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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Not sure who made your Saiga but it doesn't look like R&R. I won't vouch for any other maker but Robbie's got it down. The only issue I've had with mine have been completely my fault. At first not knowing how to clean and most recently turning it to the wrong gas setting and over gassing it.
  2. I use a Scopecoat on mine. Works great.
  3. I've got an RCA I've used for the last two matches. Runs great still looks great. Of the tow matches RCA was a sponsor for both. They are a new company but Chris certainly is doing what he can to support three gun. I replaced my JP Lo Mass with the RCA to give it a try. The RCA is still in the gun. I like it and it does feel a bit smoother than the JP. Don't really know why but I know I like it.
  4. I can't imagine they would make the weight limit without cutting weight somewhere else. That's a lot of brass.
  5. I'm using the same adaptor Greg suggested. One Angle mount up front and the RAMP mount in the back. Mounted on a Samson Evo 15" rail. Work great and the sight radius is so long pretty much just have the front sight in the rear and its close enough.
  6. to me, it would make a big difference whether the shooter was engaging targets and got hit by the wall and 'AD'd' or was reloading and got hit by the wall and 'AD'd'. IMHO, If you're shooting, you're expected to have your finger on the trigger, and you're not expecting stage props to attack you. If you're reloading, you're expected to have your finger well away from the trigger, so even if stage props attack you, nothing terrible will happen. Just going by the OP but it says he was reloading and moving between positions.
  7. It's a DQ under the rules. The RO and the RM don't have the authority to do anything but uphold the DQ. An arbitration committee may reinstate for exceptional circumstances though. Personally I would find against the shooter with the info provided. I can see maybe if the wall or an RO hit him so hard he broke the 180. But not for an AD.
  8. It's a DQ under the rules. The RO and the RM don't have the authority to do anything but uphold the DQ. An arbitration committee may reinstate for exceptional circumstances though. Personally I would find against the shooter with the info provided. I can see maybe if the wall or an RO hit him so hard he broke the 180. But not for an AD.
  9. Get the Open package. You're gonna shoot open anyway. Might as well have all the goodies. The comp works and the dot is very usable.
  10. I can't even find you listed in any of the standings. What did you sign up for?
  11. I there is an issue with an NROi official take the time to fill out the NROI incident report. Get the process started. One of a couple things will probably happen. Either way more information will be gained. Either we're going to find out the RM was wrong and he needs some additional training or to not be an RM. or there was a legit reason the RM did what they did that the crowd isn't aware of. I've talked to ROs after a DQ before that weren't sure what they saw. They say they are pretty sure this happened but not 100% I've also talks to ROs that DQd someone and didn't really see it, but it must have happened because... While I've never overturned one as RM info ask them to be sure before sending someone home.
  12. I read each rule set before a match but when you shoot two to three majors in the same month it gets really confusing at times. I've also had ROs/RMs confused by their own rule set that don't even know the rules. I watched one group try to figure out if a hot, loaded and chambered pistol that fell out of a holster while the shooter was running and pointed up range was a DQ. The same match an RO came up to me at the safe area and told me I could be DQ'd for having a mag on my belt. He showed me which one by grabbing it and tugging it. I told him I was safe but he had just handled my ammo and could be DQ'd himself. It was obvious he had not read the rules for that match. Everyone should read and be familiar but with so many small variances between all the matches it's likely people will make mistakes. Just help them and move on.
  13. I view 3GN as a different sport than Multigun. Doesn't make it better or worse, it's just different. I'm looking forward to (hopefully) get to play the new sport next year.
  14. I've had and seen several perfect/near perfect doubles. The majority at GSSF where you're putting 6 rounds into the target at 5 yards. But I've seen more than once where as I'm watching the target, one hole appears then another bullet passes through. When you watch it you can definitely see the hole move. I've also seen dozens of, almost doubles. In most cases you can easily see the double if you look closely. Someone 5-10 feet away may not see it but the RO can. I can see where someone looking over the RO's shoulder from a ways away might not see it. I had one about a week ago. 20 yard target on a standards course. Called my shots and went down and there were only three instead of four holes. One of them was a bit oblong and there was a slight reduction where the hole came back in and started another circle. Told the RO, he called it a miss, had the target pulled and the RM saw the same thing I did. I did not point it out to him since I was running another shooter, just let him make the call. I had my four hits on the target but I can see how someone wouldn't have seen it without taking a really, really close look at the target. I also had a shooter on the same stage claim a double and I worked my butt off to find it. Just wasn't there. Called it a miss. But he was one of those guys that had four tight alphas on every other target. He was a little fuzzed up but as soon as we got back another shooter told him he saw him pull off to the right. Not saying people don't get hits they didn't earn. I'm sure it happens often. As far as the argument, if you're good enough to shoot a double spread them out? I'm sorry, but that's just a smart ass response to a legitimate concern. No one shoots hoping to get a perfect double. I put the sights roughly where I want them, pull the trigger and repeat. It's just dumb luck that some of them end up touching or through the same hole. Certainly not an attempt to thread the already shot round. It's also the reason I'm not surprised when a shooter ends up with doubles on swingers or drop turners. I'm skeptical, but I've seen it happen. Figure USPSA shooters alone easily put a million rounds through the A zone a year (and I'm sure that's way, way low). Odds are some are gonna be close.
  15. He popped his knee this spring. I hope he's taking it easy to rehabilitate it properly and not end up hobbling along like Robbie.
  16. You can be out there tonight till about 8:30 to walk them. Staff will start shooting about 9 and need a bit of time for setup. You can change/reconfigure kit every stage if you want. We had one guy try that to get a functional shotgun. But only one gun per type, per stage. You can't lay a half dozen shotguns all over the range.
  17. It varies regionally. In some areas SS has very weak representation and L10 has more. In my area Limited is actually pretty weak. L10 offered more competition. Plus it's more fun to beat Open guys shooting L10 than Lim. Given a choice between Lim and L10 I'm going with L10. I'm a Production guy at heart. Stage breakdowns, reloads when I move. I'm used to all of that. Plus I haven't got around to buying whatever Über mag you NEED in Lim right now. What's it up to 22 rounds? More? I load 18 or 19 in mine and call it good.
  18. Some of us have gone to therapy to foget meeting you. Just sayin. Who is this again, Kort Mueller?
  19. Stag Arms signed on as a sponsor this year for the first time. Apparently they liked seeing Kalani and Jesse's faces all over the Shooting Gallery episode from last years match. You'd have thought it was a Stag Arms commercial. All kidding aside, Stag was another company that came to me to sponsor the match. They're also another company whose products I use. I actually just put together my new SBR yesterday with one of their parts kits. I've always had great success with their parts. Good stuff. (and they even include an extra takedown detent with their LPK's, not that I've ever lost one of those little buggers) Glock is a first time sponsor this year. They are donating a certificate for the prize table and we'll all be using a Glock 17 on Stage 6. Suppressed by Gemtech and with an IR Laser of course. Those that know me, know how much I like my Glocks. I've played with all sorts of high end 2011's and 1911's. I've tried out just about every Production division gun there is and I still keep coming back to Glock for USPSA and 3 Gun. I carry one on duty, they work every time, they're insanely easy to disassemble and even with the abuse we heap on them in 3 Gun they still run. Plus you can just dump them and not worry about the safety coming off. Sur-Tac is signing on as our Junior sponsor. Sur-Tac is a local company here in Oregon. They do some really great things with Cerakote and will be making some Juniors guns look awesome. They initially were going to set up the winning Junior with a complete 3 Gun Cerakote package. On top of that they're going to hook up some other juniors and do some individual guns as well. Gotta say, 5 years ago I really didn't care about what my guns looked like. Beat up, plain didn't matter. There's so much cool customization going on though now I had to get in on it. Cerakote is a great way to customize your stuff to stand out. Carbon Arms will also be at the match and Mark's bringing a bunch of the TWinS loading systems for the prize table. And I'm putting him to work on a stage so you can all thank him as you shoot stage 2. I've been trying to play around with that funky new Load 2 method but I'm running a really old Benelli that just isn't set up for it. Mark's also bringing me back my new Versa Max from 303 Arms. Now maybe I can figure out how to load 8 shells in under 64 seconds which is pretty close to my current time. I've had one of his Pinwheels for a few months now and I've used it, without practice, in a couple matches and even that was pretty quick. Can't wait to see what I can do with a bit of practice. Bryce Towsley will be coming and he sent us a half dozen autographed copy of his new book. I read...a lot. Way more that my Sgt. would like since I always seem to be kicked back with the Kindle when he walks by. I really like it when authors have an actual background in firearms. It drives me nuts when I read about some bad guy with a .347 magnum or some other silly thing. I'm looking forward to seeing what Bryce has for us. A new sponsor to this match and three gun in general is RP Advanced Mobile Systems. I had to look them up when I first heard about them. They're another local Oregon company. They take commercial ATV's, Can-Am's, Polaris RZR's and gut them and refit them for military operations. We've got two of them coming for use that the match. One is going to be the Match Director's personal ride because....well because I said and it's cooler than my minivan. The other I've got something even better in mind for, but you'll have to see when you get to Bend. Last, but certainly not least is I2 Night Vision. Pete Lesbo came out last year and hooked us up with NV gear, not just for the stage guns, but also for the media members that were there so they could film the match at it's best. Even though we completely dropped the ball on acknowledging Pete last year he's back for more abuse, and bringing even more gear. Three stages will have his night vision scopes, including the shoot house with the dual night vision goggles. Pete has been awesome to work with. He's one of those guys you kind of feel guilty calling and asking for more and more, but he keeps saying yes. That's all I've got folks. See you all next week for some fun with guns at night in the desert. What could be better? Oh yeah, free BBQ every night. Belt feds and BBQ. That'll work.
  20. FLIR has been a part of this match since the very beginning. They are located just across the highway from Crimson Trace and are great to work with. FLIR will be loaning us a very, very expensive optic to use at this match. One that most us would never be able to afford to play with. It'll be mounted up on Stage 1 and you'll be making the longest range shots of the match with it. Not sure how far out yet. I'll figure that out Tuesday night when I get to look through it and see how far away I can see the custom MGM targets we will be shooting at. FNH USA is another of our first year companies coming back again. This year we have two stages with FNH firearms. Including the biggest guns in the match. Stage 7 will have you engaging steel with the Mk46 belt fed MG using Night Vision optics and IR Lasers. Stage 9 you'll start taking out a car with the Mk13 40mm grenade launcher before hosing down some close range paper with the SCAR. Gonna be a blast. Hornady is also supplying us with lots of goodies for the prize table. 9mm bullets, .30 cal bullets, .22 bullets plus lots of other stuff. I've been using Hornady bullets for the last couple years, both for my long range rifle ammo and my Bianchi Cup pistol ammo. I'm also having a rifle rebarreled right now so I can shoot Hornady's 6.5 Creedmoor load. Good stuff. Leupold is also on board again and are supplying scopes for several of the guns. Mark 6 1-6 (The scope I'm using in 3 Gun), The VX-6 Multigun (The one I used last year), HAMR's for the Mark 46 and the new Redfield Counterstrike to go on the SCAR. One of my first three gun scopes was the Leupold CQ/T and I ran that for a lot of years. I played around with a couple different scopes trying to find something better. I spent a lot of money on glass that wasn't as clear, the adjustments not as precise, until I came back to Leupold. Awesome glass. Samson is a new sponsor this year. We were trying to get Andrew and Scott to come out and shoot this year but it seems Andrew is too busy being a super TV star to make it out. But even without coming they are still sending some great kit out for the shooters. I've been using the Samson forend for the last year and I really like it. X Products is a new sponsor to the match. For those that aren't familiar, they are not XS Products. These guys make some really awesome drum magazines. A single drum instead of the Beta dual drum. It's more more compact. But they also make them for the big boys. Nothing like a 50 round .308 AR. Boom.
  21. Warne Scope Mounts is back again. We've got their mounts on everything I could put them on. And they're color coded to the stage. A Zombie Green RAMP on the CCR Colt with night vision and a Red SKEL on the stage with the FLIR thermal optic. I've been using Warne products for years. Since long before they came out with the RAMP mounts. I've been running RAMPs since they came out and the mounts have never failed me. Quality all the way. And Warne is a huge supporter of us thre gun folks. They'll have a number of their team members and employees at the match, including the new owner who's caught the three gun bug. Brownells has signed up for the first time this year and I'm very happy to see them. I'm not going to go into depth because everyone on here know's Brownells. You have to. They have everything and are an awesome company to work with and order from. In addition Brownells is incredibly generous with the shooting sports. Larry Weeks is my go to guy whenever I need something special. I know this isn't related to the Crimson Trace match but I can't stop talking about it. For the last two year Brownells has donated dang near every part we needed to build an Open gun to raffle off at Area 1. We've done this the last two years and raised about $13,000.00 for the MGM Junior Camps. That's how awesome Brownells is. Daniel Defense is another first time sponsor for us. DD agreed to sponsor the match at just about the wrong time for them. They confirmed they were sending us a rifle for the match in February. During a time when every AR manufacturer was struggling to even get product out the doors, DD stepped up. I've got the rifle in hand and someone is going to be very happy with it. It's a great looking stick.
  22. Got tied up at work and haven't been keeping up with the rest of our sponsors. My fault. I'm gonna try and get them all listed this week. Springer Precision is a local Bend company that started doing work on Springfield XD's. I've watched the company get bigger and bigger over the years and go from a one man shop in his garage to bigger and bigger spaces with several employees. But I really like Springer because they're still responsive to shooters. Scott still manages to get out and shoot the occasional match but he also really listens to shooters. He's helped me out more than once building me something I couldn't get anywhere else. To give you an example, when Magpul came out with the new 40 rounders I asked Scott if he could make one of his couplers for them. I've now got three of them at home and I'll be running them next week at the match. From request to final design in hand in less than two months. (Probably closer to a month). Scott also does Cerakoting and is the man to contact for IonBond which is my favorite finish. Otis is back again to help us out. They have a number of their excellent cleaning kits for shooters. From the great big shop sized ones to the little zip up kits I keep in my three gun bag when I go to matches. Rubber City Armory is a new company to the match. Chris Cerino is making some awesome bolt carrier groups and related parts, all coated with their Black Nitride + coating. They look awesome. I'm going to be running one in my match rifle next week. (Assuming the post office comes through). It's a great product and I thank Chris for coming out again this year. On a side note, if you have any training needs, Chris is a great instructor. Spent a bit of time on the range with him at the end of June and came away very impressed. Primary Weapons Systems...Todd Tuttle is nuts. I spoke to him this year at the SHOT Show. I hoped PWS would come back again since the stage with their gun was one of the highlights of the match last year. I always feel a bit guilty about hitting up people for stuff at SHOT since I know they are there to do business and sell stuff, not give me or my match free stuff. Not only did Todd make me feel welcome, but he dragged me around the show introducing me to other vendors (Like Gem-Tech) and getting even more people on board. PWS will have a number of guns for you to shoot this year. Stage 1 will have a Mk118 18" rifle set up with a suppressor, Leupold Mark 6 optic and FLIR thermal weapon sight. Stage 6 will be back again. Clearing the shoot house with the IR lasered Mk110 10.5" barrelled full auto. And everyone will have a chance at the side match with the PWS Diablo.
  23. I'll be done shooting the match by the time you get there. I'm going to shoot it during the day on Wednesday. The rifle for the side match will be a 7.5" PWS Diablo complete with MVF-515 and fun button. I offered my rifle up to Greg Smith to shoot the main match with. You wouldn't want to mess with him would you Kelly?
  24. With 8 shooters in the mix "scoring everything minor like we do in Production" would obsolete all the 6 shooters. Major 6 and minor 8 makes it workable. Making it viable for more 6 shooters should make for more participation. 165PF for major .40 and up, 110 PF for major for sub .40 (.38)? Sorry, that would be leaving the 8 shooters out. We'd lose some potential ICORE folks but there are a lot more Model 10 Smith's out there than Model 627's. And, no way would I agree to drop PF down to 110. We'd have to change how we calibrate steel and some just doesn't want to be set that light. To be blunt, and this is only me speaking, it's not worth it to make that much of a change to cater to what is likely less than a 100 shooters it would effect. Listen to this you all. He's telling you how the board is thinking. Get real in your wishes and expectations. This ain't Christmas and Chuck ain't Santa! The revolver shooters are on the naughty list, and we need to do better to make it worth keeping. Maybe that is harsh, but it is realistic. IPSC dropped modified due to low participation and support. If you wanna division for revolver at all, something needs to be tried. Something logical, doable and attractive to the revolver competitor community at large. I honestly don't know what the other BOD members have in mind. We haven't really discussed this since the meeting and all the input came in. The above is my opinion and mine alone.
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