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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Practice, by definition, is something you do many times over and over to get better. At a match you have 1 shot per stage. Definetely not practice....it's game time.
  2. I think it's on your end...it downloaded fine for me.
  3. I am actually in the process of totally rethinking my method of training and probably won't be touching a gun at all for about 6 months. The way I am starting to see it is that you absolutely cannot be a champion without being in top shape. Physically, mentally, and spiritually....across the board. So those are what I'm working on improving until next spring.
  4. I've shot area matches that are 12 stages over 2 days....The nationals should not be 18 stages over 4.....If we are going to shoot for 4 days, there needs to be more stages....24 at the minimum, 28 - 30 would be ideal. The summer blast and area 7 run 8 or 10 stages in a half day format....it can definetely be done at nationals.
  5. Thank you very much....I had my head shaved because it was just easier for a while. I have hair now. As a matter of fact I've decided not to shave or cut my hair until I win my first major of next season. Kinda like a hunting thing....but with shooting. heh
  6. Well excluding the fact that no practice usually leads to shooting a bad match. I've come to some realizations about what it takes to be a champion. The biggest thing (and what I will be working on for the next 6 months) is that you can't be a champion without being in top condition across the board. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. If those things aren't working with you, they are working against you.
  7. Pfft....that's his shootin' hat....the ohio state is his walkin' around hat.
  8. Surrender starts for all strings.
  9. I don't know if it is a written rule or not, but that is how it has been for the past couple of world shoots...including the one coming up.
  10. Thank you SO much for reviving this topic. Remember Sharyn...I see you in about a week and a half in Tulsa.... Your just lucky I haven't planned anything nasty.........yet.
  11. One of my favorite movies of all time.
  12. Usually when I shoot single handed I will go into a very deep front stance (think martial arts) with that leg (right for right, etc...) forward. It looks very exaggerated but greatly increases your ability to control recoil. At the same time, when I am shooting with one hand I extend that arm almost to the point that it is locked out and flex my tricep while I'm shooting. Helps control recoil as well.
  13. It's shooting...not golf. By definition we make noise...people need to stop worrying about a little phone ring or talking behind them and just shoot.
  14. If you are a Master in one division, you will never have a score flagged as too high again...in any division.
  15. I've had my phone in my pocket start ringing about a half a second before the beep went off....Ironically I shoot really good when that happens.
  16. Love ya Shanahan. Be safe bro...see you next year.
  17. I'm not sure I understand most of your post...but the main reason there aren't a lot of young shooters in the sport is simply because of money...it is not a cheap sport to get into. How have I established a "I'm better than you" attitude? Because I think the people that shoot the best should win? I just can't understand the point of view that someone should get a trip to the prize table before someone that beat them. I thought this when I was a C class shooter and I think it now. I have no idea what you are saying here. You think I am asking for USPSA to pay for me to go places? I assure you that is the furthest thing from the truth. And I really want to know what "big prize table" you are talking about. Frankly, I don't care about the prize...I have given nearly everything I've ever won from USPSA away to someone who needs it....so I really don't appreciate you accusing me of greedily wanting to take items from the prize table. I don't know whether to be shocked or extremely pissed off that you are accusing me of selfish greed. Again...absolutely no idea what you are saying here.
  18. "I say maybe they should practice harder to beat the other 9 shooters in his class that were over him." There are two sides to that one.....
  19. Man you have a pretty bad opinion of higher classed shooters don't you. Apparently to you...all we do is get to the prize table to sell the product...practice all day and night on someone else's dime (which is how we got good) AND have forgotten where we came from and ignore lower class shooters. For someone who has been around since 1988 you sure have a really screwed up view of how the top level shooters in this sport are. What you are saying has that same socialist attitude of not keeping score for kid's sporting games. Everyone can't win...sorry. There is a winner and a loser....if you don't like losing you can either quit or get better....not complain about not going to the prize table before someone that beat you. Class awards are for incentive...period...you get a trophy. If you aren't in it for the cash that should be enough right? You keep saying that it is the lower class guys that make the sport....that is true for one reason. There are more of them. I've heard countless shooters say they don't like weak hand or strong hand stages....does that mean we should stop using them to appease the "lower" class shooters? Of course not. Bottom line....if you don't like what you are getting...practice. Don't tell me you don't have the time or money because I'm living it. I haven't shot a live fire round in practice in about a year because I'm broke. I guess what Nietzsche said was true...."The higher you soar - the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly."
  20. I love how people are always saying the "sponsored pro GM." Well folks...I'm here to set the record straight....All but MAYBE 5 shooters in the nation have day jobs. They didn't get to be a GM because so and so paid for them to do it...they did it through sweat and blood. So does that make them entitled to an earlier trip to the less-than-worthy prize table before the guy who does it occasionally as a hobby? Hell yes it does. Order of finish is more fair than by class because of exactly what it is....order of finish. The people that shot the best should earn the most....period...full stop...end of story. This is a sport...not a feel good club where everyone can win. If this is stepping on people's toes...sorry...but this is how it is and how it should be.
  21. It is well worth the cash guys....Do ANYTHING you need to do to get there.
  22. Saved WAY more than 2 seconds by skipping it...that was a total sucker target.
  23. Put my sights in the center of the available brown and pull the trigger. Back when I was practicing a lot, I used to do bill drills at 50 yards constantly...long or tough shots don't bother me at all.
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