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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Not a comic, go to the video store and rent the movie. Desparado was a remake of the Mexican made "El Marriachi" and by far better than either of the Hollywood versions.
  2. Um, why? Just 'cause some people don't have the sense to turn around and run (keeping the gun safely down range) doesn't mean it is unsafe to go uprange.
  3. I always like to have two exta mags for the course of fire. 3 mags limitied and open. 5 L10 Since I have the mags to fill them up, better to haul it around a COF if you need it.
  4. Once you find the spot on the target the brain is pretty good at remembering where the target is and since it target isn't going arywhere, there is no need to re-aquire it in your vision. Even though you are focused on you sights, you can still see the target.
  5. Grenades, we need lots of grenades to be tactical. Flash bangs for sure and phosphorous in case you get real mad.
  6. I doubt you could tell how efficient the comp is using this method. There are too many other factors that come into play, ie. mainspring and recoil spring. If you set your gun up right there would be no need to ever shoot 185 power factor. Steel challenge guns run at bb gun power factor and they work. You can change your spring setups to tighten your double taps much easier than working loads up to do it. As far as the accuracy, from everything I've heard slide barrel fit determines your potential accuracy more than anything else, and what you were told sound like a wives tale to me. I've shot a few powders and as long as you have consitant componets and loads, they will all perform well enough for IPSC.
  7. Cool, but it doesn't take any more time to use the sights, and since they are right there ...
  8. I heard it was distilled bull semen.
  9. Maybe you shoot it different in a match, ie. too tense, not tense enough. I've seen that happen.
  10. What Flex said exactly. You can rotate at the knees to face the first target, but the toes would be strait forward.
  11. Get a grip that doesn't slip. SVI's Scott grip works great, skateboard tape is cheaper. Saul Kirsch has a pouch for his pro grip on his belt, he applies it a lot.
  12. BE, What shots require it for you and which don't?
  13. Hate those too But love the RO's for donating their time.
  14. Eric, Just put out 20 targets (10 each color preferably black and white), and the shooter decides which color (black or white) to shoot, throw in some brown as no-shoots, and you should confuse the heck out of everyone.
  15. Go to a match and not shoot? Are you nuts? I don't care how bad you suck grab the gun and blast away. The only way to get better is to do, so get out there and shoot! No one cares about how you shoot, they are too worried about how they shoot You can make up all the excuses you want, but until you fail a few hundred times, you can not succeed.
  16. Tightloop, Questioning is fine, but once the RO says NO grow up and shoot or pack up and go home!!! ps. This is the HATE forum!!! I am not saying they can't. I just HATE it when people do that. RO's are volunteers and should be respected, whether they deserve it or not. "The Hate forum was created and is intended as a place to vent or rant, period. And while general or support-related comments are not prohibited, rebuttals specifically are. Meaning: If you don't agree with someone's rant - please keep it to yourself. Thanks! be"
  17. If these people spent half as much time practicing as they do trying to get around a performing a task or prop as they we would all be much better off. Once a RO says you can't do something, then live with it, because they won't let anyone else do it either. Get a clue. Bickering with RO's is pathetic. This game is about shooting the COF, if you don't like it, find a new sport or leave the attitude at home. Please don't waste my time and sour my day shooting by being an ass. And about those perfect doubles.... ... they score Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/Delta MIKE.
  18. Ok, here is the deal, I've had two world class shooters tell me that to be fast and accurately you need to prep the trigger on as many shots as you can. They may be full of crap, but these are guys who have both been in the top 10 in the WORLD. So I gave it a go, and for me it has really started to pay off. Here are the big benefits for me. 1. I have to stay relaxed. 2. I have to be ultra aware. 3. I have to shoot under control. (If you are someone who hose probably don't have the temperament to do it) 4. If I prep each shot I don't pull off targets early and it makes it easier to call my shot. 5. I am ready to break the shot the instant my sight hits the spot I want to shoot. 6. I don't pause after engaging a target because my mind is imediately telling me to get that trigger preped and to the next target. This might just be a trick of the day for me, time will tell, but I am saving so much time on target to target transitions that I am going to keep plugging away at it. Of course super close targets still get the full auto treatment, but anything other than those I am working at shooting with the prep. I have been watching my tape for Nats and the stages where I really remember preping it well, it looks awesome, no pauses across targets, great hits, and fast times. Man it feels slow but looks (and scores) fast. I have a 2 lb trigger and I can feel when the trigger is preped, if I get tense I have thrown a few early shots, but they woudn't even come close to qualifying for an ad. I used to use a super light trigger, but don't see a real advantage because I can shoot my fastest splits the same with 1 pound or 2 pound triggers. My fastest splits with a witness was .14 (7yards) .13 (5 yards) .1 (3 yards headshot) with a 2 lb trigger limited gun. I was totally relaxed and saw every shot. I don't know why preping the trigger has made such a difference in my times, but it has. You might want to send Frank Garcia a note asking why, I've heard he is big on it and he could explain it better than I'm sure. I just know what my timer is telling me. He did say in a class I attened a couple years ago that when he is in his top shooting form (100k round years) that he feels the prep on atleast 90% of his shots, I had so much else to work on at that time I forgot about the trigger prep thing until someone else brought it up. TDean, Yes, on eyechart standards it took seconds off my time, but even on 3 meter targets I went from .32 to .23 splits. between targets 1 meter apart (Limited and the all A's is nice too) If you already transition that fast all the time then it probably won't help, but it got me there. Right now I am shooting as fast on partial targets as the wide open ones at 10 yards (and from reviewing the tapes of nats that is where the big boys really gain time)
  19. You can use quickset auto epoxy and aluminum oxide if you need git on your base pad.
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