an IPSC match dont you. Its worth the drive. How did the roses and Wild turkey call go?
  11. Well now I may be shooting Open if my classifiers go in?
  12. Matt Jones Limited B Sat and Sun with Eric. Sniper I am open to friday as I am so tight I squeek, You may want to start a tread for this as I am sure you can find a pair. Ogiebb I was hoping you would be with us, I am going open soon?
  13. I would lay good odds that many people that own guns wouldnt reply to the poll, and that those who own 5 or more are even less likely to reply.
  14. Take a look over at AR15.com in the magazine section and you will find all the info you need.
  15. My 650 with case feed and 650 strong mount is 45" tall. You can lower this to about 39" by trimming the feed tube and mount shaft to lower the whole bowl assy. Figure 4"-6" to load up cases.
  16. I hate to burst your bubble but airline bagage handlers do not know if your rifle case is insured or not, and they dont care. Most airlines will hand carry rifle cases to the luggage office anyway, insurred or not, and they dont know that a pistol case is inside your checked bag anyway.
  17. It depends on the airline. Go to there websight and check, you may have to call there customer service for all the details.
  18. It would be worth a drive up from Florida for a decent size 3-gun match.
  19. With the aluminum carrier you must use the JP hammer and light springs, however with the new lightweight SS carrier you should be able to use any hammer, although the JP hammer is still the nicest trigger setup. You loose the use of forward assist with both lightweight carriers.
  20. Nick: I just got my JP 18" midweight JP15 upper with the new stainless lightweight carrier and love it. I have 600 rounds through the rifle now and its been 100% no wear in was required, it eats up anything from XM-193 to Wolf with out a hickup. The Light weight stainless carrier recoils alot less than a full weight carrier, and just a bit more than the aluminum without the wear and reliability issues. See my post and review for a picture. Give John Paul a call and talk with him about the shooting you plan on doing, east coast close in hoser stuff or longer western matches, I went with the 18" midweight on his advice for the close in speed with the ability to reach out when I need to. He is great to talk with and he probably knows AR's for IPSC better than anyone. I shot several before ordering and the 18" midweight felt and seemed the best for me, if you live somewhere there is lots of long shots you may want the 20". On Benny Hills advice I tried the Simmons 1.5X5X20 Pro diamond and love it, you can hose with both eyes open and drill long stuff better than the Aimpoint I was using before, and its cheap to boot. I bought mine on sale from Midway for $76, using a YHM mount and low rings to get it far enough forward. If you want a photo feel free to e-mail me and I will send some.
  21. In MYO. I happen to believe that buffs are great, they make the gun softer and keep the frame and slide from crashing together but this has been hashed over many times. Do make sure the bottom curved side of the buff lets your barrel unlock far enough down to let the slide clear the hood, I end up trimming the lower surface of my buffs with a dremmel to fit the contour of the guide rod head. You will get some marks no matter what, as its normal for the slide to brush the hood on the way back due to some play in the system. But you should not get any flat spots though.
  22. Zak, thank you for hosting the photo. I just woke up and got your link. Eric, It shoots awsome. This is like driving an Indy car not a truck. Or for the bike guys out there its the differance between a GXR and a fatboy. My SHTF rifles will still have heavy buffers and my highpower cross the course rifle has a carrier weight system for those heavy hot 80's. Price should be comparable to there SS maby a bit more as the extra machining involved, I believe its also cryo treated. I got it as a package with a JP upper so I dont know the price. Availability may be short for awhile as the first batch went to people that were waiting for them. The current JP lowmass buffer is a carbine buffer as far as I can tell, he is coming out with a rifle size buffer that is lightweight but its not done yet, my bet is JP wont release it till its 100%. You should have no reliability issues with just the carrier for competition as its only 2 1/2oz lighter than the mil-std. I believe the full weight JP ss is even 1-2oz heavier than standard.
  23. After a long wait the JP Rifle low mass stainless steel AR 15 bolt carrier is out for retail sale. As usual John Paul has put out a sweet product that will set the standard. The machining and finish are first rate, hey lets face it trick looks do count even if they are burried inside a dirty AR. I appreciate fine machining and polishing. While not as light as the aluminum carrier all concerns about wear should be gone. It cycles smooth as glass the bearing surfaces are long and polished like his full weight SS carrier, it has a tuning fork ring like a Koning hammer when hand cycled. Weights; JP Light weight stainless carrier and bolt = 8.33oz Bushmaster standard carrier and bolt = 10.8oz JP low mass buffer or carbine buffer =2.88oz standard rifle buffer = 5.12oz A 4.7oz total savings over the standard system seems small but the feel and speed are greatly enhanced. You also gain some stroke speed and feel from the shorter carbine spring & spacer low mass system. Working on photo.
  24. It looks like it was worth the wait, time to get classified before the Open.
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