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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. I've been looking for a solid rubber wheel with an axle OD that fits this cart, but no luck. Where did you buy your wheels?
  2. Yes and No. You can remove the mag release without removing the hammer and sear cage. However, you do need to remove the trigger bar because you have to remove the plunger to get the mag release out.
  3. The profile is straighter. The stock trigger is very curved, this trigger takes some of the curve out. Some people like that, some people don't. I'm trying to remember when i installed it in my Stock 2 ( no longer have the gun ), I don't recall the length of pull getting longer. However the trigger did feel better to me because it didn't seem like it was wrapped around my finger like the stock one did.
  4. He was wrong, but if you asked him to show you the rule, i'm willing to bet he would cite: 8.7.2 Competitors are prohibited from using any guns or gun replicas as sighting aids while conducting their inspection (“walkthrough”) of a course of fire. Violations will incur one procedural penalty per occurrence (also see Rule 10.5.1). Big difference between "gun or gun replica" and a magazine, but i'm sure an argument would ensue regardless! As others have said, IPSC is different. A towel is considered a sighting aid....just ask Blake!
  5. If your hand was indeed in the "pledge of allegiance" pose, than no, you did nothing wrong. If you were touching your shoulder/bicep then no, you were at fault. But for the RO to make an arbitrary "it's your midline"? that is completely bogus. Next time...Politely ask to be shown the rule. If he cannot SHOW you the rule in the rulebook, then he has no basis for the call. There are lots of people out there that: 1 - Have no idea what they are doing and make stuff up according to what they think they rule should be 2 - RO's that were certified when JMB invented the 1911 and haven't cracked open a rule book since. They still make rulings based on what the rules were when most of us were still in short pants. Not saying that is what happened here, but i have seen it from time to time.
  6. CZinSC

    Safe Area

    As others have said, not a DQ unless you had a mag ( with bullets in it ) in your hand. On a side note/question - Was it clearly marked? Did it say "Safe Area"? Did you just miss the sign as you said you came around the corner and dropped bag on the first table? What I'm getting at is, was it a local knowledge sort of thing like "oh, we use that as a safe area" and no one not from the range would know that? If that was the case, I'd call BS. Safe areas need to be marked as such. ( I know there is a rule, but i need to get to work ). If it was clearly marked, and you just dropped the ball, well then...you learned a valuable lesson! At least you know for next time.
  7. This ^^^1 penalty for 1 extra shot. that is it.
  8. Same here, interested in getting a fixed rear for my Limited after breaking two myself.
  9. CZinSC

    Bad range day

    I was thinking a "blanket party" a la Full Metal Jacket was more appropriate.
  10. I used to shoot Xtremes, but after a buddy pointed out the large variances from lot to lot ( bullet COAL and weight ) I decided to switch. I now shoot BBI's and i love them. The bullets are uniform from lot to lot, and the performance is great. i got a sample batch of Blue Bullets but was not a fan of the coating. seemed to be applied too heavy. They were not as uniform as the BBI.
  11. Last time i bought these, i found that the lowes by me wanted >$1 per eclip. Home Depot had the same thing for about 20 cents per. not sure if the lowes by me is a bunch of crooks, or they just labeled them wrong, either way....check your prices. Not sure what ACE charges, but most likely on par to what Home depot charges.
  12. Wow...glad i stumbled into this thread. This is one of the things that always annoyed me about Practiscore. Thanks!!
  13. This +1. Although the wife and I thought season 2 was the best ( the Longshoremen season ). But like you said, they were all great.
  14. The sights don't tend to break nearly as much in 9mm. I think it's the higher PF in 40 that causes it. I had a stock 2 with about 10,000 rounds through, never broke a sight. Got a buddy that is a GM Prod shooter, shoots a crazy amount of rounds per year in Stock 2, hasn't broken a sight yet. The people i know with 40 cal limiteds all have had sights break.
  15. you using the gun for production or limited minor? if production, get these: http://gregcotellc.com/cart/cz-mecgar-magazines-c-130/cz-75b-cz-85b-cz-75-sp01-17-rd-9mm-afc-mgcz7517afc-p-591.html?zenid=0288a694e2b67ac165133b2a3f93437b these are great, and will work for production. if you get the 19 rounders, your gun with them in it will most likely not fit the USPSA Production box and you will be moved to Open. if you're shooting limited, then sure go with the 19 rounders.
  16. Here you go for those interested. It took me about 30 minutes. I put the sight in a vise and used an old leather yard glove, cut the finger off, and used the leather to hold the sight in place without marring the finish. The gun isn't a safe queen and i don't mind marks on it, but i figured the vice would have really messed it up. Anyway, you will need a 60* file to do the fitting. I measured the bottom of the EAA sight so i knew what measurements i was going for. just start filing, then see if it fits, rinse, repeat. You want to take off enough to just fit. Then use red loctite on the sides of the dovetail to hold in place. FYI, the set screws inside the sight on the dawson are tiny! They are about half as long as the EAA sight. I just used the screws from the now useless EAA sight. The measuremens are the bottom of the dovetail on the sight, and the smaller measurement is the top of the dovetail on the sight. Bottom of Dawson after fitting. It ain't pretty, but it works.
  17. just broke my second rear sight today. the detent on the elevation screw which sits under the screw head and looks like a tiny ball bearing disintegrated. Damn thing is probably made of rock candy. Can't believe how crappy these sights are. Going to try and install a Dawson tomorrow. Its going to need to be fitted. For the questions earlier in this thread, no, Not all LPA sights are the same. A regular LPA cut sight will need to be fitted using a 60* file. I've never done it before, but i know two guys that have. I'll let you know how it goes.
  18. The Wire - HBO series, think its on netflix The Shield Currently watching the Walking Dead - i am NOT a fan of zombie stuff, can't stand it. took the fiance a long time to convince me to watch it, but so far really enjoying it.
  19. She is super nice and very helpful. I've spoken to her several times and she is great. If she doesn't know the answer, and Henning is in the shop, she'll go ask him.
  20. on my primary the magwell slid on with a gentle tap. i used red loctite on the screw, has not come loose yet. On my backup, i had to hammer the magwell on. I still used red loctite.
  21. just make your own. I took a target, drew the circles equally spaced apart ( for me i used four rows of three ), then carefully cut the dots out. I say carefully, cuz you want them to be as round as you can...you know..dots! Now you have a template. Just hold that target over a fresh one, use black spray paint, viola, you have a fresh target with 12 dots on it. Only takes you seconds to make one and take to the range. I can use one a few times, just use some black and tan pasters before it gets too tore up. But then since you have the template, you can make a new one in seconds. Its amazing how going from 5 yards ( not so hard ) to 7 yards ( HARD! ) changes things on this drill
  22. I've got the Tall TechWear version and it will still come untucked. I now tuck into my underwear ( sorry if that is TMI, but you asked for a solution ) and i never have a problem. It's a little weird at first, but it works great.
  23. CZinSC

    This state

    Ironic timing of your rant. BTW, i hate your state too. Was on a business trip there last month, rental cars there dont have toll pass, so what do you do? you drive thru the tolls and wait for the charge to hit your credit card from the rental car company a few weeks later. Right? WRONG! Every other state I've done this in, the rental car agency charges you the toll after the fact. Kommie-fornia? I get a "Toll Violation" letter. I owe $6, if i don't pay by the 23rd, i owe $206. They say "as long as you pay within 30 days of notice, no problem". Yeah, it's the 8th, due on the 23rd. so much for 30 days. Yeah, i know...pay online, no problem. but its the point of it that bothers me.
  24. I'm looking for a new option as well. The pin in my rear sight ( Tanfo Limited ) that holds the top and bottom together has broken. I've seen this happen twice in my buddy's Limited. These factory sights blow. really wish there were better options.
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