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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. I'm now in the club. Picked up my Automatic Accuracy Shadow SP-01 this last weekend. Then shot about 400 rnds. Disassembled and cleaned it last night. Digging it! Why did I wait so long?
  2. B_RAD

    CZ accushadow mags

    I guess I'm having an issue with having $650 in mags for each gun!
  3. B_RAD

    CZ accushadow mags

    Yeah I'd like to know if the nickel plating is worth the $$?!
  4. Yeah. We forget most folks aren't into shooting as much as us. A lot of gun owners never get on any forums. If if you're on a gun forum, id say you're more into guns than the average owner/shooter.
  5. Shot my first sanctioned match yesterday. My last stage after ULSC the SO started the speech about he couldn't tell if I was out of cover on the first target for the last position. He said it was because I was so fast he could see if my foot was available to the target. He was really nice and I pointed to the gravel that had been distributed. He ended up not giving me one but I think he was deciding rather or not to give it to me while he was talking. I've never been called fast so much (or really at all) in my life as much as I have since I've started shooting IDPA. Even if I would have gotten that PE I still would have finished in the same place BUT I would have been pissed at the time! And if it would have happened on the first stage, that could have really screw with someone's flow!
  6. And it set off the entire stack? Dang! Talk about needing new underwear!
  7. Just about every time I shoot a match, I get annoyed by another stupid rule. RWR is one. I would love to know if LAV, Wilson or Hackathorne actually teach this on any of thier defensive classes? senario: you engage multiple threats and fire 9-10 shots, then have to move to another position. so you're gonna go engage another set of multiple threats with only 1-2 rnds?! which means you stick out around cover shoot twice at one of the threats, then have to reload, and now the threats are shooting back, but it's ok to keep half your upper body out around cover while reloading. Oh and let's not forget about the no shoots that'll be obscuring parts of the threat targets! I'd love to see LAV tell you "yeah go ahead and shoot that bad guy with a head shot but don't hit that innocent bystander". "And don't forget to hit that popper to activate said no shoot"! It's a game! It's not real training. So why be "more accountable for every round down range" but the penalties for misses and hitting NS isn't getting increased! To me most of the rules they have are non realistic and seem to be whatever is opposite for USPSA by design! And the 1 pt = 1 sec is for the members who can't shoot fast.
  8. Thanks guys. I'll try this first. Love be it so far! Loaded 100 rnds in 4:05 min.
  9. Got my MBF set up on my 1050. I've cranked out about 300 rnds of 9mm so far. I noticed that every once and a while I'd get no bullet drop. It wasn't until the last 3 that I paid attention to the type of brass. Those three were PMC. I also noticed they didn't seem to have the bell from the MBF powder die. Also, when I tried to see if if the die would bell another PMC case I didn't get any feel that it was going up to chamfered part of the die When I use WIN or FC cases you can feel the die sticking on the way down. (I don't lube the inside of the cases). The bell is not too much IMO. But I'm afraid it might be if I lower the die to reach the PMC brass. Anyone else have problems with different brass? On a side note, my method for lubing is to spray the inside of a zip lock bag and then put the cases in and mix. I guess I could reverse that and some lube would get in the cases. That would help with the die sticking. That and a better job of polishing the brass. I was using brass that had been "cleaned" . Jus thinking out load here.
  10. Here's a link https://youtu.be/bFchqVk2YQU you can see the load data/velocities in the comments. He he also tested clay dot clays was my favorite for .45 back in the day.
  11. I saw a test of the new Canadian clays vs old clays. I dont think the new clays from Canada produced the same velocities as the old clays
  12. Yeah I re read the rules. Pockets = mag carriers. I also think it was a PE because I lost the mag not during a reload. As described in 3.8.2 Dropping a loaded magazine or speed loader/moon clip involved in a reload, during a reload does not incur a penalty as long as the shooter retrieves and properly stows the loaded magazine or speed loader/moon clip prior to the firing of the last shot in the string of fire. so unless I'm missing something else, if you drop ammo for any reason other than during reloading or clearing a malfunction, it's a PE even if you pick it up.
  13. It fell out of my pocket. Not a carrier. Not that it's defined as something different. Also, I've always heard that if you do drop ammo, but pick it up before firing, there's no penalty. Thats why I ask. But per 3.8 if it falls out at all it sounds like it's a penalty.
  14. After shooting the last target of a stage today I fell over. A partially loaded mag fell out of my pocket that I stowed during a tac load. I didn't fire any shots after it fell out and I picked it up Is that procedural? I got one
  15. I wonder if he's talking about the 5X5 ( I think that's what it's called). I'd say he used the .5 sec because it's the current method for figure time/score. I'd also imagine after the new rules, it'll go to 1 sec per point down
  16. I walked in a LGS here. They had 10k. I bought 8k. Should have bought them all! $35 per 1k.
  17. I'm not trying to argue here. Nor am I trying to boast. I've been shooting IDPA for about 3 months. Mostly at weekly small indoor matches. I've shot a couple of monthly club matches too (6 or so stages). I've also shot one classifier. I finish near the top everytime. Top three overall usually. The others in the top are EX or MA shooters and we're always within a couple of points of each other. I have the higher score about 50% of the time. I classified 1 pt from expert. So, I'm a SS (SSP) for now but I'm confident in the month since I classified I've improved a lot. I feel that I'd be close to MA now. At least on the classifier. Last weekend I shot my first USPSA match and won Production. The next highest shooter in that class was a B. I beat him by 10 pts. The only shooters that beat me overall were 2A shooters in open and one MA in limited. So,...while I'm no where near the top of my potential or even on the same planet as the pros, I'm above average. So, as I get better, I'm gonna separate further from the average shooters too. I just think this is to cater to older shooters. Which I believe to be the majority of the IDPA memebership. Sorry,. Not trying to be rude. From what I've seen, the faster more talented shooters are not the majority at the IDPA matches I've been to. Now, I am new to the whole shooting sports. So, I very well could be so far off base, that's it's not even funny!
  18. I just joined IDPA about three months ago. I paid for the 3yr membership. I wonder if they'd give me a refund on two of those years? Doubt it!.... Ha ha It seems like this is to satisfy memebers who, for whatever reason, can't shoot fast. I'd bet the majority of the IDPA members fall in this group. They can probably shoot accurately but not fast. So, they end up getting beat by faster shooters. I predict IDPA will have a severe slump in memeber ship renewels in the next year or two. Three years from now, after they've lost a lot of the good competition to USPSA (what's left) they'll go amend this rule. It'll end up being where it should have been with this change. Points down don't equal 1 sec but misses and no shoots are penalized more.
  19. Good point. Though, I know I'd still like to see how many folks are for it.
  20. Someone should poll here. Ask that only people who shoot IDPA answer. Are you in favor for or against the new rule 1 pt = 1sec? yes no Don't care
  21. Wow! Why are they doing this? Where is the cost saving on thier end?
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