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Everything posted by vluc

  1. From developer's website where you can dl the apk http://www.printershare.com/download-android.sdf
  2. Drift, but this is where you identify them and put them with established, better shooters - shooters who can explain this very thing to them. This or have a new competitor orientation and review it with them. Got to be proactive. Explain things to them, have them running with better shooters who are willing to mentor them (which should be all of us, frankly). Gets them more interested and understanding - gets them helping setup stages and matches because that is a great place to teach them things. Next thing you know you now have a fw more helpers come match day. And I've yet to see an MD turn down match help!
  3. If you build only for new shooters, you lose established shooters who will vote with their feet and find matches more challenging. Too hard and no new people show up, so you have to find that right blend/mix to satisfy both. Identify the new shooters and talk to them after or better still during the match, get their feedback, see what they think. Best to get it from the source than here where you find far more established shooters. Get to know your clientele.
  4. Hmm, wasn't there a thread awhile back about some of the ladies starting positions?
  5. Not sure what the difference in a TG powder charge would be between a lead 147 and a zero 147, and I'm at 3.4/3.5 for a PF of 138 through a Glock 34. OAL is 1.126 single, 1.131 full shell plate.
  6. Uh, don't we pay them all to answer questions from members? Let's see.let me do that in my job as an administrator, tell patients who call to ask questions or make comments that I don't want to have to hear that from them. BS, sorry, and I like Kim and the girls I deal with at Sedro from time to time, but they are there for us, not the other way around. We have, what, 20k members of USPSA? Several hundred shoot nats, a good number of them B2B so the actual number is lower. Say 400 to be nice. Of that 20K, lets be conservative and say we have 12,000 active shooters per year. 11,600 get put off to cater to that small percentage who go to nationals. And USPSA dares wonder why we can't get things done at local clubs? Show that much disdain for the bulk of the people who pay your salary? You've just let them know where they are in the pecking order.
  7. My response from Phil: Hi Vince, Please submit your request to your Area Director. Thank you for your input...the reasons for this practice are certainly not arbitrary and capricious, but your suggestions will be taken seriously. Take care, Phil Strader
  8. Sent to Kim, Val, the Pres and my area director: I respectfully ask, as a Section Coordinator, that you change this practice (copied below). You inconvenience thousands of USPSA shooters for a few hundred who shoot the Nationals. Classifications are important to those rank and file shooters who only do local matches, who gauge their progress by how they do monthly. And now, given the time lag between when classifications should have been updated and the beginning of the nationals, the policy/protocol makes little if any sense, and appears arbitrary and capricious. Vince Lucchetti September classification update Please note that USPSA is following its standard practice of not posting the September classification update until after the Open/Limited/Limited 10 Nationals are over. As was stated on the slot forms, USPSA is using the August classifications for these matches. To eliminate confusion as to what classes are current during the matches, USPSA does not post the September update until the matches are finished.
  9. Vince there you go with that common sense thing again. When are you going to learn? Hopefully never, Gary. Hopefully never.
  10. Agreed he should not be doing it. New shooter - nobody bothering to show him the ropes, introduce themselves to him or take some responsibilities? Reference the shooting with better shooters thread - if all of us just choose to shoot with better shooters all the time and not work with newbies, how do we grow the sport? Certainly he failed, but so did we as fellow shooters.
  11. When, then, do you plan to give back to the new shooters who will be in the shoes you just left behind?
  12. I guess part of the question is going to be are they going to keep the same cutoff date or are they going to add classifiers to it. If one is run after the B2B, will it take what is closed out by the 10th or add any additional classifiers shot after that until the run date. One or two extra low classifiers that may have been shot after the cutoff date that are included could stop those who think they are getting bumped from getting bumped. That would be a hosing. As one local shooter commented, we are slammed when we don't get the classifiers in by the 10th, but the home office can disregard it just because of nats. Affects thousands but guess that's okay. As mentioned above, this is nothing new, AD's and SC's have heard it for years but nothing has changed. Not important enough I guess for a BoD agenda item.
  13. Character lines...I like that. Bladetech on my 34's and they have character.
  14. Yep, I asked as well, folks in the section get used to those updates being run regular. Still don't see why they can't be.
  15. Too quick for me sperman! E5 shows you what can be addressed, and the trigger guard is not on it.
  16. Hmm, cutting the LnT tubes down and fitting them over the mini... Ya gotta love DIY ideas.
  17. I posted the LnT tubes for examples. never could get them to work with whatever die/feeder was recommended. PITA to load as you have to drop single bullets. At least with the mini you can go two handed, one hand feeding one tube, one hand another. I can also load an LnT tube, and pas it over the empty ones in the mini and it will drop the requisite number of bullets in, but not sure what kind of a time saver that is. Long story short, will be looking to get a "real" bullet feeder one of these days - but that price....
  18. Here is what I got from LnT,holds 54 9mm FMJ 147's.
  19. I bought those tubes from Linens n things when trying that homemade version. I need to see if they fit this loading die, never could get the homemade version to run consistently with the lee die set that was recommended.
  20. Exactly!! Just finished running a few tubes of primers and all this has done is made me go "WOW, I need a real bullet feeder!" Slick as all git out, never realized just how fast you could go when you don't have to center a bullet. After the feeder ran dry, still had some to go so I loaded bullets by hand and the difference was significant. I need to get a real bullet feeder....
  21. I've been playing with the android version, interesting concept but not too practical for my use since the phone needs to be almost on the target, and for me to be far enough away, makes starting the program a hassle. If I want to save a pic, have to move up to the phone, then back to the start position. All in all is not telling me anymore than I see with the sirt laser.
  22. Depends on what division you plan to shoot it in....
  23. You can always try putting in each part separate, not a conglomeration of changes, and see how it feels.
  24. I use the Rush 24 for local and large matches. Looked at the 12 but decided it was too small for my needs. I shoot production, take 200-300 rounds as I usually shoot twice, 5 -7 magazines, hat, towel, water, pistol and assorted minimal gear.
  25. Set it up and played with it. Discovered what Saul recommends, use their die as it sets the throat to hold the bullet while the Dillon die just flairs it out. Pleased with it so far. Found some of the leftover tubes I bought when making a DIY bullet feeder. Filled them with bullets and they can quickly "reload" the mini. Has potential.
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