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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. What's the most important things for you when choosing your gun for USPSA? I'm still not sure what gun I'm gonna go with for production. CZ or G34. While the CZ is more accurate, so far that's about the only edge I give it over the G34. I guess the ergos are better too but I don't mind the glocks ergos so that's not really an issue for me. The extra weight is nice for recoil but the lighter Glock is easier to draw/transition so that's almost a wash How do you prioritize what's most important to you? Reliability, maintenance, ergonomics, accuracy, weight, cost, easy to work on, parts availability, same trigger pull, etc. My order is 1. Reliability 2. Ergos 3. Required maintenance 4. Accuracy (most are accurate enough) 5. Cost/work to get gun competition ready All the others are equal past these first five.
  2. What are the brands that are not? I'm curious to know? Is it every piece of that brand?
  3. I can see how if they go off the second time that would make sense
  4. I look at them then try them again. They all go off the second time.
  5. I don't know if I buy he seating depth thing. At least not to the point of measuring to see if they're .008" below flush. Seems like there's a lot of folks that do so maybe I'm just flat out wrong? Shot my G34 (w/reduced striker spring) again this weekend and they all went pop. Never had had a single issue with the thousands of S&B primers with the G34. As as soon as I start shooting CZ's with trigger work I start having issues. In fact, I kept adjusting for more depth on the 1050 and the problem still continued. Yes my CZ has a extended FP and reduced spring. Anywyas, I believe it to be specific to the gun and springs/primer softness. Not the primer seating depth. I've reloaded around 20K (guesstimate)reloads in my life (not a lot compared to some folks, I know) and I've never measured. Just made sure they were below flush. I've never had any issues until the CZ. Or at least not more than one or two.
  6. I've measured several. Looks like .005" is the deepest. Most are about .003". I'll adjust the 1050 a little more.
  7. Ok. Ok. Maybe this is a stupid question. How do you measure that? Calipers?
  8. I'm loading on a 1050. It seats on the downstroke. I try to make sure I go all the way on the down stroke. It could be possible that I'm stopping a little short.
  9. Sorry if I'm not answering your question. I can't remember witch allowed for the longest OAL. I was loading for my G34 didn't have to worry as much as you will with the CZ If I understand it correctly (lookout) it's not the OAL necessarily, it's the ogive/profile that is the deciding factor. The 147 gr xtrm for instance, are more pointed, and that allows for a longer OAL without the bullet touching the lands. So, here's how I see your options. 1. Get your barrel reamed to allow for different profile shapes 2. Find a coated bullet with a similar profile as the xtrme. 3. Shorten your seating/OAL if you go with a more rounded bullet. Acme has a 145 gr that may be similar to the xtrme. Also, all lead bullets were equally accurate for me. You can order a sample sample pack for most all of them. I'd try some of those and cook up some batches around the 130-135 pf range and see what works best in your CZ. From what I've read, most folks seem to have the best accuracy around the 135 pf range.
  10. I'm speaking of the dot torture drill. I've shoot the dot drill as well. Both are good.
  11. I go back and forth form coated to plated. I shot 2" groups at 20 yds off hand with xtrme . So I stuck with those. Now I'm shooting a CZ. So, I'll be comparing what's best in my gun. Acme, BBI, Blue bullets all worked well for me. However, depending on the profile of the bullet you choose, you're OAL may not work. I'd be surprised if you can get 1.150" to work with anything but xtrme.
  12. Still pretty new to the game. So, like I said, just wondering how much folks sweat the potential for a cover call at bigger matches when you got SO's doing nothing but watching where you put your foot. This isn't happening at the club level. Not where I'm shoooting at least.
  13. Had a GM recommend the sot torture drill to me as well Wonder if it's the same GM!
  14. I'm gonna start doing this. It'll be a while before the next sanctioned match. I'm sure I'll get some calls but oh well.
  15. Yes, 1050. I've already adjusted the seating depth. Gave it just a slight turn. I may turn it a little more. Anyone know now how much of a turn equals (guesstimate) X amount more seated?
  16. I switched back to a 13 # hammer spring. Brought my DA back to 8#. not too much of a fan of that! Probably go back to the 11.5%. I may just use these for practice and monthly matches and use federals for big matches.
  17. I've shot several thousand they my G34 with reduced striker spring without a single light strike. So, to me they worked as well as the Fed SPP. Then switched to CZ SP01 Shadow. I've had a few light strikes. My CZ has a 11.5# hammer spring, ext firing pin w/reduced spring. I guess it's all opinion but anyone think the S&B primers are harder than the federal SPP?
  18. Probably the best way to look at it!
  19. This is not a thread to bash the rules or the subjectivity of the rules. I'd like to know how folks here approach shooting around cover and the fear of get a PE A little back story. I shot my second sanctioned match this past weekend. It was a tier 4 match. I did not shoot my best, had WAY too many pts dn! Which is #1 on my list of why my performance was poor for this match! Now for the reason for this thread I noticed some SO's are WAY more focused on cover than others. We had one SO tell us during the stage description/walk thru "if you get a cover call, you earned it". Now, I don't believe he was out to get anyone but thought that was interesting. There was another stage where they had one guy sitting back doing nothing but looking to see if anyone was out of cover. Again, don't think they were trying to get anyone but they were looking hard to see! Two questions 1. Is it in the rules that both SO's on a stage can call for PE? I would think yes. 2. and this is my main question, do you just plan out where you're gonna run to at a certain position and then just execute, with the mind set of I think this spot is behind cover and if I get a PE I get a PE? Assuming that most SO's aren't gonna be a cover nazi?! I know sometimes you have to adjust and step back when you know you're out but assuming you think you're good, is that what you do? (Dumb question I know!) Every stage I was worried about getting a PE so just about everytime I'd step back and that cost me a lot of time over 12 stages. I'm still new to the game and this is something I need to work on. I'm a SSP MA so these little things can make a difference. It didn't in this match, for me at least. My pts dn hurt bad. That and the 2 NT hits! Just wondering how everyone else approaches it?
  20. Yeah I bought the perman springs. One of those with proper technique will eliminate the problem. Though, I may replace with the thinner safeties later. I had the issues with the mags not dropping so I bent the spring. I have not had the issue with the mags dropping inadvertently and hope I don't! These guns are awesome but require a lot of tinkering to get them running right!
  21. Couldn't they keep the scoring 1pt = 0.5 sec for the classifier? Why not?
  22. Well, I was using a scale for weighing food. When it was displaying the oz weight it was around 47 oz when set to show grams it was right at 1200, which should be good. Im thinking the scale is not as accurate when displaying weight in ounces. It's an SP-01 shadow with VZ diamonds, shadow safeties, stainless guide rod, mec-gar 17 rnd nckl pltd mags w/SP base pads. Should be under the 1219 grams max weight. Gonna be close though.
  23. Gonna order a pair. Anyone got a link on fitting them?
  24. I've inadvertently activated mine a few times. For me, the CZ thumb safety is the only flaw I see in the pistol. Though, I'm still new to the platform so it may grow on me, but I doubt it! Anyways, I wondering are folks who are shooting Prod/SSP replacing them with the flattest ones possible? I have a shadow. Im trying to get in the habit of putting my thumb on it to keep it down, which I think would solve any accidental engagements but I'm coming from a Glock so keeping my thumb on my weak hand wouldn't be an issue. So, thoughts? also, can I just pop off the weak side and leave it off or do I need to buy a part to go in the right side of the sear cage/slide? thanks!
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