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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. No one does it in the 4th quarter like Tom Brady. My predictions: Patriots vs. Colts - Colts Saints vs. Bears - Saints Colts vs. Saints - Colts Go Colts.
  2. Wow shred, you got that right. I shot this in L10 a few months ago and had 4 more points in less than half the time than I did back then. Crazy to see the difference a few years makes.
  3. Swimmy? Swammy? Swinson? Swanson? Look on the briefcase...maybe it's there. Samsonite....I was way off!
  4. Although my experience is still limited in 3 gunning...what I do know is that getting all your gear to run reliably is the most important thing by far.
  5. Do half your reps in slow motion at about half speed....this will help refine your economy of motion and make you more consistent as a whole. Also....in practice, it isn't very hard for me to hit a reload in the .6's....but in matches I usually hover around a second or even a little more. Don't be afraid to slow down a hair for consistency. Better to lose a tenth here or there than lose 2 seconds for a fumble.
  6. Sometimes laying off for a week before a match will make you pay attention to your sights more.
  7. I would be really careful if you are losing that much weight in a week because chances are that it is not only fat. Remember to get in shape you need to eat right AND exercise. Eating right does not necessarily mean eating less.
  8. Umm...could you explain to me why a bill drill is point shooting? It isn't draw, point and shoot. It is draw, aim and shoot. Projectile hits where the sights are not where your eye is on the target.
  9. I wouldn't tempt fate. Either fly into a different airport or ship them ahead of time.
  10. I think I know what the back is...and although I haven't seen it, it was a fantastic idea.
  11. Anyone else think Anderon looks like a freakin vampire in that photo?
  12. GSP is a great fighter and competitor, but I think Hughes outmatches him in technique, work ethic, and strength. -Hughes Don't know much about either fighter...from what I've seen Mir is going to have his hands full. -Vera The fight between Sylvia and Monson I'm not excited for at all. I Honestly think both of them are subpar fighters. Monson has too much muscle to last in a sustained fight...and Sylvia is just an oaf who got 2 lucky shots in against Arlovski. -Sylvia...simply because he is huge and has an enormous reach advantage.
  13. There is something you can practice next time you are at the range...it requires a certain degree of balance though. Place a target at 15 or so yards. Walk towards the target with your gun out. Every step you take...pause and take a shot with your foot in the air. What this does is basically make you stationary but in the position you would be in if you were moving. Do that continuously, then when it starts getting easier speed up. Eventually you will get to the point where you are no longer pausing, but just shooting as your foot is in the air taking a step.
  14. I'm pretty sure Limited nationals will be in Tulsa and Open in Missoula....don't quote me though.
  15. I can tell you with absolute certainty that I do not call every shot. Having to aim within a 1 inch area has nothing to do with calling the shot...they are two seperate and distinct things. My point is - calling the shot is knowing exactly where the bullet went as soon as it left the barrel....exactly is the key word here. If you don't know exactly where it went....you didn't actually call the shot. You may have been close and it may have hit in the intended scoring zone...but that doesn't mean you called it correctly. Just because you get the desired result doesn't mean that the method to get there was perfect.
  16. How don't you agree with it? Calling the shot is knowing exactly where the bullet went the instant it left the barrel. There is no gray area here...either you are right...or you aren't. If you aren't right....and the bullet impacted some place other than where you called it....you didn't call it correctly.
  17. Calling the shot is knowing where the bullet went before it gets there. A, D, Miss, No Shoot, whatever. Doesn't matter......all it is is knowing exactly where it went the instead it left the barrel. I guarantee that there is no one in the world that knows exactly where every round that leaves their barrel goes. If you are off by an inch...guess what...you didn't call the shot. I'm not saying it is impossible...but it would require a focus on this world that I don't think yet exists.
  18. Jake Di Vita


    Yeah...gettin really sick of it...
  19. I don't think ANYONE in the world calls 100% of their shots with perfect accuracy without fail.
  20. I think Jojo is the only one who shot 9....everyone else shot supercomp or a 38 variant.
  21. By his logic, it would be physically impossible for someone to get an accurate shot off the draw in under 1.25.....figure at least .5 to get the gun to extension and then the .75 to get your eyes on the sight. Seems like a load of horse puckey to me.
  22. I've never seen a forward falling plate before...although I guess it wouldn't be impossible...but you are talking about a big cost to clubs across the country. I don't think fixed plates would work either...."steel must fall to score" comes to mind.
  23. Then with the death of the rearward falling popper, they have to kill using steel plates as well. If you hit a steel plate in the upper half...that round is leaving the range.
  24. As is the case most of the time...Theory does not always work in the real world. Give me a regular backward falling popper any day over a forward falling.
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