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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. It will effect you if you ever live in a "may issue" state such as Massachusetts or any other jurisdiction where "we don't feel like it" is a valid reason to deny a firearm license.
  2. The NY end has been convered. The MA end is covered by MGL 140s131F, which is similar to NY except that it specifically requires a gun permit from and state, district or territory that does not issue to drug users or felons (whereas the NY law states that such a permit is considered evidence you are a non-felon), and MA has no specific NRA affiliation requirement. Of those officers that know about 141s131F, over half that I have asked did not realize there was a "some permit" requirement. MA has a restatement of the federal ban that is similar to the one in NY (ie, pre 1994 high caps OK). The best approach to both states is to get lost in a crowd of one.
  3. Your both wrong The window is 48 hours before, or after, any match approved by or under the auspices of the NRA or IMHSA, and this has been unchanged for many years. See NY penal code 265.20(13). The NRA competitions division routinely grants formal recognition to USPSA Matches in NY and all club presidents and SC's have been advised of this. I do know that the Sectional in Rochester already has this approval, and has posted a PDF of the NRA form on their site. If things go south in NY it is very important that you know what to say. If you are passing through, try to get your statement that your are in the midst of a continuous and uninterrupted trip on the record. If you are going to a match, be sure to have the match confirmation letter and a copy of NY 265.20(13) with the gun. If you ask politely you *might* have a chance that the officer or shift commander will be willing to look up 265.20 in their law book - far greater than you will by telling them there "you know there is an exemption" and asking them to read throught the several dozen pages in the book covering NY gun law to find it. In either case, you should be in a much stronger position to assert either an FOPA86 or 265.20(13) defense if you have a contemporanous statement on record rather than raising it as an afterthought. If the match letter is not sufficiently specific (does not mention your name, shoot date, match date, match location, etc.) complain to the match director or registration staff. They will almost certainly be glad to help. And remember, NY has a restatement of the federal AW ban (pre 1994 stuff is ok) so you can be in a heap o trouble if you have followed all procedures but have a few LEO marked Glock mags in your bag.
  4. The new "performance summary" generated for each competitor makes information available in the on-line results that are not available in any other report (unless the match staff has written its own code to parse webfile.txt)
  5. I didn't realize we won WWII with AR15 design guns, but I guess one learns something every day
  6. Congratulations. As long as you don't lose the sense of gratitude and are always looking for ways you can help your sponsor you should do well with it.
  7. This has been there for some time, however, you only get the "enhanced" version if the match was scored with EzWinScore 3.0. The May Fredericksburg match was scored with 3.0 so you have the enhanced version, however, if you visit a match that has had results up for a while you won't get the fully detailed report.
  8. I'll talk to Roger Maier to see if there is any reason not to do this. Removing these boxes on Fixed Time stages is a very easy change to the code that does not require any alteration to the existing database).
  9. It's also interesting that the judge denied her the traditional California custom of permitting celebrities to "buy up" to a more comfortable prison.
  10. Google "Hand Surgery" and "USPSA" - You'll find one hell of a nice MD who tends to hand out at USPSA Nationals.
  11. The scary thing is that the plaintiff could cause so much expense to defend the suit that the cleaners offered $12,000 to settle the case. Only self-representing lawyers can get away with this - any non attorney trying to get contingency fee counsel for something this bogus will get laughed out of the law office.
  12. That includes all numbers ever issued, however, keep in mind that the "L" and "B" numbers have a different numeric series which accounts for another couple of thousand. If you select "additional content" from the USPSA website menu, you can find a report of classifications by state, showing that (as of the time of the last update) we had 15,652 current members. We keep hitting new all time highs for active memberships. Although not dramatic, the trend is definitely in the right direction.
  13. Rob Boudrie

    Ez 3

    You can also use the feature on the www.uspsa.org/squadding (even if you are not using self squadding) to check the match registration list for accuracy, getting a report of all cases in which the member name does not match the USPSA number. You can thank Roger and USPSA HQ for the ease of install. That's one thing none of the development team other than Roger touched (something for which I am grateful).
  14. Rob Boudrie

    Ez 3

    EzWinScore data entry hint - There is an option on the match setup page "use Enter Key to Confirm Data?". If this is NOT set, any time you enter two digits into a two digit field, the system will take you to the next field. If this IS set, you need to hit "enter" to enter data. For example, consider the following set of keystrokes starting in the "A" hit box: 12<enter><enter>4<enter>5<enter> If the confirm entry flag is not set, you get "12A, 4C, 5D" If this flag is set, you end up with "12A, 4D,5M" because you have an implicit enter as soon as you enter the second digit in the "A" field. Some people like this, whereas other like myself find it easier to hit <enter> after each numeric data entry. This issue is very easy to deal with as long as you are not caught off guard.
  15. Rob Boudrie

    Ez 3

    ez_class_update.txt - make sure you're not trying to import the ".zip' file directly, Once you download the file to your PC, check the size - the version that is on-line now is 2,663,982 bytes.
  16. Rob Boudrie

    Ez 3

    Yup, if they still have the ".db" file - EzWS 3.0 can open the file, and write out the new format "webfile.txt" for uploading. I expect some interesting "winner analysis" after the upcoming nationals. That looks like the old 2.29 display without the detailed stats.
  17. Chicago bans possession of non-registered handguns, and has not accepted any new registrations since 1982. Morton Grove, Oak Park and Evanston (last I checked) completely ban civilian handgun ownership. IL law gives towns and cities the explicit ability to have gun bans stricter than state law.
  18. Rob Boudrie

    Ez 3

    EzWinScore 3.0 has an interesting new feature that will be useful when viewing the Nationals results. To see how it works, visit the results for the Western New York Practical Pistol League's April, 2007 match. Display overall results for a division and click on a member number. It will be very interesting to do this to check the stats on the nationals winners. The SS nationals appears to have used a pre-3.0 version, which means this feature is not available with those match results. Rob
  19. I had a similar problem with the renewal of my CT non-resident license. Including mail in both directions, it took the better part of a week to get the new license.
  20. NYC permits are not lifetime, and I believe there are a couple of counties down near NY that have expiration dates as well. Unfortunately, the judge who used to issue NY carry permits by mail to non-residents always added a 5 year expiration date, which is unfortunate, since he has since discontinued that practice after being advised he did not have jurisdictional authority to do so.
  21. The SS stats crew now has the full results up on www.uspsa.org
  22. Thee comments are about the rules and the issue of "staff carrying hot." I have no information specific to this match and do not wish to imply that I have concluded that such a practice did indeed occur. USPSA matches are governed by a set of rules. If an RO is carrying a loaded gun they are doing so in direct violation of USPSA rules. We should "care" if the officials running a match start choosing which rules they are going to follow and which ones they are going to decide don't need to be enforced. If someone has reliable information that an officially recognized Range Officer any match is carrying hot while working the event, it should be reported to the Match Director or Range Master and, if that does not result in corrective action, it should be reported to NROI / John Amidon (dnroi@uspsa.org) so he can re-educate the involved Range Officer. I personally feel that matches should make provisions that allow lawfully armed individuals to unload upon arrival and reload upon departure, and have made a suggestion to that effect to the USPSA Rules Committee, however, that is a completely separate matter from "RO's carrying hot".
  23. For the same reason we drive on a parkway but park on a driveway.
  24. That was the second to last match. We had the scores up in under two minutes at the last match (mighty convenient finding an outlet labeled "network" in the classroom at the commercial range we used).\ Also, I didn't write the Palm software - a developer down under did that - I was testing the new interface to the Palm scoring system that I added to EzWinScore (pc based scoring program).
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