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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. The street price on Win and Feds is considerably higher than the $25-$28 for Wolf. The only places that have Win/Fed for the same price are either backlogged or open up ordering for very brief windows after they get sold out. Wolfs are available and, fortunately, surprisingly good.
  2. If the serial number of the frame begins with a single letter ("G") it was manufactured as a replacement frame. It it has a two or three letter prefix it was originally manufactured for a complete firearm.
  3. Whenever something new is done, you have a combination of motivations behind the people casting the votes; assumed motivations people guess at; and actual group motivations that are the result of board discussion. People to latch on to one thought, comment or opinion - in many cases from someone who was not even one of the people to vote on the change - and start saying that's "why" this was done. Unless there is an official statement, all you're getting are (a) rumors, or ( one person's opinion, as to why a particular decision was made.
  4. You can file yourself using the forms at www.uspto.gov or hire an attorney specializing in such issues. All standard warnings of attempting to do legal work without counsel hereby incorporated by reference and enumerated as if included in full.
  5. I upgraded a first generation Ghost to one of the new ones without the pin. The level and the knob it's attached two are metal on the original, but plastic on the new. Since I was doing the parts upgrade (Ghost sells the locking assembly for this purpose), I took the lever and knob from the original and installed it on the new one to get the best of both worlds. The Ghost is a great product, but it's a shame when you see a small step back in quality in the name of reduces manufacturing costs (which were obviously not accompanied by a price reduction). I'm still a fan since their US distributor (Angus Hobdell) provided great service when one of the parts that attaches it to the belt broke.
  6. Remember - 11lb ammo limit 50lb limit before overweight luggage charge AZ recognizes MA CCW's AZ law specifically states that being a non-resident of AZ is a defense against the charge of carry in an alcohol licensed establishment in violation of the sign (yes, really) If you're really nice the folks at Dillon might give you a tour. The redrock and tacos in Sedona a great, but be careful about the psycobabble that abounds. Sedona seems to have a strong attraction for self styled psychics, gurus, spiritualists and other outworldly sorts.
  7. Kimmie - If you're really really lucky you might be able to get a personal audience with Lord Enos of Forum.
  8. Don't try to "import the data into MS/Access" - use MS/Access to open an ODBC connection to the database. You will need to start up the Sybase database engine ("rteng9" in the EzWinScore install directory) so that Access can connect to it. Or, generate "webfile.txt" (via the export to web feature) and parse the needed data from that file (CSV format)
  9. It might even be an advantage, as some people find the magazine/magwell combo easier to reload. The comment about "borrowing tubes to shoot limited" gave the impression that the poster was not talking about getting one of these puppies to shoot L10.
  10. What is the motivation to get an SxI wide body? CA law does not allow you to have >10 round magazines that you did not personally possess prior to the Caliban (no, you may not legally buy them used even inf they were in CA prior to the ban - you must have PERSONALLY owned them prior to the ban) unless you have a "hi cap magazine license" which is generally only available to dealers. Unless you layed in an inventory of mags (yes, it happens - I still have mags I bought in 1994 for guns I thought I would get around to buying some day) you will do just as well with a single stack 1911 and a 140mm 10 round magazine. Assembling the tube into a complete > 10 round magazine may very well be a felony under CA law if you care about that sort of thing
  11. These work great in my 40 S&W SVI and 38 super. Wideners recommends against this particular primer for hot .223 loads.
  12. The windows NTFS file system "walks" the disk which means that new files are created in formerly unused space, and the old files tend to remain in place for quite some time (but some of the file name is trashed - I think the first couple of characters). This causes all sorts of havoc when dealing with thinly provisioned virtual drives (the weenies on this list will understand), and makes life hell for miscreants who thought they had delete the kiddie porn or plans to kill off their spouse, but can be a real datasaver for people in your situation. The first rule, is DON'T SCREW WITH THAT DRIVE. The more you write to it, the more you risk rendering data unrecoverable. Your best first step is to make a forensic copy using a tool like Ghost or Acronis. There are numerous commercial tools that are designed to "undelete" files deleted from an NTFS file system (and, in this case, I mean "deleted", not "in the recycle bin" in which case your job would be easy). A quick web search turned up a few: http://ntfsundelete.com/ http://www.winundelete.com/?rid=google&kid=wu0901 http://www.diskinternals.com/ If the files are still in the recycle bin, you will need to locate it on your drive (try Z:\Recycler where "Z" is the letter you mounted the drive as). You will need to configure the file system explorer to show hidden files, or use the "dir /a" command from the command window to see if any files are there. The names will be different, and the original names are stored in the hidden file INFO2 within the recycle bin. A bit of googling will yield more details. ps: If you really want to clean all personal data before bringing a PC in to be fixed #1: Delete it all #2: Empty the recycle bin #3: Run a utility to wipe the free space. I recommend "sdelete" from the Microsoft Sysinternals suite: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb842062.aspx
  13. If they were charging him for the gun it would probably still be in evidence. A friend of mine had a 1911 recovered - he only got it back after the miscreant showed up with a severe case of lead poisoning while out on bail for the gun charge (the DA previously told him the gun had to be retained as evidence).
  14. Most of the time, the person issuing the DQ will feel almost as bad about it as the competitor. As long as people aren't scared to shoot with you, and you are a good sport when you get a DQ, it's not a problem.
  15. The girl, now 45, is requesting that the charges be dropped. What is amazing is that the US tolerated France allowing him to openly hide in France for decades and refused extradition.
  16. Dillon is pretty good about 1050 parts, however, it's hit and miss on getting an unofficial extension of the warranty. Sometimes you get treated like a 650 owner, and at other times, you run into a Dillon employee who although unfailingly polite, sticks to the official line of "nothing free for a 1050 over a year old". More important than free or paid is that parts are available and ship quickly.
  17. I can add the ability to post the on-line (like we now have to stage diagrams for major matches), however, arbitrations are generally hand written and the match that has a scanner on site is the rare exception.
  18. The problem was not so much the rain, but the manner in which that range virtually melts in the rain. The combination of the base for the sod, and lack of drainage (notice how the roads are raised and act as a dam to keep water in the ranges) make for conditions much worse than rain at many other venues. For those who weren't there: - Beautiful ranges, wonderful area for a vendor tent, fantastic clubhouse, very helpful range staff - Gorgeous green ranges in some of the best shooting bays you will ever see - One day after rain started, the beautiful green grass was replaced with muck about 8" thick and no trace of grass remained on the floor of the ranges except a bit under some target stands.
  19. The open ones are OK; the Ltd ones are not. I have the good ones on my system at home and will fix this tonight.
  20. Arbitrations from major matches should be posted with the results to www.uspsa.org (currently, you have to contact HQ or me to arrange for this). The arbitrations from the 2009 Handgun Nationals are now posted with the results. Rob
  21. I've filed a bug on the in the USPSA bug tracking database (reference bug #000045 if you talk to USPSA HQ about it). Rob
  22. If you announced a cancellation/refund deadline on the match application, you're golden. If not, you goofed big time .
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