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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. I spent 5 days busting my ass with one hardcore. 2 seconds, shot to shot would be amazing. I've had a AK and it was at least 2-3 times harder to change than the AK IMO. I'm sure that one I had wasn't as easy to change as some of the more tricked out ones. I really wanted it to work, but I think it will take some serious design improvement to make it as viable as it should be.
  2. If you can change one of those mags in 2 seconds (shot to shot) you are friggin' awesome.
  3. "1/3 of the shooters apparently zero'ed the stage" Are you meeting your customer's needs? I think you already know the answer...
  4. Cool factor is the best "reason" to buy new guns IMO There is a point when new gear does help a fraction, as Ron pointed out, but the fraction is generally very small compared to the other things that the $ could be spent on to gain bigger percentages. I think Ron is a good example of that, especially with the Bill Drill post.
  5. Your not the first, or the last. All my guns have detents
  6. The aiming part is generally where the difference is. The holtser shouldn't slow you down.
  7. I thought he shoots limited more because Max shoots open. It doesn't get much better than that.
  8. If you know what you want they are ok, the guys behind the counter give out scarey bad advise. I'm sure many of them have never shot a gun. Their gun handling skills are scary ( Bend and Salem) I hate getting guns pointed at me. They have lots of guns but can't seem to get in the ones I'd buy, I've been on a waiting list for 6 months for another 5" 9mm XD. They have tons of other sporting goods though and their prices and transer fees ($10) are good.
  9. Huh? If you want to improve, are you saying buying Brazos is the way to go? I'd take a week with TJ, Travis and Max, Frank G, or TGO with a High Point over blasting rounds on my own through a high zoot Limited gun ANY DAY.
  10. Do a search, they come with one and there is a picture of one in the other post. The Glock one turned on it's side works, the tang facing up instead of in the tension screw hole.
  11. I was wondering the same thing, I can get a like new Bowflex with all the stuff for $500.
  12. May 20th and 21st, for those of you who can't make Keith's class and want to drive over the hill to sunny Central Oregon. I have a few slots left for a 2 day class just in time for a pre-Area 1 tune-up. Not a huge round count class, but we will be going over how to figure out stages and a technique tune up. On Saturday we will shoot the match and then go through the stages afterwards and do stage break down, options, skills testing, and technique review as well as a skills assesment workshop. Sunday will be more stages (mini match setting) and group evalutions, goal setting, and self evaluation training. I will be filming stages and providing a CD after the class with feedback on tips to work on for each shooter. $150 for the weekend (+ $15 match fee - the match is optional) If you want to reserve a slot, shoot me a note at scott@oregonshooting.com
  13. If you spent $1500 on training you would be better off than buying a new blaster. I'm training a guy right now who spent several years shooting and not improving, buying guns, ammo and gear didn't help him (he has some nice stuff too.) In 2 weeks of private training he's already increased his skill to another level. When we first went over goals, he said he knew he wouldn't get to M by just buying gear and ammo (he had already tried that route,) so he decided to invest the $ in training. I know if he's willing to do the work he can spend much less than the cost of a new gun and get much better results. Now, finding folks that are willing to provide a good path and direction aren't super easy to find, but if you want to really get better, it takes time and direction. Weekend classes have a purpose and are better than nothing, but it is much better to get training, direction, and correction over a longer period of time IMO.
  14. I know a master class open shooter who has a subgun. We've done this experiement. You can do a plate rack pretty fast with a subgun "if" you hit them all. Pistols are just easier to manipulate (by far) than a subgun. Most any course that requires accuracy and movement will favor the pistol if the distance is IPSC appropriate. Once we both shoot a full auto match, because the folk there let us borrow guns and ammo, nice guys. I shot some P.O.S. WW2 vintage gun made in Holland with a dot on it. I got second overall in the match because I had about 4 or 5 targets I didn't triple tap (I didn't know about the 3 hit rule ) and the mags took me about 5 seconds to change. My friend did pretty well shooting a Thompson. We both agreed shooting it IPSC stlye would have been much faster. If I had to fend off a bunch of bad guys an no friendlies, give me a subgun any day. If there were bad guys with lots of folks I cared about around, give me an open gun. Just different tools.
  15. Sticks suck. The metal bars with a hinge in the middle work much better and are more consistant.
  16. Hmm, It's been a few years, but it had so little recoil it didn't do much for me. It has sit in the safe for the years since then. I break it out for my nephews once in a great while. I found out, for me, it was pretty much just like dry fire, just colder. Learning to see through recoil (limited gun) is something that I always need to work on. You can go wicked fast with a .22 though.
  17. There is no control of recoil, just acceptance of it
  18. We can either spend our time training and winning ot spend our time in the bleachers of life waiting, watching and wishing we were on the field doing the things we really know we can do and want to do. You are in charge of your life. How you live your life is your decision. You can make excuses and rationalize all day why you are not on the field, but until you decide you want to be in the game to enjoy the victories and suffer the bruises and defeats, you will not be happy or reach the success you know you deserve or are capable of achieving.
  19. You don't have to drop your mags on the ground. You can make a cheap mag catcher out of a few fittings, pieces of pvc pipe, and some old cloth.
  20. ... with a no shoot and hard cover on it...
  21. The captured spring is lighter in the light, so changing the main spring to light doesn't equate to the same as a light RM. I think the light is too light if you don't have a guard to keep your thumb off the slide.
  22. I care because I have a small club and it makes it hard to reward anyone because the classes are so dilluted. I'm not telling anyone what to shoot, or what I think they should shoot, I could care less. That is what I think what is being done already. I shoot L10 and production regularly. Mostly just to show the newer shooters, that those guns are just as fast as the bling bling ones. I go where the challenge is. If I have to try to beat the open guys shooting minor and iron sights, I give it a go. If a good open shooters shows up, I would rather go that route and see if I can keep up. I do wish production wasn't Limited minor ... but that's just me.
  23. I've tried it, but I prefer the heavy. The light is softer, flater, but dosn't cycle the way I like. You can put the light replacement spring and put it on the Heavy RM, or fiddle around with stock springs and cut them down a tad.
  24. I can feel when my chamber gets dirty and it time to polish it up again when I shoot. That's enough reason for me to polish.
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