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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. I'm saying that's why he's shaving the BBI and not the Blues.
  2. Could that be due to Blue's are .355 and BBI are .356?
  3. Like others have said, I've switched to 135 BBI because of this. I'm sending my barrels to get reamed. I want to load a little longer/different profiles.
  4. Ok. I know this is asking for opinions and there will be different ones but I I'm interested in hearing them. Shot it my second USPSA match yesterday and it was awesome! I was thinking of just using my IDPA set up and just adding extra mag pouches but don't really want to do that. I'm currently using a comp-tac holster. It has the drop/offset attachment but I'm currently using the paddle. I'll probably buy another holster, even if it's the same one, so I don't have to switch attachments. Im using Safariland 771 pouches. I like them but don't have experience with anything else so,.... I realize there be some trial and error most likely, just like with everything, but I'm looking for some opinions to get started. Currently thinking of going with a safariland belt with the attachments for that system. Or or maybe something from Stoegers shop. Thoughts? Thanks!
  5. Is there any reason for not being able to leave an empty mag behind with a round in the chamber? To me the gun is no less affective in this situation but actually more so! Think about it, now with the new rules, you can reload across openings or on the move as long as all targets have been engaged. What's more safe and or real world legit? To do that with an empty chamber and mag in the gun or keeping a round in the chamber and already working on the new loaded mag? As well as not having to manipulate and slide lock. That's not only more applicable to the fundamentals of the sport but also doing it in a more efficient and faster way! Three reasons I can think of why it's not allowed. 1. It's too USPSA'y 2. It could be too difficult for 1911 shooters to load a full mag with the slide forward. 3. Might be too difficult for the SO's to watch? The last two make sense. Not trying to be rude or bag on IDPA. Thoughts?
  6. Gonna be make up shots crazy! Why wouldn't you?! Got a -1 ? Fire off another shot in .5 sec and you still come out .5 ahead. Why wouldn't you mag dump now? Go empty and score better! Kinda feel like this is the same as coddling millennials who don't like someone who says mean things! The real world bad guys someone might face aren't gonna slow down so someone can get a better shot on them. If you're slow, sorry. That may keep you from making EX/MA but you'll be competing against other folks at the same skill/ability level. We just gonna let someone be a MA because they're tired of getting beat by MA's? The new classifier is gonna do that! I mean, what next? We gonna start younger people further back from targets?
  7. From what I understand, it's the milling of the slide by another entity that's not the factory. So yes. It's not legal for any division in IDPA. There's folks here that are far more in the know pertaining to this topic than me. So, you should get more input on you question.
  8. Having recently started the action shooting games I asked myself what do I want to do. You only want to shoot IDPA or USPSA? You want to shoot both? I want to shoot both. So I wanted a gun that could be used in both. An Accu shadow is not leagal in IDPA so if you're set on the Accu part(vs a regular shadow), then the CZ is out. I personally wouldn't even consider a Sig. Don't know much about them. Never really caught on with me form the ones I've shot. Only seen one guy shooting a Sig in IDPA. Though, from what I've heard the X5 is awesome! Some would say the 2011 is gonna put you at a disadvantage in one sport or the other depending on the caliber you choose. Go with 9, then you'll be shooting minor in USPSA and will be at a disadvantage shooting against the guys shooting major in limited division. You can't shoot the 2011 in production which is minor scoring only. So everyone's on level playing ground in production and everyone I've seen shoots 9. If you choose the .40sw (for major pf) then you'll have a gun/load shooting higher power factor than required in IDPA since everyone in ESP (only division the 2011 is leagal) shoots 9mm (minor). That is unless you tailor a .40 minor load for the 2011 for IDPA. But then you've got two different loads, one for each game. That wouldn't be ideal for me. Now, a .45 would give you different options. So, you gotta decide if you want to shoot one or both of the sports? If you do, then I'd assume you'd want to use the same gun in both? If you only want to shoot one, which one and then that would help make a decision. I chose CZ shadow 9mm. I shoot SSP in IDPA and production in USPSA. That covers every base and puts me at no disadvantage to anyone from a scoring or gear standpoint.
  9. What's different about the AFC vs the nickel plated? Are they wider? What is it that causes the problem?
  10. That's what I was using when it happened. Im switching to the nickel plated ones with 10% springs and SP base plates.
  11. I took a look at the screw. It wasn't what I would call loose. I was able to torque it down a little. Shoot about 100 rnds at indoor match. No more problems.
  12. Anyone think it was made easier on purpose?
  13. Ok, I paid $1500 for a SP-01 Shaodow Orange. Here's a list of what I've done so far, still want to do and spare parts. Parts replaced (no big deal. A lot of guns need tweaks initially and these weren't expensive) Hammer spring Trigger return spring Safety detent spring Trigger pin Firing pin and spring Disconnector Parts know to be replaced often (A lot of guns need spare parts but from what I've heard these break often) Trigger return spring Slide stop Work I've done to mine Polish internals Bend magazine release spring Work I want to do Ream chamber File slide stop for longer OAL (if needed) Mags are $60 bucks ea! Then I'm seeing guys having a practice gun and a match gun?! Though, I guess you'd probably want a spare for any gun if you're gonna seriously run it in competition. And today I'm discovering another issue with the screw for the trigger lifter spring! I'd say they're at least as bad! Saying all that, I'll admit, they're easy to work on. Not as easy as a Glock but easy.
  14. If it wasn't for how accurate these are, I'd switch back to plastic! I feel like these are worse than 1911's when it comes to getting them working and keeping them running! I did a little shooting this last weeked. Here's 40 yds off hand 10 shot group 3.5"
  15. My guess would be the mag is pushing up on the slide and that's taking weight off the trigger bar, which is being pushed up by the lifter spring and is being lifted too high. That's causing the trigger bar to not engage the hammer properly. I tried it with an empty mag and a loaded mag (dummy rounds). Same thing. I guess as as long as it still functions properly when firing there's not issue. Just can't dry fire and have a reliable DA pull with a mag inserted. Though, it's weird that it just started.
  16. Last night I was doing some dry firing and I had the mag in the gun so I could work on dropping it when reloading. I started having a new, weird issue. The trigger/sear/hammer would stop engaging on the DA pull. It felt like the hammer hooks and sear weren't engaging enough. When I'd take the mag out it'd work everytime. Put it back in and it work on the first pull or two then it do it again. The trigger was going forward enough to reset. I though the trigger return spring had broken it it looked fine when I took the slide off. I've never noticed this before. Anyone else seen this?
  17. It says you can't leave a mag behind with ammo in the chamber. I take that to mean if you retain the mag (not leaving it behind) and you're good.
  18. I reread. I think you can do a RWR. 3.4 IDPA Reloads 3.4.1 An "emergency reload" is the preferred reload for IDPA competition. An "emergency reload" is initiated when the magazine or cylinder and the chamber is empty. Preferred being the key word. 3.4.5 Shooters may NOT perform a reload which results in a magazine being left behind when there is a round in the chamber at the time of initiating the reload (AKA Speed Reload) Just says you can't leave magazine behind.
  19. No more tac sequence or RWR Looks like you can reload across openings if those targets have been engaged. 1 PD = 1 sec visible cover reference lines (fault lines) new classifier Flagrant penalties (FP) new divisions Thats what im reading.
  20. So, I guess we'll know tonight.
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